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Nearly a week ago, we ran a bombshell piece based on the DHS’ Office of Inspector General (OIG) Report that turned out to confirm numerous aspects of our ground-breaking coverage on the January 6 pipe bomb hoax, including new information indicating that Kamala Harris’ own Secret Service detail at the very least participated in a cover-up of this hoax. Likely on account of its utterly damning and inconvenient contents, the OIG report had been assiduously suppressed at the orders of the highly corrupt and political DHS head, Alexander Mayorkas, of open borders fame. In fact, at the time that we published our own expose based on this report, the report was still non-public. Days later, the report became public for all to see, confirming our reporting on its contents and then some. Readers can find the full report here.

Amazingly, the media has responded to the release of this report with near total silence, a near complete blacklist of coverage. In fact, the media blackout is so startling that one wonders why DHS head Mayorkas bothered suppressing the report for so long in the first place. After all, what’s the point in suppressing a report that the media dutifully refuses to cover anyway? Julie Kelly, whose excellent research, along with our own, collectively exhausts the media’s interest in the Fedsurrection scandal, has a recent piece up helpfully documenting the media’s studied lack of interest in this latest OIG report. On the one hand, the media’s silence shouldn’t be anything surprising or even noteworthy; after all, we’ve been around the block a few times, and it’s nothing new for the media to slavishly cover for the regime.

Of course, the media wouldn’t want to amplify an OIG report that casts additional suspicion at the Secret Service, already under scrutiny since the narrowly avoided (and still unexplained) assassination attempt against Trump, let alone a report that lends credence to the reporting of outlets such as ours that have exposed key elements of the January 6 story as a hoax. Nonetheless, the OIG report also confirms the fact that Kamala Harris, as the VP-elect, came within 20 feet of the January 6th pipe bomb, and it is somewhat odd that the same media that has been desperate to sell the narrative of January 6 as a deadly terrorist attack wouldn’t jump at the chance to report that Kamala Harris, the Democrat nominee, narrowly escaped death from the January 6th pipe bomb.

The strangeness of the media’s silence on this point only recapitulates the strangeness of Kamala’s own silence; indeed, especially in light of the near assassination attempt on Trump, you would think Kamala should be eager to let everyone know that she too narrowly escaped political assassination. And yet, as we’ve said repeatedly, Kamala’s narrow escape from death by “MAGA Jan 6 pipe bomb” is curiously not her number one talking point, as we might expect, but her most carefully guarded secret. The true nature of the pipe bomb situation must really be damning for Kamala to forego the political advantage of talking about it, and those who have followed our ground-breaking reporting on the issue know that the facts are damning, indeed.

READ MORE: Secret Service Foreknowledge or Criminal Negligence? Damning New Evidence Surfaces in FBI’s January 6 ‘Pipe Bomb’ Story

There were a few exceptions to the media blackout on the OIG report, but these exceptions only proved and indeed reinforced the rule of total censorship. The handful of media pieces that did come out on the topic failed to highlight any of the elements of the report that highlight the pipe bomb cover-up as the biggest scandal in recent political history. The allegedly “conservative” National Review, which has desperately attempted to “refute” our Fedsurrection reporting in the past, came out with a write-up on the OIG report that might even make a mainstream journalist blush in its studious avoidance of anything that could smack of the real scandal surrounding this issue.

In light of the OIG report becoming public, it is worthwhile to revisit and elaborate on some of the scandalous findings with direct reference to the language of the report.

First, the report confirms definitively that there was indeed a Secret Service sweep of the DNC prior to Kamala Harris’ arrival at the building.

Let’s unpack the information contained in the above page of the OIG report. We have confirmation that there was a Secret Service sweep of the building between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. on January 6th. More specifically, there is confirmation that not one but two canine teams swept the area, with the exterior canine team confirming that they swept the garage ramp and other areas near the garage entrance. Readers can refer to the picture in the report to see that the garage entrance is no more than 20 feet from the bushes in which the pipe bomb was planted. Even if we leave out the fact that the Secret Service canines are trained to smell explosives miles away and the FBI is on record saying that the pipe bombs had “viable” explosive material, it is simply inconceivable that the Secret Service would have overlooked the pipe bomb in its confirmed sweep.

