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The political divide in this country has escalated to alarming levels, and sadly, it shows no signs of slowing down. The Uniparty regime thrives on keeping Americans at each other’s throats, believing that the more chaos, the better. When corporate America decided to wade into the political arena, things took a really dark turn. Their obsessive support of crooked organizations like BLM and the radical and perverted LGBTQ+ agenda has transformed corporations into instruments of the left. They’ve become political heat-seeking missiles, targeting the American people with precision and intent. In the hysterical Trump era, where the Biden regime behaves as authoritarian as North Korea, American companies are mirroring this disturbing behavior by zeroing in on conservatives with animosity, hostility, and abuse. Take a look at what happened with United Airlines and Texas Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw and his wife. You don’t have to be a fan of Crenshaw’s RINO politics to find this treatment outrageous. It’s clear that he’s being targeted due to his politics because no company that wants to stay in business should treat loyal customers this way.

It all kicked off with Crenshaw’s wife and their dog at the airport. That’s when a ticketing agent completely abandoned all professionalism and treated Mrs. Crenshaw like a domestic terrorist. The situation took an even stranger turn when it came to the Crenshaw family pet. After Dan watched the video, he quickly reached out to a higher-up at United. Brace yourself, because the treatment Rep. Crenshaw received will likely leave your jaw on the floor. Think about this: if they treat a US congressman, someone with a significant platform and the ability to create laws, in this manner, just imagine what they’ll do to a lowly “peasant.”

This couldn’t have come at a worse time for United Airlines. They’re already dealing with a major scandal, thanks to their radical CEO, Scott Kirby, who’s known for his penchant for cross-dressing. It appears that Kirby places more importance on wearing women’s pantyhose than on prioritizing safety and customer service. Revolver has reported extensively on Kirby and United’s nose-dive into Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and the LGBTQ+ madness that is choking this nation.

Have you noticed? The US aviation industry is crashing, both literally and figuratively. It’s like we’re watching the whole airline sector fall apart at the seams: pilots passing away out of the blue, passengers turning flights into WWE-style brawls, doors and windows blowing off mid-flight, and air traffic controllers resorting to Google for on-the-spot training. And when it seems things couldn’t get stranger, there’s the case of the freaky guy leading United Airlines.

Instead of prioritizing essentials like safety and skills, the CEO at United appears to be more concerned with his false eyelashes and jumbo nylons. Think we are joking? We wish we were, folks.

This is Scott Kirby:

This is also rumored to be Mr. Kirby:

However, beyond the CEO’s creepy wardrobe fetish and turning the skies into something resembling a gay “rave,” the real kicker is his obsession with “equity” at the expense of your safety.

And that’s not all. Take a look at this United Airlines pilot, who is leading a committee on DEI initiatives. He’s also a mentally ill crossdresser. How would you like this whacko flying the plane you’re sitting on?

You might be new to this topic, but it’s been on Revolver’s radar for quite a while now. In fact, we started calling out the DEI issue in the airline industry when only the faintest warning signs were beginning to show.

As technology advances, we’re regressing. Why?


The recent accident in Houston is just the latest noteworthy instance in what a major New York Times investigation this summer determined to be “an alarming pattern of safety lapses and near misses in the skies and on the runways in the USA.” According to internal records of the Federal Aviation Agency, the Times reported that these safety lapses and near misses occurred as a “result of human error.” The Times report further revealed that “runway incursions” of the sort described above have nearly doubled, from 987 to 1732, despite the widespread proliferation of advanced technologies.

We no longer focus on excellence; instead, we focus on wokeness.

The aggressive substitution of merit in favor of diversity has led to a so-called competency crisis, jeopardizing not only our ability to generate innovative technology but, in a more dire sense, our ability to simply maintain the proper functioning of various complex systems vital to our existence as a first-world civilization. Despite the superficiality of “diversity” as a matter of rhetoric, the reality of diversity as an ideological, cultural, and legal imperative is not merely cosmetic—far from it.

While a full treatment of this topic would run far outside the scope of this article, we have discussed elsewhere the manner and extent to which the affirmative action regime is embedded deeply into the law, economy, and every major institution in the country.

We highly recommend reading the entire Revolver article. It’s quite an eye-opener, shining a bright light on the actual forces that are tearing apart our aviation industry. Read it here:

Crash Landing: The Inside Scoop About How Covid and Affirmative Action Policy Gutted Aviation Safety

We’ve lost our way, and this issue isn’t limited to just United Airlines or the aviation industry; it’s a widespread problem. The “DEI” mindset, which focuses on skin color, gender fluidity, and sexual orientation over excellence and expertise, is suffocating the vitality and ingenuity of our nation. This trend threatens to injure and kill innocent people until we finally stand up and say, “Enough.” It’s time to shift our focus back to American exceptionalism and end American wokeness.