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Well, in case anyone was wondering—yes, President Trump was right yet again when he said crime in the United States is up. Beyond the fact that it’s obvious we’re all living in far more dangerous times—thanks to the pro-crime duo of Harris and Biden—we now have undeniable proof. The FBI, in their usual sneaky fashion, quietly revised the official crime rates up. It’s just another example of how the media and the feds are constantly working overtime to hide the truth from the American people, all to protect the failed regime of Harris and Biden. And let’s be honest, they need all the help they can get.

You’ll remember that “crime stats” became a hot topic during the first and only debate between President Trump and Kamala Harris. It was then that ABC News jumped in with their so-called “fact check” on Trump, claiming he was wrong when he said crime was up under Harris and Biden. Naturally, the regime-stooges at ABC News used outdated and incorrect stats to back up their claim. Of course, right? This is the sole reason our fake news media exists: to provide cover for failed Dem leaders in their time of need.

Well, it’s no surprise to anyone actually living in the real world that President Trump was right.

Roll the tape.

John Cremeans USA:

Right Again: Trump, during the presidential debate, claimed violent crime was up in the United States. ABC News @DavidMuir attempted to “Fact Check” live during the debate. Guess he was wrong! Really wrong. The FBI quietly revised its number from -2.1% to +4.5%! That’s a HUGE difference. A 6.6% swing! Think he’ll apologize or issue a retraction?

Will ABC News apologize and offer a retraction? Don’t hold your breath. That’s not the media’s job anymore. They did exactly what they were supposed to do during the debate: lie and make Kamala look better. Like putting lipstick on a pig. And hey, nobody said that was an easy job.


It’s no secret that the Biden-Harris administration has been lying to us – publishing positive economic data that they tout, while quietly revising lower months later after achieving their desired result.

Now we find out that they’ve also been lying about crime statistics – something that author John R. Lott has been tracking and covering extensively.

  • Buttigieg’s ‘Crime Down Under Biden’ Claim Doesn’t Hold Up: John Lott Jr.
  • FBI Data On Active Shootings Is Misleading: John Lott Jr.
  • Media Push Misleading Crime Stats To Protect Democrat Narrative

Now we find they’ve been lying about crime stats too.

In September 2023, the FBI released the “final” crime data for 2022 – showing that the nation’s violent crime rate fell by 2.1% – which Democrats used to counter Donald Trump’s claims that crime has been soaring.

Now we find that the FBI has quietly revised those numbers – and that crime actually increased by 4.5% in 2022 (4.9% in absolute terms)…

Breaking it down by type of crime, we see that property crime and larceny/theft were the top changes, followed by aggravated assault, burglary, rape, and motor vehicle theft.

Read more here.

According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, after adjustments, there’s been a net increase of 80,029 violent crimes, 1,699 more murders, 7,780 additional rapes, 33,459 more robberies, and 37,091 more aggravated assaults.

How does the FBI just “miss” those numbers and fail to report them? Simple—they didn’t miss them. They hid them until they couldn’t anymore. Just like the media, the FBI’s sole purpose is to cover for the regime and protect their agenda at all costs.

Well, now it’s official—Trump can add yet another “win” to his column. Honestly, you can’t hear it enough times, can you? The sweet sound of the American people finally hearing the truth for a change.

Thank you, President Trump, for caring enough about the American people to tell them the ugly truth about the epic failures of the Harris/Biden administration. It’s no wonder crime is soaring. We have a wide-open border, thanks to “Border Czar” Kamala, allowing in hordes of unvetted criminals. Even Bill Clinton agrees that Harris/Biden aren’t vetting these violent creatures.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: Former President Bill Clinton says Laken Riley would be alive if Kamala Harris and Joe Biden did proper vetting before letting illegals in.

Riley was k*lled by an illegal immigrant who illegally entered the United States in 2022 under Kamala Harris.

The comments came while Clinton was campaigning *for* Kamala Harris in Georgia.

“A young woman who had been k*lled by an illegal immigrant… if they had all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn’t have happened.”

And the criminals we already have here are being let back onto the streets and encouraged to commit more crimes, thanks to irresponsible elites like Kamala who promote “bail funds” that release child abusers, women beaters, and even murderers back into our neighborhoods.

Meanwhile, Kamala’s only concern is making sure the few criminals who are caught get taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgery.

And speaking of that, President Trump just released a powerful new ad that shines a bright—and very disturbing—light on Kamala’s prison party plans.

You can check it out by clicking here:

President Trump announces media blitz with a new ‘trans’ ad that guts Kamala…