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Recently, Steve Bannon had Revolver’s own Darren Beattie on the War Room show, and together they exposed Nikki Haley’s latest 2024 plot. That’s right, you thought she had slithered away, didn’t you? Nope. It turns out she’s just been lying in wait, ready to pounce.


Well, if you thought you had heard the last of Nikki Haley after she slithered out of the campaign, tired of being humiliated by the American people over and over, you were sadly mistaken. She’s back, or better yet, according to Revolver’s Darren Beattie, she never actually left. She’s just regrouping for her next big 2024 move. That’s what Darren and WarRoom’s Steve Bannon discussed in depth when they uncovered what Nikki is up to with her next sneaky 2024 move and all the people lining up to fund her and her latest schemes.

Well, Steve is back, and this time he’s teaming up with Senator Tommy Tuberville, and together these two have pieced together the Dems three-part strategy to take 2024. It involves the following options:

  1. Lawfare against President Trump and all his allies to take them off the chessboard.
  2. Outright steal the election like 2020 with fraudulent mail-in balloting, ballot harvesting, and drop boxes.
  3. Wag the dog by starting World War III with Russia.


For those that don’t know, here’s what “wag the dog” means.


Wag the dog is, as a political term, the act of creating a diversion from a damaging issue usually through military force. It stems from the generic use of the term to mean a small and seemingly unimportant entity (the tail) controls a bigger, more important one (the dog). It is usually used by a politician when they are in a scandal, in hopes that people forget about the scandal and focus on the more important issue. The phrase originates in the saying “a dog is smarter than its tail, but if the tail were smarter, then it would wag the dog.”[1] The concept has strong intersections with many other aspects of Diversionary foreign policy, particularly the rally ’round the flag effect, as wag the dog actions tend to both distract and seek to bolster support through these actions.

The logic is that if Joe Biden starts World War III with Russia, then the American electorate will decide that they don’t want to make a change in the middle of a war. Senator Tuberville, as he explains above, thinks that is exactly what might happen.

There’s a lot more to the amazing interview, however. We love how Senator Tuberville shared the story of his father, who, at just 16, lied about his age to join the Army and stormed the beaches at Normandy. He also shared his thoughts on the military recruiting crisis and his concerns about the military’s apparent disinterest in Southerners. You can watch the entire captivating interview here:

We all know by now that the Democrats aren’t just going to roll over and let President Trump claim what’s rightfully his. They’ll throw every possible roadblock in his way—from so-called “pandemics” to sham trials and another epic cheating scam that will make the last one seem like a Sunday stroll in the park. Surprise attacks are the Democrats’ best weapon, so we can’t rule anything out. Everything is on the table when your enemy is at their most desperate. Stay alert, expect the unexpected, and keep fighting.