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You know the Deep State is in big trouble when they trot out their key operatives with messaging that sounds like it came straight from a DIY guide to desperate stupidity. Remember that line from the film “Tropic Thunder”—that goes something like this: “Never go full retard”?

Well, the Deep State just did, and people can’t believe the level of stupidity and desperation they’re witnessing.

A Deep State military operative slithered onto MSNBC and made one of the dumbest comments we’ve ever heard—and that’s saying a lot, because we’ve heard some real doozies. But this one takes the cake. He’s trying to push the absurd notion that Putin, who actually endorsed Kamala Harris, will be “deterred” by her because she’s the product of a “mixed marriage.”

Utter stupidity. This guy went “full retard” and then some.

Even worse, he’s a retired Brigadier General in our military.

The American Security Project:

Brigadier General Steve Anderson, USA, (Ret.), currently works at All Native Group, The Federal Services Division of Ho Chunk Inc. as Executive Director Business, Defense Solutions and Services. Anderson is also a member of the board of directors of Vote Vets.

He retired in April 2010 after a 31-year career in the US Army that included logistics command and staff assignments in Korea, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Germany, Hawaii and four tours in the Pentagon.  His most notable military assignment was serving under General David H. Petraeus as his Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics for the Multi-National Force in Iraq for 15 months (Aug 06 – Nov 07).

Anderson has spoken publicly on energy and environmental issues in various forums.  His op-ed piece, “Save Lives, Save Energy” appeared in the New York Times on Jan 12, 2011 and in July, 2010 he appeared for a week on a national television campaign for a national Clean Energy climate.  He has testified before Congress and made numerous radio and television appearances on venues such as National Public Radio, BBC, WUSA, and proudly supported the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRCD), Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2), the National Science Foundation, and other environmental and veterans organizations.

Anderson is a 1978 graduate of the United States Military Academy and was awarded a Master of Science in Operations Research and Systems Analysis Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School in 1987.  His awards include the Distinguished Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster and Bronze Star.

When a powerful entity feels cornered and the pressure’s cranked up to high, things start to go off the rails. We saw that on MSNBC when an unserious military official had the audacity to suggest that a world leader like Putin would be terrified of a DEI candidate just because she has an Indian mother and a Jamaican father. It’s one of the dumbest comments ever made. But running a close second are Hillary Clinton’s recent remarks, where she’s calling on the Deep State to start jailing Americans for posting “misinformation.”

We’ve got Kamala Harris and Walz trying to end social media as we know it, and Hillary wants to lock up Americans over what she deems “misinformation.” Mind you, this is the same woman who started and funded the biggest misinformation hoax in US history with the debunked Russia collusion fiasco. But if you post a meme she doesn’t like, she’ll have you thrown in jail. Just ask Douglass Mackey—he posted a satirical anti-Hillary meme, and now he’s facing 7 months in federal prison after being convicted.

Between the left’s mass censorship plot and the ridiculous smoke-and-mirror games the Deep State is playing to prop up Kamala Harris, we’re in for a rough and wild ride leading up to the 2024 election. Let’s face it, these vultures don’t play fair, and they’re not shy about revealing their true colors. It’s wise to take them at their word—they fully intend to follow through with everything they’re saying.