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US Virgin Islands delegate Stacey Plaskett is up in arms over the War Room posse, who have been relentlessly defending President Trump against this blatant election interference, cleverly disguised as trials to “save democracy.” It’s all a sham, and everyone knows it. Sadly, we’ve come to expect this type of behavior from the left. But these days, the right, including Speaker Mike Johnson, are openly and actively helping the left keep these kangaroo trials going by refusing to defund Jack Smith.

RELATED: Steve Bannon literally stands shoulder-to-shoulder with MTG against ‘gutless’ Speaker Johnson…

This has been a thorn in Steve Bannon’s side, and for good reason. Speaker Johnson, like nearly all speakers before him, is betraying his voters while supporting the left’s anti-Trump, globalist agenda.

Bannon has been rallying the troops against Johnson and all the do-nothing Republican lawmakers who are sitting on their hands while the regime runs roughshod over Trump and his allies. But it’s more than just “do-nothing.” These Republicans are either compromised, captured, or outright traitors.

We’ve been covering Speaker Johnson’s and RINO Republicans’ “insider” sabotage.


The FBI is at it again, going after US citizens with a little help from Speaker Johnson and the rest of Congress, who voted to extend the FBI’s 702 FISA powers. Remember, these are the same powers they used illegally against President Trump and his team without ever facing the consequences. Now, they’re back in action, ready to crank up the wiretaps, all thanks to our “captured” lawmakers. As a matter of fact, about 20 minutes before becoming Speaker, Mike Johnson was against the FBI’s warrantless wiretaps. But that stance took a quick turn after the feds got him alone in a locked room and really worked him over.


Now, thanks to Johnson and the rest of the uniparty turncoats in Congress, the FBI is practically drooling over the prospect of spying with impunity on unsuspecting Americans. They’ll likely kick things off with Trump supporters, keep the ball rolling with more Trump supporters, and then really zero in on—guess who?—Trump supporters. You know the drill.

Needless to say, the American people are mad and lashing out. Things are heating up so much, thanks to Bannon and his WarRoom posse, that lawmakers had to hold a hearing today to address the fact that “Trump sycophants” are relentlessly defending him.

Hearing this should do your heart good.

Grace Chong:


“We’re here today simply bc Trump’s sycophants have been taunting the members of this committee on the GOP side & Judiciary Republicans for not doing anything tangible to defend Trump against our judicial system. Lackies like @nataliegwinters, a Trump loyalist and an executive [editor] for Steve Bannon show, have been mocking Chairman @Jim_Jordan leadership of the committee openly…”

You love to see it!

It’s safe to say that Steve Bannon and his War Room posse are right on target. They should keep it up because they’re ruffling all the right feathers and getting results.