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The Harris/Biden regime has turned “election denial” into a crime in the DC Swamp, all in a twisted effort to punish and destroy Americans who attended the J6 rally. Now, they’re using memes and texts sent by these American citizens as justification for handing out unjust, unconstitutional, and excessive sentences. And, of course, the activist judges are falling right in line, shaming and berating these Americans for daring to believe that the 2020 election—with its tsunami of unprecedented and unregulated mail-in ballots and unsecured ballot boxes—was anything but the “fairest election in the land.”

Never mind that we’re supposed to swallow the absurd idea that a senile coot, with zero political movement behind him, somehow racked up 81 million votes—topping even Trump and Obama, two men who led actual massive movements. And let’s not forget the laundry list of witnesses, with nothing to gain, who testified about the shady and rotten things they saw happening at ballot boxes and during the counting. Despite all of this, we’re expected to accept that the 2020 election was flawless in every way.

Well, that’s not how this country works. And no matter how hard this regime tries to silence dissent, we the people will not shut up—because IT’S OKAY TO DENY 2020. In fact, it’s your duty to deny that rigged election. If you’re not speaking up now, it’s time to start, because your silence is letting these tyrants get away with it and punishing decent Americans for exercising their First Amendment rights.

You can help spread the word and exercise your First Amendment rights with Revolver’s new apparel line—designed to send a loud and clear message to the Harris/Biden regime and the Deep State about the sham 2020 election.

Click on the links below to get your very own “IT’S OKAY TO DENY 2020” merch:

White t-shirt

Black t-shirt

Black crew neck

And speaking of getting the word out, we have to give credit where it is due. Investigative reporter Julie Kelly is shining a spotlight on this latest dangerous move to criminalize the obvious, pointing out that two-thirds of Republicans still believe the election was a fraud, and she gave us the idea for this story.

Julie Kelly:

DOJ and federal judges have made election “denial” a crime in Washington. J6ers texts and memes about the 2020 election are used as incriminating evidence and reason for excessive sentences. Judges routinely berate J6ers for believing “lies” from a “charlatan” that the 2020 election was stolen.

Except it’s not a crime to believe the 2020 election was illegitimate because it was. Two-thirds of Republicans still believe it was an unlawful election; independents have trended in that direction over the past 4 years.

To this day (Georgia) we are still learning now corrupt the voting process was in key states. We know for a fact that Democratic sec of states and county election workers broke their own states’ laws to count illegal votes.

Big Tech and the FBI were in cahoots to suppress damaging information about absentee voting and Hunter Biden. The Zuckerbergs dumped $400 million to juice the numbers.

And @NorahODonnell had to straight up LIE about election lawsuits to make it appear the courts considered the cases when they systematically rejected the suits on technical grounds.

SCOTUS refused to hear a single election case including those filed by state AGs and GOP state lawmakers.

There is much to justify the belief that Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election

And Democrats and the media want to try it again—which is why they will now fixate on Vance’s answer for the rest of the year.

Vance should refuse to answer the question and pivot to how Democrats stole the nomination from Biden and installed Kamala Harris without a single vote in 2024.


Julie went on to share the sentencing memo that Matthew Graves, the DOJ “hit man,” filed on Tuesday.


And while we’re on the topic of election denial, let’s not forget—when Democrats cry “rigged” or deny election results, it’s business as usual, and the media barely bats an eye. They’ve been doing it for eons. But for some reason, the 2020 election is the sacred cow that no one can touch without sending the media and the left into an absolute meltdown. It’s got a real “thou dost protest too much” vibe to it. So, with that in mind, here’s 24 straight minutes of Democrats denying elections.

Please, enjoy…

The truth is, nobody on this planet has denied more elections than the left—and they do it without a shred of real evidence. Instead, they bankroll fake dossiers, weaponize government agencies, and turn the entire country upside down, just so they can cling to “rigged” talking points for years on end. That’s the ugly reality they don’t want to admit. But the more people wake up to this con job, the better off we’ll be. It’s time we start calling them out for the shameless and dangerous liars they are.

And remember, IT’S OKAY TO DENY 2020.

Get the shirts here.

We also encourage you to subscribe to Julie Kelly’s Substack, where she shares even more investigative reporting and news. You can find it by clicking here.