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Picture this: You’re the mayor of a major US city—let’s say Chicago. A reporter throws you a tough question, and instead of facing the music, you bolt like a cheetah in overdrive. Hard to picture? Well, it actually happened. DEI Mayor Johnson, a staunch supporter of the now-infamous ‘Defund the Police’ debacle, got cold feet when asked about the murder of Officer Luis Huesca.

Luis Huesca was killed in the line of duty by yet another worthless thug who should’ve been behind bars. In a bold move, Huesca’s family promised to publicly call out politicians like Johnson, holding them accountable for their role in his murder. They even barred Mayor Johnson from attending the funeral. Talk about a statement. We covered this story when it first broke.


Why on earth would the family want an anti-cop Democrat at this beloved police officer’s funeral? Contrary to what ABC 7 might claim, there’s nothing “controversial” about the family’s decision. It’s actually a display of common sense and respect for their loved one, whose murder was influenced in part by the Democrats’ failed policies.


This is the way forward, America. We need more public shaming of these corrupt political elites, who face no accountability for their disastrous policies that bring grief, injury, and death to hard-working, decent Americans. God bless this family and all others who bravely stand up and call out these progressive bums for what they truly are: opportunistic political hacks enslaved to the most radical extremists on the left.

RELATED: Family of fallen Chicago police officer vows to publicly shame politicians responsible for his death…

It turns out, the good folks of Chicago elected a mayor who’s practically a walking panic attack—frequent episodes and hospital visits included. Yes, this is the same guy who pushed to defund the police, yet he can barely handle a press question without unraveling like a ball of yarn and running like wet paint.

John Kass News:

Mayor Brandon Johnson had another one of his panic attacks Thursday, running away from reporters like NBC Chicago’s Mary Ann Ahern, who just wanted to ask him–among other things– about his administration pressuring the family of slain Chicago Police officer Luis Huesca, to let Johnson attend his funeral.

Johnson ultimately did not attend, even though he and other officials spilled their petulant, childish drama over the somber event.

He’s a snowflake, a grape who can’t take the pressure of leadership.  And there are just about 100 days until the hard left tear up the Democratic National Convention. What a party it will be.

According to reporting by Fran Spielman of the Sun Times, Johnson’s team tried to push the mourning Huesca family into inviting him to the funeral of the slain officer. I’ve never seen anything so despicable in Chicago politics and most of you know I’ve seen a lot.

If there’s anything lower than that, it’s running away like a whipped dog when you get caught.

He has a coward’s built-in excuse though, he might say Huesca’s mother didn’t understand the bad Spanish of his police officials and aides who initially tried to intimidate her by insisting he had to attend her son’s funeral, that it was mandatory. That it was all lost in translation. He’s craven enough, with his panic attacks, to try it. And he’ll always play the race card if it doesn’t work.

This is the perfect example of a desperate, unqualified man who is in way over his head.

Here’s another angle of Johnson’s panicked sprint:

It’s high time Mayor Johnson traded in his fancy mayoral loafers for a pair of Nikes. With the amount of practice he’s getting, he could be gunning for gold in the 100-meter dash at the next Olympics.