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A young teen girl reportedly went from being a bright, happy, excellent student with no criminal record or behavioral problems to murdering her mother in cold blood and attempting to kill her stepfather, all in the blink of an eye. What could cause something this horrific to happen, seemingly, out of the blue? How did a 14-year-old little girl go from being a bright, happy soul to a ghoulish killer who went so far as to invite a friend over to view her mother’s dead, mangled body?

NBC 15 News:

A 14-year-old girl from Mississippi who was accused of killing her mother invited a friend over her house to see her mother’s dead body, an investigator testified in court.

Carly Madison Gregg appeared in court for a preliminary hearing, which was recorded and released on YouTube by the blog Jackson Jambalaya, on April 16.

Carly was arrested in March after she allegedly murdered her mother, Ashley Smylie, as well as seriously hurt her step-father, Heath Smylie, during two separate shootings at their Brandon, Miss., home.

Rankin County Investigator Zachary Cotton testified at the hearing, saying dispatchers received a call from a man, later identified as Health Smiley, who said his child had shot him and his wife on March 19.

The footage also shows Carly hiding something behind her back — which Cotton believes is a gun. He said Carley then texts her step-father, who was not home yet, asking when he would be at the house.

Cotton said it wasabout 45 minutes to 50 minutes before Heath arrived at the scene.

In the meantime, he said Carly texted a friend, asking her to come over and saying it was an emergency.

Carly asked her if she had ever seen a dead body before,” Cotton said. “She said no. She proceeded to show her deceased mother, who was in the bedroom, (and) showed the gun that she used to shoot her mom. (She) told (the friend) she had three shots for her mom and that she’s got three more for her step-dad — two to the head, one to the chest.”
Heath told investigators he was shot as soon as he walked into the house, said Cotton, noting that Health said Carly’s “eyes were really big” and “it looked like she had seen a demon.” Health told investigators Carly was screaming and then ran off.

The friend was outside in the backyard when the second shooting took place, Cotton said.

Many believe the real truth to this story may have a “Big Pharma” connection. Because buried deep within this story about the murder is a little nugget that almost goes completely unnoticed: the young girl was actually on SSRIs and changed medications a week before the shootings. The NBC 15 piece goes on:

Heath told investigators he was shot as soon as he walked into the house, said Cotton, noting that Health said Carly’s “eyes were really big” and “it looked like she had seen a demon.” Health told investigators Carly was screaming and then ran off.


Cotton said investigators learned Carly had been on prescription medications, including Lexapro, leading up to the murder. He added Carley allegedly changed the medication she was taking about a week before the shootings.

Carly, who was charged with first-degree murder and attempted murder, was held on $1 million bond. Her attorney asked for her bond to be reduced, saying Carly was “an exceptional student” who was well-behaved and has no prior arrests.

Carly was a student at Northwest Rankin High School, where her mother was a teacher, according to the Rankin School District’s website.

Research shows that there’s a definite link between violence and SSRIs in some people.

Eurek Alert:

The researchers examined the records of 785,337 people aged 15 to 60 years who were prescribed an SSRI in Sweden in 2006 through 2013. These patients were followed up for an average of around 7 years, which included periods when individuals took SSRIs and when they did not. Individuals in the study were found to have committed 6306 violent crimes while taking SSRIs, and 25,897 when not taking SSRIs. After accounting for follow-up time and variables that were associated both with the probability of getting SSRI treatment and with the risk for violence, the researchers found that the risk of committing a violent crime was on average 26% higher during periods when individuals took SSRIs compared to periods when they did not, though only a small proportion of individuals went on to commit violent crimes regardless of treatment (<3% in the study sample). Due to the rarity of violent crimes, periods of SSRI medication are expected to coincide with only a small increase in the rate of this event. When the researchers subdivided the study follow-up according to time since start and end of SSRI treatment, they found that the risk for violent crime was higher throughout treated periods.

Why do these specific people become suicidal or violent towards others? We don’t know. Maybe because Big Pharma doesn’t want anybody actually investigating this issue, for obvious reasons. However, it can’t be denied that there are many people who believe SSRIs have helped them.

And while that may be true, at what cost? There is a very dark side to these drugs that many people don’t know about.

The sad truth is that SSRIs can cause suicide and even homicidal thoughts and actions in some people, especially when those people suddenly stop taking the medication.


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are associated with an increased risk of committing a violent crime, an effect that may linger up to 12 weeks after treatment discontinuation, new research suggests. However, investigators say the finding should be interpreted with caution.

A large population-based study of more than 800,000 individuals showed those taking these antidepressants had an overall 2.7% increased risk of committing a violent crime while on the medications compared with when they were not taking them.

The increased risk persisted up to 12 weeks after discontinuing SSRIs and then returned to pretreatment levels. The risk was highest in younger individuals and those with a history of a prior violent crime.

“Our findings should be interpreted with caution [because] we do not know how far the association between SSRI medication and violent crime reflect causation,” lead author Tyra Lagerberg, MSc, a PhD candidate at Karolinska Institute, Sweden, told Medscape Medical News.

Let’s hope that when President Trump wins and retakes the White House, his team, including RFK Jr., can tackle these issues and resolve them once and for all.


RFK Jr. sheds light on how Big Pharma operates: “They are making $60 billion a year selling those vaccines, but they’re making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for the injuries caused by the vaccines. The diabetes medication, the Adderall, the Ritalin, the Concerta…This is a really great business plan for these companies…”

The American people deserve to know both the benefits and risks associated with the medications we’re frequently prescribed, especially since doctors likely don’t have the complete picture either.