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Blake Neff, the former lead writer for Tucker Carlson, recently joined Darren Beattie of Revolver, who was guest-hosting the Human Events podcast in place of Jack Posobiec. The focus of their discussion was on the trans “manifesto” that Steven Crowder brought to light. Blake and Darren concurred that the snippet we’ve seen piques our curiosity and leaves us wanting to delve deeper and understand the full picture regarding this racist, violent woman who was masquerading as a man.

Later, Darren and Blake delved even deeper into the trans hell and the degenerate clown world we’re all living in. The duo argues that what we’re dealing with today bizarrely echoes the Janissary soldiers of the Ottoman Empire—a symbol of decay in a once formidable force. Revolver News has published an extensive piece on this comparison that has gone viral, and it’s definitely worth a read.

RELATED: Tranissaries: The Trans Movement’s Striking Parallels to a Dark and Forgotten Practice in the Ottoman Empire

Blake and Darren also delved into the nature of government overreach that could compel people to subscribe to the ludicrous notion of men and women whimsically ‘swapping’ genders.

The conversation then shifted to the current regime’s increasing failure to manage and maintain complex systems, attributing it largely to this cockamamy notion that “diversity” should overshadow the pursuit of excellence.

Darren and Blake stepped up on Human Events, keeping us all in the loop about the administrative state’s real schemes, and they didn’t hold back in calling out their plot against we, the people.