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It can get tiresome to continually point out the trash that is our regime-run media. It feels like we’re Chatty Kathy dolls, repeating the same phrase endlessly. But we all know by now how wretched and partisan these media hacks are. Yet, a crucial part of this ongoing battle is to express outrage at every shady move they pull and call them out. The media wants to normalize their behavior, hoping you’ll just accept their “truth” and stop pushing back. That’s exactly why we won’t stop highlighting their actions, like a broken record, because the way to defeat this toxic media isn’t by ignoring them—it’s by relentlessly exposing them to the bright light of truth, until they’re left shouting into the void.

In fact, we just covered a story on Jack Smith’s latest bid to gag President Trump. Could this spark a “false flag”? Many believe so, and for good reason.


There’s a lot of buzz online about potential “false flags” on the horizon. It’s not surprising, really, given that it’s an election year and the regime is probably eager to unleash every tactic under the sun to disrupt the 2024 election. Among the strategies likely in play, “false flags” are expected to justify the barrage of wild propaganda the regime and their media goons are throwing out there. What many don’t realize, however, is that the foundation of this false flag, or basically any anti-Trump strategy, is a little something known as stochastic terrorism. This tactic remains one of the primary weapons the regime uses against Trump and his allies, and they’re ramping it up once again, full-force.

Ironically, we covered this issue last year. We were dialed into what the regime was up to and how they were grooming “stochastic terrorism” as their new go-to “catchphrase” in order to label everything and everyone in the Trump universe as a potential terror threat. According to the regime and their media flunkies, our daily political debates aren’t about fact-finding or exchanging ideas; they claim we’re just trying to fan the flames of hate and violence. That’s part of the “stochastic terrorism” contrived pretext that’s weaved throughout so many of their attacks.

Investigative reporter Julie Kelly has been all over Jack Smith like white on rice, and the lies and schemes are piling up.

We encourage you to read the Revolver piece. It’s brimming with crucial revelations. Dive in here and see for yourself:

Potential ‘false flag’ incoming to justify Jack Smith’s ‘significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger’ claim in Trump gag order…

That brings us to this latest story. Professor Turley has been keeping a keen eye on all the legal shams swirling around President Trump. He’s pointed out something that many of us have also noticed: the media has been playing the role of white knights, defending Manhattan Judge Merchan to the death while simultaneously unleashing the fire of a thousand suns on Trump-appointed Judge Cannon.

What’s truly amazing is that they don’t even try to hide it anymore; the gloves are off, and so are the masks.

Turley is spot on, and as we’ve noted before, many of you have probably caught on to this game. However, it’s less about media “hypocrisy” and more about calculated manipulation. Labeling them as “hypocrites” almost excuses them, suggesting they might be unaware of their wrongdoing. Make no mistake—they know exactly what they’re doing. This is all part of their deliberate agenda to dismantle anything “Trump” by any means necessary. Turley does discuss the obvious, but he also points out some interesting tidbits that some of you may not have caught.

Jonathan Turley:

The politicians, the press, and pundits are in a feeding frenzy around Judge Aileen Cannon, the federal judge presiding in the Florida case against former President Donald Trump. There is a torrent of hit pieces and petty attacks on virtually every media platform.

What Jonathan and many folks overlook is that the left is highly self-aware—they know precisely what they’re doing. The truth is, they’re not worried about appearing “shameless.” It’s all about power and advancing their position on the battlefield. Turley continues:

What is impressive is the complete lack of self-awareness over the hypocrisy of these attacks. Just a few weeks ago, the New York Times and other media outlets went into vapors when anyone uttered criticism of Manhattan Justice Juan Merchan in another Trump case.

In 2020, Judge Cannon was confirmed in a bipartisan vote, with the support of liberals such as Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Cal.).

Now she is being denounced as a “partisan, petty prima donna, “wacko, crazy, loony, nutty, ridiculous, and outlandish,” and a “right-wing hack.” From the descriptions in the Washington Post, New York Times and virtually every mainstream media outlet, you would think that Cannon was a freak in the courtroom, raving uncontrollably at any passerby.

These critics often stress that she is an appointee of Trump, even though many Trump appointees have ruled against the former president on 2020 election issues. And these same figures denounced Trump for attacking the perceived political bias of Democratic nominees in some of his cases.

Cannon was randomly selected, as opposed to Merchan, who was hand-picked to try Trump even though he is a political donor to President Joe Biden and has a daughter who is a major Democratic operative.

It’s fascinating how the right is so quick to highlight the “fairness” of our judges, almost boasting about their balanced track record in handling our causes. That mentality is fine when the country isn’t a literal clown world. However, the left makes zero apologies for their partisanship—they wear it like a badge of honor. This is exactly why they’ve managed to weaponize much of our judicial system right under our noses. Times have drastically changed, and the right is very slow to catch up. Turley continues:

Yet these same figures denounced those who questioned Merchan’s refusal to step aside or criticized his rulings against Trump throughout the trial.

In reality, the “loose Cannon” spin is utterly disconnected with her actual rulings.

She has ruled for and against both parties on major issues. That includes the rejection of major motions filed by the Trump team and most recently challenged Trump counsel on their claims that the Special Counsel is part of “a shadow government.”

Notably, when Cannon recently rejected the main motion for dismissal by the Trump team, the Washington Post buried that fact in an article titled “Judge Cannon Strikes Paragraph in Trump Classified Document Indictment.” The suggestion was that the striking of a single paragraph was more newsworthy than insisting that Trump go to trial on these counts. (Also buried in the article is a recognition that the removal of this one paragraph “does not have a substantive effect on the case.”)

Most recently, the left expressed nothing short of horror that Judge Cannon allowed the Trump team to argue a point of constitutional law in a hearing.

Scholars and former prosecutors (including former attorneys general) have argued that the appointment of special counsels like Smith are unconstitutional.

Turley is right on target, and he shares some intriguing “tidbits.” For one, he points out that Judge Cannon was confirmed with the support of some staunch liberals like Feinstein, but now she’s labeled a “partisan hack.” It’s the same way President Trump was once celebrated as a successful businessman and a “tolerant New Yorker,” only to be later branded as the second coming of Hitler. The same transformation happened with George W. Bush, who was called a “Nazi” by the left, and now, suddenly, he’s seen as one of the good guys. Now, Judge Cannon has suddenly been painted as a Trump-loving lunatic, determined to tear down the left’s precious “democracy.”

So, in closing, this latest hit on Cannon and everything else that’s unfolding in Biden’s upside America isn’t about hypocrisy or a lack of self-awareness; it’s about the left using very calculated manipulation and whatever tools are available to obliterate their enemy. If we, on the right, want to truly beat these Marxists at their own game, we need to adopt more of this strategic mindset, like it or not.