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It might be time to wave bye-bye to the Marxist “Green New Deal” and say HELLO to nuclear power. The world’s top banks have had enough of the green nightmare and are now pledging their support for nuclear energy. The Harris/Biden regime just took a direct nuclear hit to their tyrannical green agenda, and they may never recover. Actually, to get an idea of how deep this goes, BNP told the “Financial Times” there’s “no scenario” where the world can hit carbon neutrality by 2050 without nuclear power. In addition, Barclays is also board. They believe that nuclear power could solve the problem of unreliable wind and solar energy. In other words, the global elites’ green plan is an epic failure—just like many of us predicted long ago.

Mark Nelson:


Banks and funds totaling $14 TRILLION in assets have just signed an unprecedented statement in support of nuclear power.

They’ll be presenting the pledge to support the goal of tripling nuclear THIS MORNING at the Rockefeller Center in New York City to kick off NY Climate Week.

A few of the names:

Bank of America
BNP Paribas
Credit Agricole
Goldman Sachs
Morgan Stanley
Rothschild & Co

The pledge comes after Microsoft signs deal to buy $16 billion in electricity from a revived Three Mile Island nuclear plant alone over 20 years to fuel its AI ambitions.

I’ll be covering live today from the top of the Rockefeller Center, famously built with oil profits, as this unprecedented show of support for the next great energy source overcomes long-held financing barriers.

This isn’t just big news—it’s great news for those of us tired of being treated like second-class citizens by the elitist green agenda.

Mining MX:

FOURTEEN of the world’s largest banks and financial institutions are to pledge their support for the development of more nuclear energy, said the Financial Times.

Banks including Bank of America, Barclays, BNP Paribas, Citi, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs will at an event on Monday with White House climate policy adviser John Podesta support goals set out at the COP28 climate negotiations last year to triple the world’s nuclear energy capacity by 2050.

“This event is going to be a game-changer,” George Borovas, head of the nuclear practice at law firm Hunton Andrews Kurth and a board member of the World Nuclear Association told the Financial Times.

“Until now, he said, banks had found it politically difficult to support new nuclear projects, which often required sign-off from the chief executive’s office,” he said.

“Banks at their senior management level would just say, we don’t understand anything about nuclear. We just know it’s very difficult, very controversial,” said Borovas. He added that the support from the banks would help normalise nuclear energy as “part of the solution for climate change” rather than “a necessary evil”.

Banks could support new plants by increasing direct lending and project finance to nuclear companies, arranging bond sales or introducing companies to private equity or credit funds, said the Financial Times.

The world is reacting to this news, and many people believe this was a long time coming and the only logical energy move.

What the banks want to do essentially is to invest in President Trump’s energy vision.


BREAKING: Trump announces that his upcoming administration will build new Nuclear Power Plants to supply cheaper electricity for the next generation of American innovation

“We have to produce massive electricity,”

“Nuclear now has become very good, very safe, and you build the smaller plants and you attach them… Nuclear is very powerful, very good.” Via the

This is why they are doing everything in their power to stop Trump. He doesn’t work for anybody. He works for the American people. Guess who it would “hurt” to have nuclear energy… the oil and gas lobbies, but Trump is willing to do it because it’s the RIGHT thing to do

If we double the amount of nuclear energy on the grid, the cost of everything will be reduced to HALF overnight. Nuclear plants take time to build, but I trust a builder like Trump to do the job over the cackling dragon they’ve put up against him.

Let’s face it, the globalist green agenda is just like the COVID scam, where our so-called leaders used the “pandemic” to trap us in a web of new rules and regulations while they grabbed even more power. At the end of the day, we don’t need to give these ghouls any more control over our lives. Once they sink their meathooks into us, everything—including our own lives—starts to crumble.