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Pets have become a hot button issue this election season. There’s been a slew of grisly reports out of Springfield, Ohio, where Haitian migrants are allegedly eating people’s dogs and cats. It’s turned into an “information war,” with locals sharing graphic stories of what they claim to be witnessing, while officials and the media insist it’s not happening.

And it goes far beyond just pets. Residents are claiming their entire way of life is being destroyed by these migrants. But the media wants you to think everything is rosy.

Eric Abbenante:

Springfield Ohio woman blames the Biden – Harris administration for the Haitians destroying the community, not the city council: “You can yell at them [Springfield city council] all you want: This is our president [‘s fault]”

The media: Springfield residents did not have a problem with the Haitians

Springfield Residents: I’m voting Trump because of the Haitians.

Who do you believe?

Eric Abbenante:

A Springfield Ohio woman describes how her daughter was assaulted by Haitians. After reporting these incidents to the police, the police never followed up:

“I have a young daughter. I wanna talk about the crime. She’s been followed around Walmart. She’s been stalked. She ran to her car threw stuff down, she was chased. They were [Haitian] immigrants.

She was chased by a man with a machete, on the way to work.

Called the police, told them what had happened and wanted to file a report.

Two hours later the police still had not called her back and never checked on the crime. So that’s how you know there’s no crime in Springfield, because no one is reporting it.”

A perfect encapsulation of how the Biden – Kamala Harris administration lies about ‘crime being down’.

The problem for the media and local officials is that they’ve lost the trust of the people, so it’s hard for many to take their word at face value. Especially when our media won’t even bother to get off their duffs and investigate the claims. Instead, they act like dutiful little puppets for city and state officials and the regime at large, simply regurgitating what they’re told as if it’s gospel, without any investigation at all. That’s not news, folks. That’s propaganda, and people have had about enough of this nonsense.

READ MORE: Why are Michelle and Barack Obama so closely linked to rapists and sex traffickers?

Now there’s another disturbing pet story, this time out of Bangor, Maine, where 16 pet cats have suddenly gone missing. Is it wild animals or wild migrants? Nobody knows, because nothing has been properly investigated. But ABC News is already quick to dismiss the story, calling it a flat-out lie. How do they know that so quickly? Where’s the evidence showing they actually investigated and got to the bottom of it? Don’t hold your breath, because once again, they didn’t bother to do their job.

Well, we know better than to take the mainstream media at face value, and neither should you. That’s why we’re digging deeper, gathering all the information we can, and sharing it with you—so you can see the full picture for yourself.

It’s not far-fetched to wonder if this could be connected to “migrants.” After all, Bangor has been a resettlement hub for many “refugees,” with more on the way…

Bangor Daily News:

Catholic Charities Maine opened its Bangor office and began welcoming refugees to the community in 2022. Since then, the number of people coming to the region has increased by 50 annually.

Now, Catholic Charities Maine’s Bangor office is expecting 150 refugees from numerous countries from October 2024 to September 2025, who will require about 25 to 30 residences, as the average size of a family is four people, according to Melissa Bucholz, assistant director of Catholic Charities Maine’s Bangor office.

Securing housing for more refugees each year is becoming increasingly difficult as Bangor is in the midst of a housing crisis that’s driving up the cost of buying a home and making affordable apartments harder to find for everyone. The problem has grown so much that it’s now surpassed finding employment as the hardest part of helping refugees settle in Maine.

And guess what? Some of those migrants are indeed Haitians, according to the Bangor Daily News, which raises the possibility that cat may be getting snatched as part of voodoo magic rituals or even just as a delicacy, like back home.

Bangor Daily News:

Catholic Charities Maine resettled about 100 refugees in Bangor in fiscal year 2024, which runs from October 2023 to September 2024, Bucholz said.

The new arrivals came from 11 different countries from the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and more, Bucholz said. The largest demographic, 36 percent, came from Syria and another 29 percent came from Venezuela. Other countries of origin include Haiti, Nicaragua and Afghanistan.

It’s hard to say what’s really happening to pets in America. We’re hearing one story from residents on the ground and a completely different one from officials and the regime-run media. It’s no shock that the media would cover for the regime, especially in an election year—their credibility is already in tatters. But why would these residents lie about what they’re witnessing? Maybe some hope for a bit of internet fame, or perhaps they want to push a narrative to get rid of the “migrants” in their town. But would so many people, all at once, decide to chase their “15 minutes” with the same type of story? Seems odd.

We may never know the full truth, but this is still America. When citizens speak out, we should listen and seek the truth. The media, with all their resources, refuses to do that, leaving everyday people to dig through the noise. It’s a sad commentary on where the “press” is today—firmly in the pockets of the regime elites.