For additional perspective, consult the following photo, which indicates just how conspicuous the pipe bomb was in its location by a bench near the garage entrance.

Here’s a larger view of the pipe bomb, as it was ultimately discovered later on January 6th (not by the Secret Service canine team conducting a sweep of the area).

The Secret Service canine team that admitted it swept the immediate area of the parking garage claims it somehow missed the bushed area just feet away from the garage. As a cherry on top, the surveillance footage of the area conveniently did not cover the area where the pipe bomb was, and so the Secret Service agent’s claim cannot be confirmed.

Note that this just compounds a number of other damning questions pertaining to the security footage at the DNC. In fact, in an earlier report, we proved definitively not only that the DNC surveillance footage was tampered with, but also that critical parts of that footage are being withheld from the public by the FBI.

Having confirmed that the building was swept prior to Kamala’s arrival and that not one but two canine teams were involved in the sweep, which included the area within feet of where the pipe bomb was conspicuously placed, the Secret Service attempted to offer a reasonably plausible excuse for this unfathomable oversight.

The excuse in this case was that Kamala’s Secret Service team did not have the full explosives ordinance detail that they would normally have. Specifically, there was no USSS/TSD special site coordinator, whose job it normally is to provide additional guidance to canine teams as to where they should sweep. Secondly, there was no EOD team that provided explosives disposal expertise along with other capabilities relevant to canine sweeps.

Kamala’s Secret Service detail did not request a USSS/TSD team, and the OIG report confirmed that this had been the practice for previous visits to the DNC as well, in which, in the absence of the USSS/TSD team, the site agent would provide guidance to the canine teams.


The Secret Service’s excuse for not having an EOD team present is that allegedly it requires 72 hours advance notice to have such a team. As we reported in our earlier piece, the OIG report does everything short of explicitly calling out the Secret Service as liars for providing this excuse. Indeed, the report goes on to refute this excuse by citing several instances of the very same detail enjoying EOD support without the allegedly required advance notice in question.

The fact that the Inspector General here basically catches Kamala’s Secret Service in a lie is certainly important and scandalous in its own right. But it is critical here not to lose sight of the lie within the lie. The fact that the SS detail did not have the additional support is curious and suspicious, but it simply does not account for how the Secret Service detail that was there, which included two canine units, managed to miss the pipe bomb. We cannot emphasize enough how conspicuous the bomb was and how utterly close it was to the garage and area; the detail is on record as having swept. It does not take a special expert to let the canine detail know that that’s an area to sweep.

Take a look again, this time using another image provided within the OIG report, and note just how conspicuous the bomb was. We’re supposed to believe an entire secret service sweep team missed this because they didn’t have EOD personnel? Give me a break.

To make matters even more unbelievable, the OIG report confirms that a Secret Service agent was standing guard by the parking garage for 5 hours and, in that entire time, managed to miss the pipe bomb (shown above).

The fact that Kamala’s Secret Service detail “missed” the pipe bomb during its sweep has to be understood within the broader context of the pipe bomb hoax. If the Secret Service had discovered the pipe bomb during this morning sweep, it could have foiled the whole Fedsurrection plot.


Why is it a big deal that the Secret Service missed the DNC pipe bomb in its initial sweep on the morning of January 6th? Let’s suppose they found the pipe bomb during this morning sweep at around 11:30 a.m. on January 6th. A discovery of an explosive device near the Capitol this early likely would have resulted in beefed-up security in and around the Capitol, and it is very likely that this beefed-up security would have prevented the initial and decisive Ray Epps-orchestrated breach of the West perimeter of the Capitol that occurred at 12:55 p.m.

