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Well, they don’t call him “Chip Soy” for no reason, that’s for darn sure. Chip Roy, a DeSantis supporter and a congressman from Texas, had a full-blown meltdown over the eviction of liar and turncoat Kevin McCarthy. Roy, who, like Trey Gowdy, is known for being all talk and little action, directed his anger at MAGA. This eruption came after Matt Gaetz, a staunch Trump supporter, took down Kevin McCarthy for making secret backroom deals with Biden and Schumer over Ukraine while failing to uphold other promises he made to the American people. We’ve previously featured Chip Roy on Revolver, revealing his role as an establishment figure who played a critical early part in the four-year (failed) effort to remove Trump-supporter Ken Paxton from office.

ICYMI: Rep. Chip Roy of Texas has been trying to destroy AG Ken Paxton for nearly 4 years…


Rep. Chip Roy of Texas has never been a “Trump enthusiast.” But he’s flown under the radar, kind of like Trey Gowdy. Chip, like Trey, is known for his fiery rhetoric that’s not always backed up by actions. He has a penchant for delivering impassioned speeches on the House floor, unapologetically telling Biden and others to “go to hell.” He also earns a lot of PR points with his unwavering stance on the U.S. border issue. However, when it comes to concrete achievements, many critics label Chip Roy as a closeted NeverTrumper who offers more talk than substance. Consequently, it didn’t come as a shock when Chip threw his support behind Governor Ron DeSantis for the 2024 race instead of endorsing President Trump. However, what truly astonishes us is how Rep. Chip Roy targeted the tough and popular Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in 2020, during the very beginning stages of the Bush-led impeachment plan.

Back in 2020, when the assault on Ken Paxton initially unfolded, Rep. Chip Roy of Texas wasted no time in issuing a statement urging Ken Paxton to step down. Who needs evidence or proof these days? All it takes is a few allegations from so-called “whistleblowers,” and everyone rushes into action. One would expect that we would have learned our lesson from the Russia hoax and both impeachments against President Trump, but regrettably, establishment figures like Chip Roy don’t seem to appreciate those type of lessons.

Well, Chip is at it again, and like many other establishment sleepers and moles in the GOP, he’s ripped the mask off and gone full banshee against MAGA.

National Pulse:

Texas Congressman and Ron DeSantis surrogate Chip Roy had a full-blown meltdown at the “MAGA camp” after Kevin McCarthy’s ouster as Speaker of the House of Representatives by Matt Gaetz, comparing himself to a soldier on D-Day and urging the Florida Governor to “restore order”.

“Some of our brothers and sisters, particularly in the, uh, you know, MAGA camp, I think, particularly enjoy the circular firing squad,” he said of McCarthy’s removal for failing to honor his commitments to America First conservatives on spending, border security, the Ukraine war, and impeaching Joe Biden.

“You want to come at me and call me a RINO? You can kiss my ass,” he seethed to Steve Deace, a fellow DeSantis booster, who recently said America’s Founding Fathers are “in Hell for all of eternity” because they did not “repent of owning slaves”.

“I have laid it all on the line, I’ve not seen my family for two days in the last 30 days. You go around talking your big game and thumping your chests on Twitter? Yeah, come to my office and come have a debate, mother!”

“I’m not gonna give up, I’m not gonna go to a nunnery, because God damn it there are people who are buried over in Normandy who deserve us to stand up for what they fought for,” Roy railed, adding that “all of you fuckers out there who are out there saying what you’re saying out on social media, you stick it! I’m going to go down to the floor and do my job, and I’m going to stand up for the people who fought for this country.”

“What happened to a country where we can’t even have order? You want to know what Ron DeSantis should be talking about, is being the Governor who can restore order as President of the United States,” he added.

Deace, in the clip below, also admits to being “paid to care,” about politics.

Chip Roy is under the very bizarre and misguided impression that our military fights for Kevin McCarthy and Ukraine’s honor. Somebody should explain how the U.S. military actually works to the confused and rage-filled Rep. Roy.

NeverTrumpers are starting to get very anxious and angry as more and more polls show that Trump is dominating the field in historic ways. This most recent poll should be the end of everyone’s campaign, as it shows Trump holding a 65% lead and everyone else, including DeSantis, in single-digits.

Clearly, Chip Roy sees the writing on the wall for his candidate and is also seething over the ouster of McCarthy, firmly placing the blame on MAGA. Maybe it’s time for the good people of Texas to give Chip the “McCarthy” treatment?