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Nikki Haley seems to be going to great lengths to look and sound like the biggest establishment puppet candidate in American political history. It’s quite astonishing to watch. One has to wonder why she’s doing it, especially considering that the majority of Republicans despise the old-school GOP “stuffed shirts”—those weak ninnies who are always far too willing to follow the Dems lead. Recently, Nikki announced her support for increasing migrant numbers in the United States, essentially to provide big corporations with cheap labor. As you can imagine, this idea went over like a lead balloon.

RELATED: Nikki Haley caught on camera proving exactly why she’s the worst woman for any job…

Just when you think this absurd woman couldn’t get any more foolish, she unveils yet another bungling idea. This time, Nikki has concocted a sure-fire plan to eradicate the last morsels of free speech in the US. She proposes eliminating all online anonymity and enforcing the use of real names for all internet users, all under the false pretense of “protecting national security.”

Oh, please, give us a break.

If this were to occur, countless individuals would be silenced. Currently, anonymity is the sole shield protecting them from a cancel culture mob intent on destroying their lives, careers, and way of life. Anonymity allows them to express opinions they couldn’t express under their real names. The backlash they would receive isn’t necessarily because their views are wrong, but due to our new vengeful society that weaponizes cancel culture to suppress dissent. Online anonymity is our primary defense against this, and Neocon Nikki wants to eliminate it.

Honestly, this woman could very well be the worst candidate in the history of politics.

READ MORE: Here’s the Never-Ending List of Why Nikki Haley Would Suck as President