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Just hours ago, we published a breaking report drawing renewed attention to the significance of DNC surveillance footage that the FBI presented to the public in furtherance of its investigation of the January 6 pipe bombs. In late 2022, we published a series of damning articles definitively showing that the FBI was withholding critical DNC surveillance footage from the public, and in all overwhelming likelihood, the footage the FBI presented to the public was deliberately degraded in quality so as to prevent the public from being able to identify the bomber.

In the piece in question from earlier today, we broke the news that we learned from a highly trusted source that a government employee (not the FBI) investigating aspects of the January 6 pipe bomb case went to the DNC and viewed its footage from the evening of the 5th. This government employee reported that he or she definitively and clearly saw on the video the pipe bomber planting the bomb. The employee also did not notice any degraded quality, as is evident in the footage the FBI presented to the public of the pipe bomber on the evening of January 5th. There are a number of critically urgent questions that arise from this explosive information. As we pointed out in our piece from earlier today:

A number of critically important questions and results immediately follow from this. Why, in early 2022, would the DNC keep in its possession its surveillance footage from the evening of the 5th, but delete its footage from January 6th, which would also be important to any investigation? The fact that the government official saw footage that clearly depicted the pipe bomber planting the bomb confirms our reporting that such footage was captured on DNC cameras and that the FBI simply chose to withhold that footage (why on earth would they do that?). That the official reported no problem with frame rate or clarity of the footage strongly indicates that the original footage from the DNC was not of the same degraded quality as the video the FBI ended up presenting to the public. If this is true, it suggests that the FBI itself must have tampered with the footage to degrade its quality before releasing it to the public. There is no innocent explanation for why they would do this, if indeed that’s what happened. It is critically important to find out whether the DNC still maintains a copy of this footage, and if so, to make it public to confirm whether or not the original quality was as degraded as the footage the FBI presented to the public.

BREAKING: Government Source Confirms FBI Dirty Tricks With Key Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Footage as Cover-Up Unravels

As it turns out, it is the following question that is perhaps the most important:

Finally, there’s the odd fact that the government official in question had to go to the DNC to watch the DNC footage, rather than the FBI. If the FBI were in possession of the footage, wouldn’t that be the logical place for another government official to go and watch it? It’s possible that the official simply wanted to go to the source of the footage and got lucky that the DNC hadn’t deleted it yet, like it curiously deleted its footage from J6 (again, why delete J6 footage and hold on to the footage from the evening before?). But is it also possible that the FBI no longer had the footage, perhaps deleted it entirely, and the government official had to go to the DNC to view it? If this is the case, it would be very strange and damning indeed for the FBI to have somehow deleted or lost its footage, especially as early as early 2022 when the FBI claimed this was an active and highest priority investigation.

As luck would have it, we now have an answer to this question, and it is really bad. Congressman Massie’s Office just published a letter that Massie wrote to the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security, which has been investigating the January 6 pipe bomb case with a specific focus on the actions of the secret service.

READ MORE: Secret Service Foreknowledge or Criminal Negligence? Damning New Evidence Surfaces in FBI’s January 6 ‘Pipe Bomb’ Story

BOMBSHELL: Blocked OIG Report Confirms Kamala’s Secret Service Role in Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Cover-Up

According to the letter from the DHS IG, the FBI attested to them in writing that it was no longer in possession of ANY of the DNC surveillance footage in March 2022.

Take a look at the letter below:

Let’s look at that sentence again: The FBI informed the DHS IG on March 18, 2022, that it did not have any video footage from January 6th.

This was presented to the public as one of, if not the highest priority, investigations in all of January 6th, which DOJ authorities made very clear was of utmost importance. And yet, here the FBI is stating in writing that they had no surveillance footage from January 6th pertinent to the pipe bomb. We can only conclude that either the FBI is lying and did have footage, or they’re telling the truth and for some reason deleted the footage. Either way, the result is utterly damning, and Republican leaders need to demand answers regarding this.

The FBI released one round of surveillance footage on March 9, 2021, and another on September 20, 2021. The DNC surveillance footage it released to the public was on the evening of the 5th, when the pipe bomber allegedly planted the bomb. Given that the inquiry specifically references January 6th, it is possible that the FBI still had in its possession the DNC surveillance footage from the evening before, clips of which it released to the public in March 2021 and September 2021, respectively. As bizarre as it seems, however, we have reason to doubt whether the FBI still had in its possession the DNC footage from the 5th. We know that an official from the DHS IG office viewed approximately 45 minutes of DNC surveillance footage from the 5th and did so at the DNC building. The fact that this official did not view the footage at the FBI strongly suggests that either the FBI represented the DHS IG, falsely or not, that they no longer had any footage relevant to the pipe bomb, including footage from the 5th.

This raises some troubling questions. Why didn’t the FBI release the full 45 minutes of footage from the DNC that the DHS IG staffer was able to view? It’s sort of strange that the DNC didn’t have any footage from the 6th, especially when they decided to keep 45 minutes of footage from the 5th. But its beyond strange as to why the FBI wouldn’t have had any DNC surveillance footage or other footage from the 6th. Did both the FBI and DNC delete their footage from the 6th, and if so, when and why? Why did the DHS IG staffer have to go to the DNC building to watch the footage from the 5th? Did the FBI delete that too, and if so, why? And finally, does the DNC still have in its possession the 45 minutes of untampered footage of the pipe bomber planting the bomb on the evening of January 5th?

At this point, it is more than safe to say that the January 6 pipe bomb story is the biggest scandal in the country and that the cover-up involves not only Kamala Harris, the Secret Service, and the Capitol Police but also and especially the FBI. We’re in the final stages of exposing this cover-up. Full speed ahead.