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Well, folks, the Deep State is getting nervous. With about two weeks until Election Day, they’ve been unable to stop President Trump’s momentum, and God knows they’ve tried, and now he’s sitting in a strong position to retake the White House. That means our political “elites” are scrambling, reaching into their bag of dusty old tricks to paint Trump as some evil figure with a Hitler obsession and a twisted hatred for Latina murder victims.

READ MORE: It’s Time for Joe Biden to Endorse Donald J. Trump

This latest round of absurd (debunked) attacks comes courtesy of The Atlantic—a left-wing rag owned by Steve Jobs’ widow—in collaboration with TDS-afflicted former US General John Kelly, who’s trying his hardest to take Trump down with more insanely fake-sounding stories that seem like they belong in a fantasy novel.

The Hill:

Trump’s post comes after Kelly gave a pair of interviews published this week warning of Trump’s alleged interest in fascist rulers and, allegedly, of the prospect of governing with unchecked power.

In a new interview in The New York Times, Kelly said Trump “certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure.”  And in a recent interview in The Atlantic, the retired general reportedly said Trump said while in office that he wanted the military to be like “Hitler’s generals” in terms of loyalty.

Vice President Harris’s campaign has seized on Kelly’s comments, which she publicly condemned on Wednesday.

“Donald Trump is increasingly unhinged and unstable, and in a second term, people like John Kelly would not be there to be the guardrails against his propensities and his actions,” she continued. “The bottom line is this, we know what Donald Trump wants. He wants unchecked power.

“This is a window into who Donald Trump really is. From the people who know him best. From the people who work with him side by side in the Oval Office and in the Situation Room,” she added.

Of course, everyone—even the anti-Trumpers—are debunking this absurd story from Deep State bully John Kelly.

It’s hard to believe that TDS-riddled John Kelly has been sitting on this so-called juicy “Hitler” nugget for years, never once mentioning it to anybody or writing about it in his book, and only now decided to bring it up—just a couple weeks before the election. Really, John?

How wildly convenient…

The truth is, President Trump has a long history and a solid track record of being a compassionate leader, focused on helping others, and going out of his way to ease people’s suffering. That doesn’t sound very racist, heartless, or “Hitler-esque,” does it?”

MJ Truth Ultra:

RFK Jr: A Female Soldier died at Fort Hood and the Pentagon Refused to Pay her Expenses…

Donald Trump, as President, paid for everything out of his own pocket… and you never heard about it. Want to know why?

Because General John Kelly made up a story about Trump hating Mexicans and it flooded the airwaves.

Now he’s making up a story that Trump wants Military Generals like Hitler… two weeks before the election.

John Kelly wants us to believe that these wild stories he’s been “sitting on” for years are now suddenly the “definition” of a man who’s been in the public eye for decades. It’s laughable, cruel, and shows just how desperate the Deep State is to cling to power.

However, this latest attack from John Kelly has everyone wondering: why does this unhinged lunatic harbor such a deep-seated hatred for President Trump? And, for that matter, why do so many in the military-industrial complex seem to despise him? Well, we finally have the answer. Sean Spicer explained to Megyn Kelly on her podcast the exact moment John Kelly and others turned on President Trump. It all came down to Trump refusing to simply follow their advice on the Afghanistan War. Instead, he went directly to enlisted servicemen for their input, and that move enraged the big military egos.


Today on @megynkelly show, she asked @seanspicer why some in the Trump administration dislike him so much.
Especially people like Kelly.
Sean gave this example.

Re Afghanistan.
Trump had questions about it when he came into office.
The generals and the experts presented their papers and briefs

It wasn’t enough for Trump.
He brought in a round table of enlisted soldiers and asked them questions about their deployments, what they needed, etc.

He listened more to the regular soldiers on the ground than the ‘experts’

That is why they hate him.

Here’s the clip from the show:

That first-hand account Spicer shared sounds legit, does it? In fact, it sounds exactly like something President Trump would do—seeking input from the enlisted guys instead of the brass. Even more interesting is that John Kelly has some very serious ties to Ukraine and likely wants that ‘war’ to keep raging on, so his pockets stay nice and full.

The summary of this latest “October Surprise” attack against Trump is pretty cut and dry: A “Republican” Deep State/Military Industrial Complex insider with strong ties to Ukraine doesn’t like the America First populist outsider because he threatens the power structure that he thrives on. So, he makes up more stories about Trump and backs the wildly inexperienced, unpopular, and radical left-winger Kamala Harris for president and expects us all to believe everything he says and accept him as just another government “good guy.”

Desperation, defined.

Of course, President Trump denies these absurd accusations and correctly called John Kelly a “lowlife” and a “degenerate.”