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Just days before the fourth anniversary of the so-called insurrection, the Congressional House Oversight Committee released a major report on the January 6 pipe bomb scandal that resoundingly confirms multiple key aspects of Revolver News’ reporting on this scandal over the past three and a half years. We at Revolver News have faced tremendous difficulty for breaking the pipe bomb story wide open, and, together with our reporting on the Ray Epps breach, which coincided with the suspicious discovery of the pipe bombs, dismantled the entire Fedsurrection narrative.

Revolver News’ Darren Beattie recently explained some of the implications of this report in an interview that has taken the media by storm (over 6 million views on Twitter and counting).

We were universally reviled in the mainstream media as conspiracy theorists. Google Ads and other programmatic ad services cancelled us; over four different email sending services cancelled us, making it next to impossible to get our reporting out to our mailing list. We’ve received threats, including from Ray Epps himself, who promised to sue (he eventually lost his suit against Fox for having Revolver’s Darren Beattie on to talk about Epps). Perhaps nothing better illustrates the hostility with which Biden’s national security state viewed our reporting on January 6 than the fact that an FBI agent was not only put on leave but had his security clearance revoked simply for sharing our January 6 reporting with colleagues (our understanding is that his clearance and job are now reinstated, thank God).

Of course, the hostility we’ve faced is not because we were peddling a baseless conspiracy theory, but rather because we almost single-handedly destroyed a false narrative about January 6 in which the regime had invested billions of dollars and, arguably, an entire election cycle. Indeed, the false story that January 6 was a deadly terrorist attack and MAGA insurrection served as a key pretext for the national security state to weaponize itself against Trump supporters. We, therefore, welcome such reports as the recent pipe bomb report from Congress’ House Admin Committee—the first full government account of the problems we’ve reported concerning the official pipe bomb story (the Secret Service OIG report touched on this a bit, the DOJ OIG report not at all). Congressman Thomas Massie has done a tremendous job of taking Revolver News’ reporting on the pipe bomb to the next level using his Congressional perch, and we are especially pleased to note Massie’s key role in the creation of the House Admin report on the pipe bomb story.

So, what are the highlights of the Loudermilk-Massie House Admin report in question? The report identifies, confirms, and builds upon many critical deficiencies in the official story concerning the January 6 pipe bomb hoax. First, while careful to avoid speculation and drawing even the most glaring inferences, the report builds and establishes a fact pattern that overwhelmingly suggests that the Secret Service deliberately missed the pipe bomb in its initial sweep on the morning of January 6 prior to then-VP-elect Kamala Harris’ arrival at the DNC building.

And more…

… and still more (this is getting ridiculous)…

… and if the patient reader will indulge just one more:

The report continues with yet more instances of the Secret Service having a glaring opportunity to find the bomb but somehow stumbling over it and missing it.

Of course, these anomalies don’t even address the full weirdness and suspicion of the DNC pipe bomb not being discovered. Quite apart from the Secret Service missing the bomb with 10 agents and multiple canine units is the fact that the DNC bomb, which was allegedly planted the evening of January 5, was sitting in its location for nearly 17 hours before a plainclothes Capitol Police officer “discovered” it—that means that not just the Secret Service missed it, but passersby, motorists, scooter users, pedestrians, et cetera.

As we’ve reported extensively, just as bizarre as the Secret Service missing the bomb is the Secret Service’s reaction when the bomb was finally discovered. The reaction of the agents—who allowed a group of schoolchildren to walk right in the direction of the bomb—clearly indicated that the agents knew in advance the bomb posed no threat (but how would they know that?). The report concludes that this was indeed an inexplicable and flagrant violation of protocol.

READ MORE: Secret Service Foreknowledge or Criminal Negligence? Damning New Evidence Surfaces in FBI’s January 6 ‘Pipe Bomb’ Story

And so on…

… and here’s the reference to the group of schoolchildren allowed to walk by the bomb:

Though the report goes into detail about the anomalies surrounding the Secret Service not finding the bomb and its bizarre and inexplicably suspicious behavior upon the “discovery” of the DNC pipe bomb, the report neglects to go into detail about how bizarre the timing of the discovery of the pipe bombs was. We refer the reader to our extensive early reports on the matter for the comprehensive story, but suffice it to say that there is something indeed very odd about the fact that the pipe bombs were allegedly planted on the evening of January 5, sat in their respective locations for over 16 hours, only to be discovered independently within a 15-minute time frame that perfectly coincides with the Ray Epps-orchestrated breach on the Capitol.

The Loudermilk report does indirectly address the infinitesimally implausible timing scenario by emphasizing the so-called “diversion thesis”—namely, that the timing of the pipe bombs’ discovery was so perfectly synchronized with the attack on the Capitol that the only plausible explanation is that the bombs were not planted to explode but rather to divert resources away from the attack on the Capitol.

The significance of the pipe bombs to how the events of January 6 unfolded cannot be overstated. The evidence suggests that the pipe bomber diverted significant law enforcement attention and resources away from the Capitol at the exact time they were needed most.

The report even specified an interview with a security official who asserted that authorities were unable to reinforce the breach site (where Epps orchestrated a break) with additional bike racks because of the response to the pipe bomb! How convenient!

