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If you’ve been paying attention to what’s happening in the United States of Injustice lately, you know that Revolver has been on the frontlines, fighting against the lawless regime, especially when it comes to all things January 6-related. Darren Beattie and his investigative team didn’t just expose the feds’ undercover plot at the Capitol, which he aptly dubbed the “Fedsurrection,” they also blew the lid off their pipebomb hoax, opening a Pandora’s Box the regime never saw coming. But it’s been Darren and his team’s relentless pursuit of the “Kamala connection” that sets him aside. Darren and his team are convinced that Kamala’s Secret Service has a lot more to do with this pipebomb hoax than you’re being told. And they lit up the internet recently with a piece that started peeling back the layers on this secret Secret Service story.


The most obvious question is what could possibly account for the casual, lackadaisical, utterly unperturbed demeanor and behavior of the Secret Service and Metro PD officers in question upon being informed of an explosive device right outside the building in which their protectee is housed, and, for that matter, within feet of the agents themselves. To emphasize the seriousness with which the government takes pipe bombs as potential terror devices, it is worth noting that the government officially considers pipe bombs “weapons of mass destruction.”

It is hard to imagine what conditions could account for such a casual, unconcerned reaction on the part of the Secret Service. As pointed out above, even if they are the worst protection detail in the world, willing to completely abandon protocol when apprised of a weapon of mass destruction dangerously close to their protectee, you’d think they’d at least be concerned for their own personal safety. This complete lack of concern indicates that these agents somehow knew or were utterly confident that the bomb was inert and posed no threat, but how could they possibly know that? How could the secret service and metro PD officers be so confident that the pipe bomb wouldn’t pose a danger to themselves, to their protectee, VP elect Kamala Harris, and to the children they cavalierly allowed to walk within feet of the explosive device, and yet somehow the bomb was considered dangerous enough to require a bomb-safe robot to “defuse” only minutes later? Troubling and damning questions indeed.

A Closer Look at the DNC Pipe Bomb Explodes the Official Narrative of January 6th

The observations presented above are scandalous and damning enough as a matter of self-contained analysis. When understood within the broader context of infinitesimally implausible facts surrounding the official version of events for the DNC and RNC pipe bombs, the situation becomes worse still. Revolver News’ assertion, based on the totality of our ground-breaking reporting, that the January 6 pipe bombs constitute one of the two smoking guns of the Fedsurrection (the other being Ray Epps) is more obviously true by the day.

So now let us consider the video presented and analyzed above in light of some of the other facts we know about the DNC pipe bomb. The video discussed above depicts the incredibly bizarre circumstances surrounding the “discovery” of the DNC pipe bomb after Metro PD and Secret Service are informed of its location by an unknown man in a backpack. Note that the man in the backpack walks up to the metro PD car at 1:05 p.m. on January 6th. According to both official reports and DNC surveillance footage the FBI released to the public, the pipe bomber planted the DNC bomb the previous evening, at around 8:00 p.m. on the evening of January 5th. Below is a time-stamped screenshot of surveillance footage depicting the suspected pipe bomber sitting at the benches (the reader will recognize these benches from the video discussed above) getting ready to plant the pipe bomb by the bench at 7:52 p.m.

This is an absolute must-read story. You can delve into it by clicking here:

Secret Service Foreknowledge or Criminal Negligence? Damning New Evidence Surfaces in FBI’s January 6 ‘Pipe Bomb’ Story

There have been several others who’ve done incredible reporting on January 6th and the pipebomb hoax, including the outstanding investigative journalist Julie Kelly, a favorite of the Revolver team. Julie has focused on the injustice and lawfare being waged against J6 political prisoners, covering much of the courtroom drama as well. But she’s also joined forces with Revolver to do some exceptional work on the pipebomb hoax, and thanks to her hard work, along with Revolver’s own Darren Beattie, both earned a well-deserved shoutout from Dan Bongino.

Dan’s episode breaking down Revolver and Julie Kelly’s reporting on the pipe bomb hoax is worth a watch.

This is Julie’s fantastic article from 2022, questioning the sketchy pipebomb story.

American Greatness:

But as the FBI successfully rounded up hundreds of Capitol trespassers using sophisticated tools such as geofence warrants, the trail of the pipe bomber went cold. Grainy footage released by the FBI purportedly showed the pipe bomber in action the night of January 5—the time the agency determined the bombs had been planted—and in March, D’Antuono asked for the public’s assistance in tracking down the bomber.

