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What’s happening in Florida, Tennessee, and hardest-hit North Carolina is horrific. But what makes this biblical-level storm even worse is the Harris/Biden regime’s cold, indifferent reaction. While Americans suffer, die, and fight to survive, Joe and Jill Biden are lounging on a beach, soaking up rays. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris—the woman running for “president” without earning a single primary vote—is busy schmoozing with donors to fund her flailing campaign. It’s a complete and utter disgrace.

It’s becoming impossible to get a clear picture of what’s really happening, thanks to Mayor Pete, who’s now making it even harder for citizens to rescue those stranded or know where to deliver supplies.

This is a calculated effort to cover up the truth for political reasons, plain and simple. In a serious country, this would be labeled exactly what it is: treason. But instead, we’re watching the powers that be manipulate, censor, and bury the facts to protect their own interests, with zero accountability. And as for Joe? Well, he finally brushed the sand off his feet and flew over the devastation. But his pointless photo op only made things worse.

We’re hearing reports that many more people have died. Country singer John Rich shared this disturbing post on X:

Meanwhile, this is what is happening in America—one of the most epic, deperate moments of need, and our left-wing government couldn’t care less.

You can’t comprehend how bad things really are because our media is actively covering up the devastation because they don’t want this to impact the 2024 election for Harris/Walz in a negative way.

Tim Kennedy:

There’s no way that you can grasp the amount of damage left in the week of this hurricane. And there’s no way that you can comprehend the complete failure by our government to respond. There are Americans that have been left up in the mountains in the hills with no support. I guess it’s always been that way. The people outside of the cities don’t matter. The poor don’t matter. The blue-collar workers don’t matter. We are just one month away from an election and you see how much they really care.

I got to see firsthand how the ones answering the call are everyday regular Americans. I got to watch volunteers from @saveourallies do the impossible. They’re sleeping in cars. They’re delivering baby formula, food, and diapers. They checked on nearly 100 year-old men that have been surviving for a week on their own.
Don’t believe what you’ve seen on the news. Don’t believe what you’ve been told by “the officials”. The damage and loss of life is indescribable.

This hurricane has left a path of devastation that we haven’t seen since Katrina, with soaring water levels and powerful winds wreaking havoc across the region. As rescue efforts continue led by volunteers and non-profits, the sheer scale of the destruction is becoming clearer, with many rural residents displaced and facing an uncertain recovery.

Thank you!
Thank you to the volunteers at AirDrop.
Thank you to the volunteers from Samaritans Purse.
Thank you to the volunteers at the resupply centers.
Thank you to every single one of those men wielding chainsaws going up and down mountains trying to get trapped families out.
Thank you to all the volunteers bringing in their helicopters and being the best pilots they can possibly be.
Thank you to every person in the kitchens cooking meals for someone else.
Thank you to every church that opened their doors to show what Christians really can do.

I could go on for hours. So I’ll just leave you with this: Thank you for acting like Americans and good neighbors. When you’ve lost hope, always look to the helpers.

To make matters even worse, FEMA’s coffers are empty because they spent all the money on illegals—the Democrats’ shiny new voting bloc. Now, American citizens in need are getting a pathetic $750, while illegals are handed housing, phones, pre-paid credit cards, and other left-wing goodies. Meanwhile, billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars have been shipped off to one of the most corrupt countries on earth—Ukraine. It’s an absolute disgrace.


These Americans are on their own, and they know it.

This disaster from the Harris/Biden regime makes George Bush’s reaction to Katrina look like a well-thought-out plan of compassionate action. The only difference is that our propaganda media won’t report it.


Billions to Ukraine. $7,500 to illegals. Monthly. $750 for Americans affected by the storm. This has to be a joke. We all saw what happened in Hawaii. We all saw the “response” in New Palestine, Ohio, and that is the new normal for this communist regime. This is national robbery on a grand scale and needs to be met with the most severe of punishments.

And while Americans are literally clinging to life and entire communities have been wiped off the map, this is Kamala’s husband—dancing and fist-pumping like there isn’t a crisis unfolding. But what does Doug care? He’s an elitist who lives in a bubble, where silly peasants don’t even register on his radar.

The best advice we can give to Americans is this: become self-sufficient and stop relying on the corrupt, regime-run US government for help. They aren’t here for you. Their only mission is to help their elite buddies line their pockets and amass as much power as humanly possible. The truth is this: we’re being ruled by a group of heartless elites, and the sooner we recognize that and cut them off, the better. It’s time to take control of our own future and realize we’re on our own and the people we voted for are actively working against us.