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We regret to inform you that the progressive media is at it again.

You know what “burying the lede” is, right? In case you don’t, it’s typically a rookie mistake made by an inexperienced journalist who unintentionally hides the most important part of a story somewhere in the middle, where most readers won’t even notice it. But these days, burying the lede has become a tool for progressive media outlets to sneak in facts that don’t fit their agenda, hoping fewer people will see them. It’s their way of providing cover for the regimes they support, and they do it a lot. Burying the lede like this is a disservice to readers, and it’s also blatant “fake news,” because the media outlet is trying to distort facts by carefully “burying” what really happened.

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In fact, we have a disturbing example of this sneaky tactic in a recent story involving a beautiful Irish girl and mother who was brutally slaughtered by a Somali migrant. But if you didn’t read all the way through, you’d never know that happened because the paper buried the lede eight paragraphs deep.

Here’s a closeup of the image, and you can clearly see how long it takes the media outlet to mention who murdered beautiful, young Mary Ward.


What’s even scarier is that Mary Ward wasn’t the first victim—she was the fourth in just six weeks. And thanks to irresponsible journalism and failed progressive policies, she likely won’t be the last.


The evil ghoul who murdered Mary has been charged, but that doesn’t change the fact that he shouldn’t have been here in the first place, and she should still be alive. Until we stop putting innocent people in harm’s way, there will never be real justice—because no arrest can undo this kind of evil and unfairness that happened to Mary, Laken Riley, and all the other innocent women struck down before their time.

Violence and chaos in Ireland have been on the rise since the country was flooded with dangerous and violent migrants. About a year ago, riots erupted over a string of stabbings. People are fed up with imported crime and being victims in their own country.

National News Desk:

Mass riots swept Dublin, Ireland Thursday night in the wake of several stabbings in the city’s Parnell Square.

Ireland Police Superintendent Liam Geraghty told reporters a 50-year-old male is the prime suspect in the stabbings which injured five people, including a 5-year-old girl, a 5-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl. The 5-year-old girl “sustained serious injuries” and was undergoing emergency medical treatment.

Though police did not share any more information about the suspect, former journalist and Irish political candidate Hermann Kelly said a legal Algerian immigrant to the country could be to blame.

“Channel righteous anger about an Algerian stabbing children at #ParnellSquare into exerting political change by the ballot box,” he wrote via X. “It’s the Uniparty of Politicos/Media/ NGOs who 1st made Ireland less safe by pushing EU Open Borders and unvetted migration. #IrelandisFull.”

Police reiterated, however, that such speculation was misinformation and that there were not yet enough facts to determine who the attacker was or their motives.

You can’t blame people for being fed up with the violence and for feeling like they’re being forced to hand their homeland over to strangers who have no respect for their culture or traditions. The same disturbing things are happening in the United States. We’re just bigger, so it doesn’t get noticed as quickly. And let’s not forget, our media is busy burying the lede here too.

The sooner you realize the government’s goal isn’t to stop the flood of foreigners but to hide it from you more effectively, the smarter and more prepared you’ll be.