Anyone who showed an interest in making explosives prior to January 5, 2021, or possessed galvanized pipe, wire, and “multiple kitchen timers” should be turned in to the FBI, D’Antuono said in a dramatic video message, even if the person was a relative or friend.

But more than a year later, not only has a suspect not been identified or caught, the pipe bomb story gets weirder and weirder.

Politico recently reported that Kamala Harris was inside the DNC headquarters at the same time the explosive sat outside the building. Harris, who inexplicably left the Capitol around 11:30 a.m. on January 6 after attending an intelligence briefing, choosing not to participate as a U.S. senator in the certification of her own historical election, was evacuated out of the DNC headquarters by the Secret Service at 1:14 p.m., several minutes after Capitol police inspected the building after the RNC bomb was found.

Dan correctly pointed out that without these two warriors, the American people would still be in the dark about what’s really happening with the pipebomb hoax and the entire January 6th scheme.

On top of that, Darren and his team recently dropped another bombshell, this time covering the Kamala angle and blowing the lid off the pipebomb hoax from yet another direction. Their report reveals that Kamala’s Secret Service team played a role in the hoax.


Nearly a week ago, we ran a bombshell piece based on the DHS’ Office of Inspector General (OIG) Report that turned out to confirm numerous aspects of our ground-breaking coverage on the January 6 pipe bomb hoax, including new information indicating that Kamala Harris’ own Secret Service detail at the very least participated in a cover-up of this hoax. Likely on account of its utterly damning and inconvenient contents, the OIG report had been assiduously suppressed at the orders of the highly corrupt and political DHS head, Alexander Mayorkas, of open borders fame. In fact, at the time that we published our own expose based on this report, the report was still non-public. Days later, the report became public for all to see, confirming our reporting on its contents and then some. Readers can find the full report here.

Amazingly, the media has responded to the release of this report with near total silence, a near complete blacklist of coverage. In fact, the media blackout is so startling that one wonders why DHS head Mayorkas bothered suppressing the report for so long in the first place. After all, what’s the point in suppressing a report that the media dutifully refuses to cover anyway? Julie Kelly, whose excellent research, along with our own, collectively exhausts the media’s interest in the Fedsurrection scandal, has a recent piece up helpfully documenting the media’s studied lack of interest in this latest OIG report. On the one hand, the media’s silence shouldn’t be anything surprising or even noteworthy; after all, we’ve been around the block a few times, and it’s nothing new for the media to slavishly cover for the regime.

Of course, the media wouldn’t want to amplify an OIG report that casts additional suspicion at the Secret Service, already under scrutiny since the narrowly avoided (and still unexplained) assassination attempt against Trump, let alone a report that lends credence to the reporting of outlets such as ours that have exposed key elements of the January 6 story as a hoax. Nonetheless, the OIG report also confirms the fact that Kamala Harris, as the VP-elect, came within 20 feet of the January 6th pipe bomb, and it is somewhat odd that the same media that has been desperate to sell the narrative of January 6 as a deadly terrorist attack wouldn’t jump at the chance to report that Kamala Harris, the Democrat nominee, narrowly escaped death from the January 6th pipe bomb.

The strangeness of the media’s silence on this point only recapitulates the strangeness of Kamala’s own silence; indeed, especially in light of the near assassination attempt on Trump, you would think Kamala should be eager to let everyone know that she too narrowly escaped political assassination. And yet, as we’ve said repeatedly, Kamala’s narrow escape from death by “MAGA Jan 6 pipe bomb” is curiously not her number one talking point, as we might expect, but her most carefully guarded secret. The true nature of the pipe bomb situation must really be damning for Kamala to forego the political advantage of talking about it, and those who have followed our ground-breaking reporting on the issue know that the facts are damning, indeed.

This is another must-read that will help you see how all the pieces fit together:

SILENCE: How Much Longer Can Media Ignore Damning OIG Report Confirming Kamala’s Secret Service’s Role in Pipe Bomb Hoax?

Steve Baker and Joseph Hanneman over at The Blaze also get credit for chasing down the January 6 pipe bomb footage, as they published a piece three days ago reporting that the FBI was withholding the key security video that Julie Kelly uncovered.

Further, you can check out our library of January 6th articles that cover everything from the mysterious and sketchy Ray Epps to the convoluted pipe bomb hoax by clicking here:

The Essential Revolver News January 6 Reading List