There is one critical and damning fact about the diversion thesis that remains unsaid in the report. If the pipe bombs were planted with the intention that they wouldn’t be discovered until the 12:52 PM breach the next day, how could the pipe bomber have counted on the bombs remaining undiscovered (including by the Secret Service) until that critical time? If we assume the pipe bombs were innocently discovered by Karlin Younger (who currently works for a “disinformation” company) and a plainclothes Capitol Police officer… was this just the most remarkable coincidence of all time that they each discovered the bombs exactly when they would have to be discovered in order to effect the desired diversion from the Ray Epps-orchestrated breach?

Left unsaid is that the diversion thesis automatically implies a major conspiracy—otherwise, how could the pipe bomber have counted on a plainclothes Capitol Police officer to “randomly” stumble upon the pipe bomb at the exact moment required to effect the diversion? The diversion thesis also implies the following—that the January 6 pipe bomb conspiracy cannot be compartmentalized in a vacuum. If the January 6 pipe bombs were a setup, it was a setup that was synchronized to the deeply suspicious Ray Epps-orchestrated breach—the breach that kicked off the whole event at the Capitol. Thus, the pipe bomb scandal is the foundation of the entire house of cards that is the January 6 Fedsurrection—no wonder the FBI will revoke its employee’s security clearance for merely sharing Revolver News’ reporting on this!

Back to the report, which has other interesting aspects worth highlighting. Over a year ago, we reported on Steven D’Antuono, the public face of the FBI’s pipe bomb investigation, who mysteriously resigned once our reporting took off. He equally mysteriously volunteered himself before the Judiciary Committee upon his retirement. Thomas Massie compiled a number of questions for D’Antuono, one of which was whether the FBI used geofencing technology to identify the pipe bomber. D’Antuono’s response was that they did indeed try, but the telecom data came back corrupted (how convenient).

More recently we did a deep dive into the geofencing question and showed that whether or not D’Antuono was lying, there is simply no innocent explanation for the lack of telecom data given the multiplicity of sources for that information.

READ MORE: Google Could Identify the Jan. 6 Pipe Bomber Tomorrow If It Wanted To

As it turns out, the Loudermilk report reveals that House Admin investigators reached out to all relevant telecom companies, and all of them contradicted D’Antuono’s claim of corrupted data!

Far from corrupted data, it appeared that the FBI did track a number of geofencing leads, many of which led to genuine suspects who were mysteriously dropped.

And this leads us to what is certainly the most damning and interesting part of the Loudermilk report, which is left unsaid in the report itself. That is, the report firmly establishes the existence of a real FBI investigation into the pipe bomb in the first several months after January 6. The FBI interviews hundreds of people, looks at nearby surveillance footage, and pursues geofencing data—in essence, the FBI seems to have done everything consistent with a serious and genuine investigation. But then, all of a sudden, the promising suspects and leads are dropped, and the investigation seems to die completely around May 2021. There are multiple references to highly suspicious suspects who are dropped without any explanation.

See, for instance:

And some more specifics:

Who were all of these people, and how precisely were they ruled out? And why did the FBI stop getting persons of interest around May of 2021? We reported a while back that another agency was investigating the pipe bomb, and in order to review security footage of the pipe bomb location on January 6, the investigating agents had to go to the DNC rather than the FBI—suggesting that either the FBI was not cooperative or, perhaps more likely in light of the information above, that the FBI’s investigation was effectively dead at that time—and that all further publicity gestures such as releasing “new” footage are a faint-hearted attempt to cover up the fact that the FBI hasn’t been seriously investigating this since Spring of 2021.

But things get even more damning when we draw the next logical step from this. Why would the FBI suddenly drop its investigation? Our overwhelming sense, based on the context and available information, is that the FBI conducted a genuine investigation and ultimately found out the identity of the pipe bomber—and that this identity was so embarrassing and so incriminating to the Biden regime that the FBI then proceeded to cover up the identity of the suspect.

If we are indeed right, there will be a paper trail, and it will involve the identities of the suspects who were pursued and mysteriously dropped. It will also, principally, involve knowing the identities of the FBI agents who were most directly involved in the investigation. It is interesting that in D’Antuono’s aforementioned testimony before the Judiciary Committee, in addition to evidently lying (or “miscommunicating”) about the telecom data, he somehow miraculously forgot the names of the agents under him who were most directly involved in the pipe bomb investigation—keep in mind that this was the most important and highest-profile aspect of the very high-profile January 6 investigations on which D’Antuono was the formal lead. To think that he simply forgot the names of these agents is rather remarkable.

The good news is incoming FBI Director Kash Patel will be in a position to identify the agents in question, along with the leads that were mysteriously dropped. The pipe bomb scandal will be Patel’s on a silver platter if he has the courage and inclination to pursue it, which we are optimistic that he will. Time will tell. This is coming to a head soon, and things are about to get interesting after January 20th, when the new administration takes charge. It’s time for the American people to get the truth and accountability they deserve on the January 6 pipe bomb hoax and the Fedsurrection as a whole.

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