This post is brought to you by our sponsor, The Wellness Company. Click here to protect your family against medical tyranny.

You’ve heard this phrase a thousand times by now: “Trump was right.” It’s the ridiculous cycle we have to slog through every time President Trump makes a common-sense point. The regime-run media immediately piles on, calling him crazy, wrong, and a liar, mocking him for months on end—until some new study or situation comes along and proves Trump was right the entire time. Does the media apologize and admit they were wrong? No, of course not. They just skip right over it, and wait until the next time they pounce. It’s like an annoying merry-go-round we’re forced to ride because we have a deceptive, propaganda-driven media instead of a real, serious press.


And here we are again, back on the merry-go-round from hell, and as usual, President Trump was right, and the lying, regime-run media was doing what it alwats does – covering for their bosses. This time the merry-go-round let us off at a brand-new study published by the Brownstowne Institute, which proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that President Donald Trump was right about the early treatment of COVID with Hydroxychloroquine:

Early in the pandemic, President Donald Trump and White House senior official Peter Navarro arranged the donation of 63 million doses of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to America’s strategic drug stockpile to combat Covid-19. The government began securing HCQ in March 2020, after Trump, on the advice of his medical and scientific advisors, lauded HCQ as “very encouraging,” “very powerful,” and a “game-changer.”

But as we know, instead of embracing President Trump’s HCQ proposal, the medical establishment and the media undertook an unprecedented, unprofessional, and underhanded attack on HCQ:

Following Trump’s proposal, HCQ suddenly came under an unwarranted full-scale attack from federal officials, the press, so-called “fact-checkers,” and university professors. Many of the attacks contained outright falsehoods about HCQ’s pharmacology and safety or Trump’s endeavor to make HCQ available to eligible patients. 

Is it any surprise that these medical hacks and unscrupulous “experts” went on the attack? Look who we’re dealing with—the same people who were supposedly leading the charge against this “pandemic.” People like Tim Walz, the Minnesota Governor who’s famous for stuffing tampons in boys’ bathrooms. But if you think that was bad, wait until you hear how Tim treated his own mother during the COVID fiasco.


And speaking of COVID, Tim Walz, Kamala’s VP pick and the governor of Minneapolis, wasn’t just a terrible leader during the pandemic—he was also a rather questionable son. We recently covered how he left his sickly, elderly mother to fend for herself during the height of the pandemic.

If you want to talk about “weirdness,” look no further than King Weirdo, Tim Walz, Kamala’s radical VP pick, who has so many scandals, he could open a museum of mishaps and call it “The Tim Walz Collection.” By now, you’re familiar with Tim’s obsession with pushing his extreme trans-agenda on innocent kids, his disgraceful decades-long “stolen valor” fiasco, and his support for deadly riots and open borders. Every day, something new pops up that makes things worse for the DEI duo.


Now, Tim’s added an extremely weird new mess for his team to clean up: his cold, heartless treatment of his 87-year-old, sickly mother.

And the worst part is that Tim seems proud of it.

It turns out that during COVID, Tim went into isolation while leaving his elderly mother, who had just had heart surgery, to fend for herself. What a great guy, eh?

With “leaders” like that, we didn’t stand a chance did we? And not only did these lackluster “leaders” and “experts” attack Trump and hydroxychloroquine, but they also attacked any medical professional who prescribed it:

Clinicians…who advocated for any alternate treatments such as ivermectin or HCQ were mocked online by non-medically- and non-scientifically trained “trusted journalists” and “fact-checkers” as being part of a “right-wing conspiracy.” Anyone who didn’t demure to the Covid-19 mRNA or other Big Pharma Covid-19 treatments and narratives were banned, fired, and blasted as “anti-science” around the world and into the reaches of the stratosphere via the internet.

This was an all-out war on medical truth. And the irony? It was waged by the very people who claim to be the arbiters of truth and the warriors against “disinformation.” Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up.

So, in the end, the Brownstowne Institute came to the following conclusion: President Trump and the doctors who advocated for early treatment of COVID with hydroxychloroquine were right and that countless lives and trillions of dollars could have been saved:

The bottom line is: President Trump was correct to secure a donation of, and advocate for the use HCQ for eligible individuals. The most recent cumulative positive findings associated with HCQ are undeniable evidence that Americans would have been better off had HCQ had been implemented and used in eligible populations. 

And speaking of medical professionals who got it right from the start—Dr. Peter McCullough, the nation’s leading freedom-fighting doctor, has been spreading the truth about the benefits of hydroxychloroquine in battling COVID-19 and beyond. Now, Dr. McCullough is looking at it as a promising treatment for another potential threat: bird flu (H5N1). While human cases are rare, he believes we need to be prepared—especially given how untrustworthy our government and their so-called “experts” have proven to be.

Dr. McCullough says, “Given the high fatality rate of H5N1, it is essential to explore every potential treatment.”

He’s right. And preclinical studies back up his view. Research shows that chloroquine, a drug similar to hydroxychloroquine, can reduce the severity of bird flu. In studies on mice, chloroquine treatment after a lethal dose of H5N1 improved survival rates from 0% to 70%. Dr. McCullough argues that, should human cases increase, hydroxychloroquine should be considered a potential treatment option.

So, all of that sounds great, but what does that mean for you and your family right now? Don’t worry, Dr. McCullough has thought of that too…

Get Hydroxychloroquine Today!


Now you can get hydroxychloroquine at home today thanks to the Wellness Company. Dr. McCullough and his team at The Wellness Company created the Contagion Emergency Kit to give Americans access to life-saving drugs like HCQ. This kit includes:

  • Oseltamivir 75 mg (generic Tamiflu™) – 10 tablets
  • Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg -20 tablets
  • Ivermectin 12mg – 25 tablets
  • Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak) 250 mg – 12 tablets
  • Budesonide 0.5 mg/2 mL – 5 vials (plus nebulizer included)
  • 1 Medication Guidebook written by the Chief Medical Board for safe use.


As Dr. McCullough always says, “In a world where pandemics can strike without warning, having the right tools at your fingertips can be the difference between severe illness and a quick recovery.” And just like President Trump, he’s spot on.

You already have Tylenol and Nyquil – why not medications that could actually save your life?

The Wellness Company’s Contagion Emergency Kits are the gold standard when it comes to medical preparedness.

This kit is prescription-only – you can’t find it in any store. Simply fill out a short questionnaire after purchase and a trusted Wellness Company doctor will confirm your suitability and issue your prescription Contagion Kit.

Let’s face it, “hope” can’t be a strategy in 2024. There’s too much at stake to just “hope” everything turns out okay. You must take steps today to keep you and your family safe.


And don’t just take our word for it. Hear what other Americans, like you, have said after purchasing this life-saving kit:

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In this day and age of so much uncertainty, you must be prepared. Order your Contagion Emergency Kit today! It’s easy. Just click here to make sure you and your family are prepared for whatever the Deep State throws our way. The only way to stay safe is to stay one step ahead—and with Dr. McCullough’s plan, that’s exactly where you and your family will be.