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Remember Daniel Schmidt? He’s the young white college student who made headlines after getting a front-row seat to the kind of racism the left conveniently ignores. It was just his first month at the University of Chicago in 2022 when he was denied a spot in a debate tournament simply because he was a smart white guy.

Daniel appeared on Jesse Watters’ show to share his experience.

But sadly, that wouldn’t be the end of racism, harassment, and censorship for Daniel Schmidt.

The good news is that since 2023, the University of Chicago has been on a free speech mission, all thanks to new President Paul Alivisatos, who’s not just talking the talk—he’s walking the walk. And it’s paying off in a big way. When Daniel faced yet another round of blacklisting and censorship for daring to speak the truth, Alivisatos was right there in his corner, fighting back.

This time, Daniel was censored—by X, of all platforms—for sharing black crime stats and claiming that “low IQs” are one reason why blacks commit so much crime. Whether he’s right or he’s wrong, why is anybody being censored for sharing what they believe to be the truth? Well, because in this day and age, the truth is forbidden. You must not notice things like black crime stats, and if you do, you’re a “racist.” Sadly, this is a prime example of the left’s pro-criminal mentality, and it’s destroying this country. That’s the bad news, but the good news is that instead of cowering and remaining quiet, Daniel doubled down and went on a radio show to discuss the “forbidden” crime statistics and the censorship that followed.

It’s ironic, isn’t it? A white liberal woman called Daniel a “racist” for simply speaking the truth, while the black male host defended him. Just goes to show—white liberal women really are toxic.

After Daniel doubled down, university President Alivisatos stepped in and backed up Daniel’s right to practice free speech. Soon after that big move, the university scored a whopping $100 million anonymous donation to boost their free speech program and spread those values far and wide.

U Chicago News:

In recognition of its historic commitment to free inquiry and expression, the University of Chicago has received a $100 million gift from an anonymous donor to support UChicago’s leadership on the principles and practice of free expression, and to advance the work of the University of Chicago Forum for Free Inquiry and Expression—both on campus and beyond.

Launched by President Paul Alivisatos in 2023, the Chicago Forum’s mission is to promote the understanding, practice, and advancement of free and open discourse at UChicago and around the world. Through events and initiatives, the Chicago Forum brings together students, faculty, higher education leaders, and a diverse range of guests to discuss challenges of free inquiry and expression—and put those values into practice.

“The University of Chicago has an unparalleled history of devotion to upholding free inquiry and expression. Our community has developed principles and policies that are widely seen as global exemplars in our quest to be a place of truth seeking. Yet it is not enough to proclaim principles. Living them is a never-ending journey. Engaging in that work with purpose is more essential to society now than ever,” said Alivisatos. “This remarkable gift will underpin an enduring Chicago Forum for Free Inquiry and Expression and will allow us to significantly deepen the understanding and practices here at the University of Chicago. Equally important, it will enable us to expand this important work on a much larger scale.”

Daniel took to X to celebrate this big win for free speech.

Here’s a closeup of the images Daniel shared:



You have to wonder—was Elon Musk the secret donor? Maybe he’s making up for X’s mistake of censoring Daniel. Or could it be Ken Griffin, the conservative billionaire hedge fund manager? Who do you think is behind the donation? Let us know in the comments!