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Steve Bannon, an American hero, is about to become even more of a powerhouse after his stint in the regime’s political gulag. Heading to prison today, July 1st, Bannon is defiant, giving the double salute with both fingers up. He’s earned mad respect from the J6 political prisoners and has left a clear final message for those of us still fighting the good fight against this overreaching regime.

Steve Bannon turned up the “heavy metal” vibe in his recent ABC interview, taking the reins and steering the conversation from start to finish like a true maestro.

Joe Allen:

This ABC interview is heavy metal as all hell. Bannon controls the frame from start to finish. Jonathan Karl is left squeaking in the pit bull’s jaws.

Every time Karl comes with some limp “gotcha” question or a schoolmarm accusation, Bannon cuts him off and chews on that lil’ rat’s brain.

“Heads on pikes?” *squeak, squeak*

Bannon rolls his eyes and reminds Karl what town he’s in.

“Victory or death?!” *squeak!!*

Bannon schools Karl on the crazy concept of a historical reference — Scipio Africanus, Horatio Nelson, and William B. Travis all used the phrase.

“Election DENIAL!!!” *SQUEAK!!*

Bannon: “Have you asked a Democrat this question? Yes or no? The answer’s no.”

These media rats should know that when Bannon emerges from prison, the pit bull’s gonna be hungry.

They want to silence him because he’s so effective, and they fear him. We called out the regime’s lawfare and saluted Steve Bannon’s relentless war against the tyrannical filth that’s infested our government.


Bannon is one of the smartest, most fearless, and most effective opponents the deep state has, so it is no wonder they want to see him in prison. After leaving a highly successful stint as co-founder at Breitbart, Bannon became head of Trump’s campaign in 2016, helping Trump win one of the most remarkable political upsets in American history—a race that will define the patriotic movement for decades to come. Now, of course, Bannon’s voice is as influential as ever, as evidenced by the formidable power of Steve Bannon’s War Room program. It is not coincidental that the regime wants him in prison rather than speaking to millions of Americans every day from his perch at the War Room.

Rest assured, Bannon does not give up. He is as tough and determined as they come and has more than earned his “honey badger” monicker.

Something tells us that Bannon, War Room, and the Trump movement will only get stronger as a result of these malicious prosecutions.

Then comes retribution.

Please send your prayers to Steve Bannon. But as Steve says, say a prayer for his enemies as well; they will need them more.

You can read the entire powerful piece here:

In Shameful Act of Desperation, Regime Will Throw Steve Bannon Behind Bars Come Monday…

Bannon and Peter Navarro are both being punished by the regime for refusing to comply with the sham J6 subpoena.


Steve Bannon, a former Donald Trump White House strategist, is set to report to a federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut, on Monday to begin a four-month sentence for defying a congressional subpoena.

Bannon will be the second former Trump aide to be imprisoned for a contempt of Congress conviction after Peter Navarro began serving a four-month sentence earlier this year.

Both men were convicted for not complying with subpoenas issued to them by the now-defunct House Select Committee that investigated January 6, 2021. The Supreme Court on Friday denied a long-shot effort by Bannon to avoid reporting to prison while he challenges his conviction before the federal appeals court in Washington, DC.

Bannon has said that he was not thumbing his nose at the House committee but rather relying on advice from his attorneys to not respond to the subpoena until lawmakers worked out Trump’s claims of executive privilege in the matter. Courts did not allow him to argue that to the jury that decided his case.

The conservative podcaster has remained a staunch Trump ally and is a vocal supporter of his presidential reelection bid.

Eric Holder and Merrick Garland managed to dodge legitimate congressional subpoenas and stay out of the big house. No surprises there, right? It’s just another part of the “two-tier” anti-justice system that the left uses to twist the US into a convoluted mess that resembles North Korea.

On June 28, 2012, Eric Holder made history, but not in a good way. He became the first US Attorney General to be held in both criminal and civil contempt by Congress. And guess what? Nothing came of it. Fast forward twelve years, and we’ve got US Attorney General Merrick Garland playing by his own rules, defying House subpoenas while locking up two Trump officials for the same charge. Garland is a political tool, destroying the DOJ’s and America’s credibility, both at home and abroad.

Across America, all freedom-loving folks are backing Bannon, and Peter Navarro too. Speaking of letters, Bannon’s made a final request: no mail, please. He’s not planning on reading or replying to any letters. Instead, Bannon wants all eyes on the prize—taking back the White House.

Jayne Zirkle:

🚨Bannon Urges Posse to Focus on Victory, DO NOT SEND ANY LETTERS. THEY WILL NOT BE READ: There is no substitute for victory!

“I will not be reading your letters. I’m not going to take a second to read them because I don’t want you taking time to write a letter. I want you to get to work. This is all about victory. There is no substitute for victory here. You know that, and I know that. Use your time and resources wisely. Your time is not for sending me some missive in prison that I’m not going to read. You know I’m not going to read it because, aside from my job in prison, I’ll be spending the rest of my hours working towards total and complete victory.”


These are the words of a true patriot who is selfless and deeply devoted to his country. What the regime is doing—silencing political dissent and one of the strongest voices of the leading 2024 candidate—is the kind of stuff you’d expect to see in Russia, North Korea, or Iran, not here. This tyrannical regime is exactly what our Founding Fathers warned us about. And while their two-tier anti-justice lawfare agenda is unfair, immoral, and downright un-American, remember this—they’re a crumbling regime, making desperate, wild moves that are unexpectedly fueling our movement. Keep the fight alive; do Bannon proud. Stay focused on the White House and never lose sight of the prize.

Bannon is a political rockstar, and he’s just getting warmed up…