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Wouldn’t it be strange if we actually knew the winner of the 2024 election before the usual 10-day grace period we’ve all gotten used to—thanks to Democrats, their pandemics, mail-in ballots, and other election day shenanigans? Well, some experts believe that might actually happen this time around, thanks to an unprecedented shift happening in the country when it comes to early voting.

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As you likely know, the left usually dominates early voting (which, let’s be honest, shouldn’t even be a thing), and the right owns election day. But now, in some very key areas, like Nevada, we’re seeing a shift.

MAGA isn’t taking any chances, and we’re showing up early.

The right is starting to dominate early voting, while the left is flailing. This couldn’t be worse news for Team Kamala, whose lackluster and bizarre campaign can’t even get their most loyal voters to the polls.

To make matters worse for Harris, we recently published an article on the Georgia “Souls to the Polls” disaster her campaign is facing down.


We’re starting to get a clearer picture of the support—or lack thereof—Harris/Walz can actually muster. It’s still early, but signs of trouble are already popping up in progressive paradise, just as many predicted. Unsurprisingly to most, Kamala Harris isn’t finishing strong—in fact, she’s been struggling to find her message from the start. And now, as we edge closer to the big day, she’s looking more and more like a candidate without a solid backbone of support.

One place where this failure is glaring like a bright neon sign is in Georgia. You’ve heard of the famous ‘Souls to the Polls,’ right? Well, the push to get churchgoers out early in Georgia has turned into a complete disaster for Kamala Harris; it shouldn’t shock anyone.

First off, Kamala is doing worse than Joe, senility and all. Are you surprised?

Sure, Biden has dementia, but at least he’s a well-known figure who’s been in the thick of it for almost five decades. Love him or hate him, his name alone can carry him further than his actual record of success ever could. Kamala Harris doesn’t have that luxury. She’s a political nobody and one of the most unpopular VPs in US history. There’s nothing she’s accomplished that gets people excited, and she’s got no clear agenda. Is she trying to turn the page on the failed Biden regime or build on it? It’s hard to tell because her messaging is a confused mess and all over the map.

When it comes to “Souls to the Polls,” Harris knew she had a problem. That’s why she went to Georgia, stumping for herself in a last-ditch effort to spark some excitement for her lackluster, confusing, and boring campaign.

However, it doesn’t look like her efforts paid off. According to early numbers, the Georgia “Souls to the Polls” push was a complete and total bust for Harris. Her support with black voters is collapsing, and the turnout in Georgia has been nothing short of a disaster for her campaign.

You can read the entire piece by clicking here:

‘Souls to the Polls’ turns into utter devastation for Harris…

Now, thanks to new early voting data, experts are starting to notice a pattern forming. If things stay as they are—or if the right continues to gain more early votes—it could be a game changer, turning election day into much less of a mystery.

Former ABC News Political Director Mark Halperin says his inside sources are sounding the alarm, based on what’s happening right now with early voting.

2 Way:

“If the early vote numbers stay the way they are, and that’s a big if, we will almost certainly know before Election Day who’s going to win the election,” says @MarkHalperin. “If these numbers hold up in the states where we can understand even partially what the data is like, we’ll know that Donald Trump is going to be president.” Early voting data, he says “is more important than the polls right now. It’s more important than almost anything, because it’s giving us insight into a variety of factors that are counting for a Republican overperformance by various metrics in the early voting in the battleground states.”

You can watch the entire clip below:

The early voting news coming out of Florida is also promising.

It’s understandable that Team Harris is nervous. After all, she’s one of the most unpopular VPs in US history and one of the worst candidates we’ve seen come down the pike. Meanwhile, to make matters worse for her, the vast majority of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track, thanks to she and Joe Biden’s failed policies.


With two weeks to go until Election Day, Kamala Harris’ top advisers are staring down numbers that show a wide majority of Americans saying the country is on the wrong track.

They’re also confident that the next two weeks will include Donald Trump dropping more references to the “enemy within” or January 6 as a “day of love” and going off on rambling tangents like his lewd remarks about golf legend Arnold Palmer at a Pennsylvania rally last week. And they expect they’ll be able to trigger him into making more outlandish claims.


Plouffe and other Harris advisers do not believe Trump’s largely outsourced door-knocking and other on-the-ground outreach operations can match what the national Democrats and the Harris campaign – which inherited some of the same team from President Joe Biden – spent a year putting together. But they believe this advantage can only take them so far.

“Democrats wish Donald Trump wouldn’t get more than 46% of the vote,” Plouffe said, referring to the national popular vote percentage the former president secured in his previous campaigns. But in the battleground states, “that’s not reality. He’s going to get up to 48% in all of these states. And so we just have to make sure we’re hitting our win number, which depending on the state, could be 50, could be 49.5.”

Plouffe and other Harris aides, though, believe that the vice president still has room to grow.

To many, this rosy narrative might sound like wishful thinking, especially since Harris can’t stay on message, flip-flops on issues, and loses her audience every time she speaks. But this is what campaigns do when they’re in trouble—they spin.

READ MORE: The Cassidy Hutchinson scandal just took another very dark turn…

Meanwhile, a new poll out of Georgia places President Trump a whopping 4 points ahead in the Peach State.

Sure, there are a lot of early voting ‘ifs’ that would need to align perfectly for the electoral landscape to shift. But even so, there’s no denying something is brewing beneath the surface that could send 2024 in a direction nobody predicted—straight back to the people, without the usual cheating and shenanigans. Wouldn’t that be a refreshing change of pace?