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Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got something important to share—a masterclass in how to handle the FBI when they show up at your house acting completely unconstitutionally. Unfortunately, today’s disgraceful, regime-run FBI is pulling these stunts more and more often, using their power to target, bully, and intimidate average Americans into submission. This behavior is about creating a nation where political dissent is no longer tolerated. The only way to fight back is by 1) knowing how to lawfully address this anti-American behavior and 2) spreading awareness and teaching others to do the same. That’s where American badass Jeremy Kauffman comes in. He had an unconstitutional visit from the regime-run FBI for exercising his free speech—acts that were not crimes. Jeremy was fearless; he turned the tables on the agents so fast, they didn’t know what hit them. He gave us all a masterclass in how to handle this kind of situation lawfully and like a true American who loves and respects freedom.

Take a look and spread the word.

The two shameful cowards tucked tail and ran at the first sign of an American citizen who knew the law and his rights.

Here’s what Mr. Kauffman had to say about the ordeal:

The FBI visited my house today for free speech acts they knew were not crimes.

You can see the shame on their faces.

This is the Democratic regime manifest.

People sometimes ask me how I have the confidence to do this and the answer is that I practiced.

Practice asserting your rights in minor situations and it will continue to get easier.

For example, do it at DUI checkpoints or at border control when re-entering the US.

I’d like to thank @CarlaGericke for firmly establishing the right to always film in New Hampshire.

Carla along with hundreds of others early @freestatenh movers formed a culture of First Amendment activism.

Culture is how you win.


Let’s be real: This is not how a constitutional republic operates. Free people don’t live under a regime police force that uses taxpayer dollars to show up at homes where no laws have been broken. It’s time we stood up to this bullying. Know the laws in your state and defend yourself. Just because someone has a badge doesn’t mean they can trample on your constitutional rights. What these FBI bullies count on is you being scared and unaware of your rights. But as Jeremy showed us, the moment they realize you know your rights, they slither away like the cowards they are.