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We have maintained for a while now that the January 6 pipe bomb hoax, together with the Ray Epps story, are the twin smoking guns of the January 6 Fedsurrection. Though we have been breaking ground on the pipe bomb story for years now, first bringing it to national attention in early March 2021, the story reached mass popularity after our major report concerning surveillance video depicting the discovery of one of the January 6 pipe bombs outside the DNC complex.

What was immediately striking about the surveillance video was just how utterly unconcerned and nonchalant the Capitol Police, Secret Service, and other detailed law enforcement members on the scene were concerning the newly discovered bomb. After all, this is a device the FBI deemed to be a viable explosive, and the video depicts these officials standing around the potentially dangerous device without even a care in the world—even to the point of allowing a group of schoolchildren to walk right by it. This behavior overwhelmingly suggests that these officials, and Kamala’s Secret Service in particular, somehow knew in advance that the bomb was no threat—but how would they have known that? (Not that that entirely accounts for the flagrant breach of protocol in any case.)

As damning as this footage is in its own right, it is utterly devastating when situated within the broader universe of Revolver News’ overall sweep of coverage of the pipe bomb issue. Indeed, the suspicious behavior exhibited by these officials upon finding the bomb is but one of many utterly incriminating aspects of the January 6 pipe bomb story.

The crux of the January 6 pipe bomb hoax is one of timing. The official story would have us believe that both pipe bombs were planted the evening before, on January 5th, and that after being planted between 7:30 and 8:50 the evening of January 5th, both pipe bombs lay undiscovered in their respective locations for nearly 17 hours, only for each to be discovered independently within a 25-minute timeframe that perfectly coincided with the unfolding Ray-Epps orchestrated breach on the Capitol at 12:53 p.m. on January 6th. The timing was so perfectly synchronized in this respect that many officials, including former Capitol Police chief Steve Sund, hypothesized that the pipe bombs’ primary purpose was not to detonate but rather to divert critical resources away from the Capitol at the critical moment of the (Ray Epps-orchestrated) breach. The remarkable timing, of course, certainly suggests this, and it would make sense if the people who discovered the pipe bombs were in on the plot.

But the problem is that the people who discovered the pipe bombs were not Trump supporters. Karlin Younger, who currently works for a government contractor that tracks harmful “disinformation narratives” online, was the allegedly random pedestrian who found the first bomb near the RNC building. The DNC bomb, conveniently found barely 25 minutes later, was stumbled upon by a plain-clothed (undercover) Capitol Police officer. So back to the timing: was the pipe bomber just the luckiest guy in the world that the pipe bombs he or she planted the evening before were conveniently undiscovered for nearly 17 hours, and each just happened to be discovered within that very narrow window that could affect the bomber’s alleged diversionary plan? This seems infinitesimally unlikely. But this forces us to ask some dark and disturbing questions about the people who found the bombs and the circumstances under which they were found.

One of these questions, particularly in relation to the DNC pipe bomb, is how it was possible that it hadn’t been discovered earlier. The photo below confirms just how utterly conspicuous it was—it is hard to believe that it would have been missed for nearly 17 hours by motorists, pedestrians, security, and the Secret Service itself. In the sweep, it is on record AND on video as having been conducted.

Not only were there two canine units sweeping the area, but the area was crawling with law enforcement, including a Secret Service agent who stood near the garage entrance for 5 hours.

Surveillance footage released by Julie Kelly suggests an answer to this mystery. Perhaps the reason the pipe bombs hadn’t been found earlier is that they were not in fact planted when the FBI says they were, but were in fact planted very shortly before being magically and conveniently “discovered” right as the attack on the Capitol was unfolding.

In the most interesting piece of footage, a man from Kamala Harris’ Secret Service detail can be seen walking right in the direction of where the pipe bomb allegedly already was. There is simply no way this individual wouldn’t have seen the pipe bomb if it were already there, but the footage suggests that he may have planted the bomb.

Especially in light of this footage, the idea that the bomb was planted close to where it was found makes sense. If it is critical to have the pipe bombs “discovered” just as the Capitol attack was unfolding, why risk having a bomb out in the open to be discovered prematurely? As we’ve stated before, if pipe bombs were discovered the morning of January 6, this likely would have resulted in heightened security at the Capitol. It was only the near simultaneity of the breach of the Capitol and the discovery of the bombs that could create the chaotic “diversion” effect desired by the official narrative, whereby there weren’t enough resources to fight the Ray Epps breach because of the pipe bomb.

In order to not leave anything to chance, the pipe bomb plotters would be far better off planting the bombs much closer to the time that they would be “discovered.” The mysterious man in the video above gets out of the car at 12:51 p.m. At this point, the first pipe bomb was already “discovered” by Karlin Younger, and this is right around the time that someone would want to plant the second DNC bomb to be conveniently discovered by an undercover Capitol Police officer at 1:05 p.m.

The possibility that the pipe bombs were planted much later than the FBI has told us is something we have entertained for quite some time. It gains additional credence by virtue of our earlier reporting definitively proving that the FBI is withholding critical footage that would show if indeed the person they say is the pipe bomber planted the bomb.

We encourage readers to take a look at this slam-dunk video.

If the pipe bombs were planted on January 6th, it of course means the surveillance footage provided by the FBI allegedly depicting the pipe bomber planting the bombs the evening before is staged footage.

But that’s the least of the regime’s worries. Whether or not the bombs were planted on the 5th or the 6th, the perfect synchronicity between the discovery of the bombs and the Ray Epps breach means that once the house of cards comes down on the pipe bomb, it cannot be contained. The pipe bomb hoax connects like a damning lego to the Ray Epps-fed saturated breach on the west perimeter of the Capitol that took place at 12:52 p.m. But if the pipe bombs are a hoax and the Ray Epps-orchestrated breach was instigated by inauthentic actors operating in concert with the pipe bomb hoaxers, the entire official narrative of January 6 crumbles.

But it gets even better, as the key players and institutions associated with the pipe bomb hoax include none other than Kamala Harris and the United States Secret Service.

We are at the bleeding edge of this rapidly developing and critically important story.