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A young Ohio mother was brutally killed by three black thugs during a carjacking as she tried to protect her young child. In a tragic turn, she was run over by her own car, with her 6-year-old still inside.

National Conservative:

Alexa Stakely, 29, was slaughtered during a carjacking in Columbus, Ohio.

Thugs stole her car and ran then her over with it while her 6-year-old son was still in it.

She was a speech therapist for Canal Winchester Schools. Police hunting for three Black males caught on video.

Here is Alexa, pictured with her young child:


The Columbus Dispatch:

Columbus police are looking for two male suspects in connection with the death of a mother who tried to stop them from stealing her car with her 6-year-old son inside at a Southeast Side apartment complex.

The Franklin County Coroner’s office confirmed Alexa Stakely, 29, died Thursday morning at Mount Carmel East Hospital.

Columbus police said that Stakely went around 1:30 a.m. Thursday to the 6300 block of Blue Knoll Drive at the White Oak Park Condominiums to pick up her son from a babysitter. She brought the sleeping boy out to her Honda-CRV, which she left running, while she met the babysitter in the doorway to get the boy’s belongings, police said.

As Stakely began to return to her vehicle, she saw someone inside beginning to back out onto the road. Stakely ran out toward the Honda and was heard screaming for her child and telling the driver to stop.

At some point, police said the Honda hit Stakely and knocked her to the pavement, suffering a “fatal wound” to her head. The child was unhurt

Just another deadly day in Joe Biden’s America, where the bad guys rule the roost. The police have released video footage of the three thugs who brutally murdered this young mother.

It’s interesting how everything in this video is crystal clear except for the three monsters who slaughtered this poor woman. How do the authorities expect us to identify these blurry figures? It’s an interesting question.

NBC News: 

Soon after George Floyd’s murder last year and the ensuring protests for Black lives, the Sacramento Bee reversed a long-standing reporting practice: It ceased posting mugshots and surveillance footage of alleged crimes that overwhelmingly incriminate Black and brown men.

“We just felt like running photos feeds into stereotypes of who is committing crimes and undermines the argument of ‘innocent until proven guilty,’” Ryan Lillis, the Bee’s assistant managing editor, said.


In recent years, a growing number of local publications have begun questioning how their reliance on law enforcement for information — from identifying details of suspects to when and where crimes occur — have contributed to the hyper-criminalization and over-policing of Black and Latino communities.

And mugshot galleries, a crime story staple for more than a century, have been a flashpoint in this media reckoning on race.

So, once again, it looks like this might be a case of protecting the bad guys, all to push a PC fantasy that ignores the violent crimes that blacks are committing at a frightening pace. We recently covered a story that highlighted the growing violent outbursts coming from the black community, namely in public on cruise ships, airports, and even Disney Land.


The first rule of Carnival Fight Club? You don’t talk about Carnival Fight Club. Seriously, if you bring up the frequent brawls on this budget cruise line and identify who’s mainly involved (black people), you risk being instantly branded a “racist” simply for acknowledging the very clear and obvious pattern. It’s a classic case of “don’t believe your lying eyes.” The Marxist PC culture urges us to overlook what’s truly happening and stick to the regime’s narrative du jour. But let’s be clear: the truth and facts aren’t racist—they’re just reality. Discussing them is essential. It’s similar to how people avoided talking about Joe Biden’s cognitive decline. It wasn’t considered “polite” to mention that the so-called “president” is a raging dementia patient; it was seen as rude and insensitive. So, everyone pretended everything was fine, and look where that’s gotten us. But this taps into the very core of the left’s DEI agenda, which sidesteps excellence in favor of charity. As Americans awaken from their long slumber and crave authenticity, it’s time to address the real issues. Let’s discuss what’s actually happening—not from a place of hate, but from a standpoint of ‘Here’s the reality; how can we improve this? Let’s discuss how black people are literally destroying the Carnival Cruise Line brand.

Since 2022, Carnival’s stock has taken a nosedive. What used to be a value-driven, family-friendly, and singles cruise line has now degraded into what many are calling the “Walmart” of cruising—marked by bloody brawls and block party hoodlum antics. Folks are now wondering why Carnival has gone full “ghetto.”

You can read the entire compelling piece by clicking here:

It’s time to have a discussion about how black people are destroying Carnival Cruise Line…

There appears to be a growing problem with violence and unrest in the black community, and rather than spotlighting the issue and discussing how many criminals these days feel emboldened by Soros-backed DAs and officials who are soft on crime, the media seems to be downplaying it. This downplay is a disservice, and it’s costing innocent lives.

It just goes to show that in today’s day and age, with diversity running rampant and prosecutors cracking down on Trump supporters while letting actual criminals run rampant, you can never truly relax.