Instead, something very different happened. Rather than being discovered during the SS canine sweep at 11:30 a.m., the DNC pipe bomb was discovered by a plainclothes Capitol Police officer at 1:05 p.m., barely 15 minutes after Capitol Police began responding to the “RNC pipe bomb” discovered in a back alley by the Capitol Hill Club at 12:40 p.m. by a random pedestrian. In other words, both the RNC and the DNC pipe bombs had been lying in their respective locations, undiscovered, for nearly 17 hours, only to both—independently—be discovered within a narrow 15-minute timeframe that perfectly coincided with the first, decisive Ray Epps-orchestrated breach of the West Perimeter of the Capitol that began at 12:52 p.m.

READ MORE: Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web of Unindicted Operators at the Heart of January 6

More from Revolver:

The synchronicity between the discovery of the DNC and RNC pipe bombs and the unfolding attack on the Capitol was so perfect that former Capitol Police head Steve Sund theorized that the pipe bombs were planted not to detonate but rather to divert critical resources from law enforcement just as the attack on the Capitol was unfolding—a scenario that bears striking resemblance to an oddly and suspiciously specific prediction that came from the office of Trump-hating head of Homeland Security and Intelligence Donnell Harvin’s office.

READ MORE: Meet the Trump-Hating Deep State Official Who ‘Predicted’ J6 Pipe Bombs in Advance

In fact, some security officials are on record as saying that the reason there weren’t more bike rack barriers at the Ray Epps Breach point is that they couldn’t deliver them at the critical moment due to law enforcement responding to the discovery of the pipe bombs! The following is from the official J6 committee report, no less.


Those following our reporting will know that an even bigger scandal than Kamala’s Secret Service not finding the pipe bomb during their initial sweep was their reaction when the DNC pipe bomb was discovered. We encourage readers to get the full, unbelievable story by reading our comprehensive classic piece that dives deep into the surveillance footage.

For summary purposes here, it suffices to say that the surveillance footage reluctantly released by Capitol Police of the DNC pipe bomb’s discovery reveals beyond a shadow of a doubt that Kamala Harris’ Secret Service detail knew the pipe bomb posed no threat in advance, which highlights the disturbing question: HOW would Kamala’s Secret Service be in a position to know this?

Indeed, the Secret Service stands around lackadaisically and even allows a group of schoolchildren to walk right by the bomb before going through the spectacle of having a bomb-safe robot diffuse the bomb minutes later.

Now, back to the OIG report. The report mentions nothing about how utterly damning and strange Kamala’s Secret Service detail’s reaction to the discovery of the pipe bomb was. And there is no mention of the flagrant breach of protocol involved in the fact that they stood around and allowed a group of children to walk right by the bomb.

And finally, we come to yet another flagrant violation of protocol that puts the Secret Service squarely in the cover-up. In light of all the above, the OIG report reveals that the Secret Service fails to log the discovery of the pipe bomb and Kamala’s subsequent evacuation as an “Unusual Protective Event” (UPE) as would be required and expected protocol.

It’s as though the event never happened! The Secret Service did not file an After Action form that would provide details of the security breach and their response to it. According to the OIG report, even the head of the Secret Service acknowledged this was a flagrant violation of protocol.

The cover-up began immediately, it appears.

None of this is surprising to us, but it is a major positive step to have direct confirmation of the details above. In light of our knowledge that Kamala’s own SS detail was in on the January 6 pipe bomb hoax and the cover-up, it is imperative to learn the names of these agents to find out more. Is it possible these agents were also involved in Butler?

And of course, everything serves to highlight and underscore Kamala’s strange behavior in all of this. We have pointed out ad infinitum how bizarre it is that Kamala Harris hasn’t milked her narrow escape from the alleged MAGA January 6 pipe bomb for all it’s worth. Ordinarily, it would seem like Kamala’s narrow brush with deadly terror on January 6 would be the Democrats and the media’s number one talking point regarding January 6, and yet instead, Kamala’s very presence in the DNC building has been their most carefully guarded secret. With the emerging details above, we now have a pretty clear and damning sense as to why.

The media’s studious blackout on this scandal only encourages us to dig deeper. Stay tuned.