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It’s June, and that means it’s that time of year again, when the regime metaphorically puts a gun to everyone’s head and forces them to worship and celebrate homosexuality. That’s the bad news. The good news is that Americans are pushing back against the state-run homosexuality religion with non-violent protests that definitely get the message across. They’re performing “burnouts” on pride murals as a way to signal to officials that they’re fed up with being dictated what they can and can’t worship. This is America, after all. If we can burn US flags and mock Christianity with impunity, shouldn’t we also be allowed to express our dissent against the pride flag?

RELATED: You can burn an American flag, but if you deface the gay flag, the regime will put you in prison…

Maybe it’s time for these cities to get a clue and realize that Americans don’t want to “celebrate” a sexual lifestyle like it’s some kind of religious holiday.

A pride street mural was recently installed in Delray Beach, Florida, and in no time, it was marked with tire tracks. Who cares? It’s a road—it should have tire marks. The people who left them there are heroes, not felons. They’re making a statement, and that statement resonates with a lot of people who are tired of having this kinky lifestyle stuffed down their gullets while traditional values are mocked by the left.

Well, it didn’t take long for the arrest to come.

Breanna Morello: 

19-year-old Dylan Brewer was charged with a felony for allegedly doing burnouts on the alphabet community’s mural in Delray Beach, Florida.

They claim he caused over a $1,000 in damages, but the alleged tire marks have vanished.

Now the mural is being painted over prior to Dylan’s trial.

@dylanbrewer_18 is still charged with that felony, according to his lawyer.

This wave of civil disobedience is sweeping across the country, with people engaging in non-violent protests against gay pride street murals. Those participating in these peaceful demonstrations deserve our respect and honor, not demonization. It’s a “burnout” on the street, not murder. Yet, this is a perfect example of how the left has successfully exaggerated, twisted, and mutated the definitions of “hate” and “violence.” Now, simply disliking a street mural and burning rubber on it qualifies as a hate crime. Meanwhile, tearing down our country’s history and torching our traditions is celebrated as “progress.” Americans are fed up with this ludicrous double standard and are pushing back in small yet significant ways.

And they’re really shoving it down our throats at every turn. Can you blame people for being fed up with all this rainbow glory?

It’s amazing, isn’t it? During the Christmas season, Christians can’t get a nativity scene up without an all-out fight because we’re told it’s not “inclusive.” But every June, pride street murals are painted and displayed with quickness, without any concern for “inclusivity,” because apparently kinky homosexuality is for everybody, or something like that.

Meanwhile, once again, Republicans drop the ball and are allowing these insane hate crime charges to fly in the so-called “free state” of Florida.

The bottom line is this: never forget that the official state religion—homosexuality—is always promoted by the regime. Everything else is ignored or demonized accordingly, and those who stand up against this type of “single-minded thinking and Sharia Law” tyranny are modern-day heroes and should be commended, not condemned. America is supposed to be the land of the free, where thinking differently and holding unique opinions are celebrated. Nowadays, though, the only opinions deemed “acceptable” are those approved by the regime. This is a major problem and goes against everything we stand for, and that’s why these “burnouts” are so incredibly important.