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After the not guilty verdict of Daniel Penny, we think it’s time to talk about Derek Chauvin again.

RELATED: Daniel Penny not guilty… resounding victory recap…

Derek Chauvin is America’s most infamous “murderer” who didn’t actually commit murder. He was convicted of “killing” George Floyd, despite the fact that many medical experts—including the medical examiner—stated Floyd likely died from a heart attack caused by a drug overdose and underlying health issues.

Many people have good reason to believe that Derek Chauvin did not actually murder George Floyd, and after Penny’s acquittal, they’re speaking out. One of those voices is right-wing influencer and editor of Human Events, Jack Posobiec.

Tucker Carlson also called out this travesty of justice last year.

However, it’s not just right-wingers saying this—the facts speak for themselves.

NBC News:

The medical examiner who ruled George Floyd’s death a homicide testified Friday that Floyd’s heart disease and drug use contributed to his death, but police officers’ restraint of his body and compression of his neck were the primary causes.

Dr. Andrew Baker, who has been the chief medical examiner in Hennepin County since 2004, said Floyd had severe underlying heart disease and an enlarged heart that needed more oxygen than normal to function, as well as narrowing of his coronary arteries.

Baker did not include a lack of oxygen, or asphyxia, as a cause of Floyd’s death. Baker said that before he conducted the autopsy, he was aware that Floyd had become unconscious while he was in police custody and had died at a hospital. He said he did not look at videos of Floyd’s death, including the bystander video that went viral, until after the autopsy was complete, so as not to be biased in his findings.

Baker’s findings were at odds with those of other prosecution expert witnesses who were explicit in their assessments that Floyd died from asphyxia.

Many people are beginning to believe we’ve been lied to yet again. The story of Floyd’s “murder” seems like just another carefully crafted narrative, dished out to a public as the next so-called “civil rights” scandal.

At the very core of this saga was Officer Derek Chauvin, forever captured in that infamous photo—a moment neither he nor George Floyd could have predicted, linking them together for good. Each man had his part to play. The media, corporations, politicians, and celebrities all decided that Floyd—a guy who once threatened to kill a pregnant woman—was the “hero,” while Chauvin, the white cop, was the villain.

Prosecutors: Officer was on Floyd's neck for about 9 minutes | AP News

From that moment on, Chauvin became a literal punching bag for public outrage. He was guilty in the court of public opinion way before his trial even started. Truthfully, this guy didn’t stand a chance to get actual justice. The fix was in, and he was walking the plank before he knew even what hit him. Also, his jury was tainted—one juror lied about attending George Floyd rallies and also had ties to Floyd’s family.

Daily Mail:

Questions have been raised about the impartiality of one of the 12 jurors who convicted Derek Chauvin of murder after it was revealed he attended a rally last summer where George Floyd’s relatives addressed the crowd.

A photo, posted on social media, shows Brandon Mitchell attending an August 28 event in Washington, DC, to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech during the 1963 March on Washington.

It shows Mitchell, a high school basketball coach, standing with two other men and wearing a T-shirt with a picture of King and the words, ‘GET YOUR KNEE OFF OUR NECKS’ and ‘BLM’. He is also wearing a baseball cap printed with Black Lives Matter.

Gee, that really sounds like a juror who can be fair and impartial, right? Absurd.

Once they locked up Chauvin, he pretty much faded away—like most scapegoats do. Out of sight, out of mind. But his name kept getting dragged through the mud for a murder that plenty of people believe never even happened. His fight for freedom took a violent twist in a law library, of all places, when he was stabbed 22 times in a brutal attack. And that wasn’t his only battle. The so-called justice system kept landing blows, dishing out a biased, anti-American version of “justice” designed to make an example out of him and justify the rioting, death, and destruction the death of Floyd unleashed all over America—and the world.

READ MORE: It just got a helluva lot worse for Joni Ernst… final nail in her political coffin?

Meanwhile, the man who stabbed Chauvin—a career criminal and gang member—got all the legal help and protection he needed to defend himself. On the flip side, Chauvin was denied those same rights and was kept firmly in the scapegoat role and shut out from any real shot at justice.

Alpha News:

In November 2023, former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was copying documents in a law library at a federal prison in Tucson when he was stabbed 22 times. Chauvin is slowly recovering from the attack but continues to suffer a series of peculiar setbacks and double standards.

Chauvin’s missing court documents and a request for his medical records

The court documents Chauvin was copying have since gone “missing.” Chauvin said that “depending upon who you ask,” the documents are being held as “evidence,” or were “soaked with blood and mace” and thrown away. Either way, Chauvin said he no longer has the copies or the originals and has no idea if or when he will get them back.

Incidentally, another prisoner, Marco Alferez, recently filed a motion in court to compel the FBI to return items they confiscated from him when Chauvin was stabbed.

And here is where our unjust politically weaponized system really kicks into high gear. The Alpha News piece concludes:

Meanwhile, a federal judge ruled that John Turscak — the prisoner and former gang member who brutally attacked and repeatedly stabbed Chauvin — will have access to legal documents in his prison cell. U.S. Magistrate Judge Lynnette C. Kimmins also ruled:

“Mr. Turscak shall be allowed access to a laptop computer (and associated power cord), one or more electronic storage drives (and associated USB cord), and paper and a writing instrument for taking notes, all for the sole purpose of reviewing the discovery in his case, in order to assist in his defense.”

In what seems like a strange setback — and an offender/victim double standard — Chauvin is being held in solitary confinement. He does not have any access to his files or legal documents, making it more difficult to move forward with his latest appeal — the one he was working on in the law library when he was stabbed by Turscak.

Chauvin’s current situation resembles the treatment he encountered in the hospital. Chauvin was unable to contact his family, including those with power of attorney concerning medical and legal matters. Likewise, they were unable to reach him.

Yet during this critical time, Chauvin claims a prison official asked him to sign a release form for his medical records when he was moved to a second hospital after the attack. Chauvin says he didn’t recognize the official but did recognize who he claims would have been granted access to his medical records: Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison.

Chauvin says he immediately refused.

At this point, calling what we have now a “justice” system is laughable. Thanks to the Biden regime, what we’re dealing with is a system that’s been weaponized and doesn’t resemble the rule of law.

Derek Chauvin actually did his job as he was trained, and he became the scapegoat for a mob-fueled, left-wing agenda. And truthfully, the same thing almost happened to Daniel Penny, the Marine who stepped up to protect innocent people on a New York subway. Thankfully, Penny was acquitted, but let’s be real—it shouldn’t have even gone to trial.

And let’s not forget President Trump, who’s been relentlessly persecuted by this weaponized system, or the January 6 political prisoners rotting in cells for daring to challenge the regime. Douglass Mackey is another prime example—a young man convicted for sharing an anti-Hillary meme. This is what “justice” looks like in today’s America: if you don’t fit the leftist narrative, you’re a target.

Thankfully, President Trump won in a landslide and now has the chance to clean up this disaster. But in some cases, like Derek Chauvin’s, it might already be too late.

Chauvin has become such a notorious scapegoat, and his case so toxic, that only the passage of time—and someone brave enough to confront the truth—can hope to set him free. It’s like the Menendez brothers; years of being demonized, until enough time passed for people to take another look. We can only hope that by opening up the conversation now, we spark the fire that leads to real justice down the road.

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