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The tide is turning, folks. Europeans have had enough of the migrant tsunami and are demanding their countries back. It turns out, diversity wasn’t “our strength” after all—it was the world’s downfall, and Sweden is a tragic example of this failed left-wing experiment. Years after importing a flood of foreign migrants, Sweden can now claim the title of “rape capital” of the world.


Y Net News:

Sweden has recently become the world’s rape capital, the capital of gang wars, shootings and murders by firearms. In 2022, the last year for which these statistics are available, there were 363 shootings with 53 fatalities — double the number compared to 2013. The shooting rate in Stockholm was 25 times that of London.

But it’s not just Sweden—crime is surging across all of Europe, with women being the primary targets. Yet these spineless globalist governments refuse to offend Islamists, happily sacrificing women on the altar of political correctness in order to keep Muslims “safe.”

So much for protecting women, right? It’s as if they’re being told to lay down and take whatever abuse migrants throw at them—just don’t make waves or look “racist,” ladies. Thankfully, that twisted left-wing mindset is falling apart, and many Europeans are fighting back by kicking their “refugees welcome” globalist governments to the curb and electing right-wing leaders who promise to make their countries great again. It’s happening in Sweden, where they’re now paying migrants up to 34 thousand bucks… to LEAVE.

Information Liberation:

The Swedish government announced on Thursday that it will increase grants for immigrants who choose to return to their home countries voluntarily, despite a government-appointed inquiry’s recommendation last month against a significant increase, Anadolu Agency reports.

Starting in 2026, immigrants who choose to leave the Nordic country voluntarily will be eligible for financial assistance of up to 350,000 Swedish kronor (approximately $34,000), up from the current 10,000 kronor.

Under the current law, migrants returning home can get a maximum of 10,000 kronor per adult, or 5,000 kronor per child, with a maximum of 40,000 kronor per family, according to local broadcaster, SVT Nyheter.

“We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in our migration policy,” Migration Minister, Johan Forssell, said at a press conference in Stockholm.

According to Ludvig Aspling of the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats, the grant has been available since 1984 and “is relatively unknown, small, and used by a few people”.

However, he now believes that heavily promoting substantially increased financial assistance would encourage more people to accept the offer to leave the Scandinavian country.

It’s a shame that so many historic, culture-rich countries opened their doors to vultures who came in and destroyed everything. The same thing is happening in the United States, but because we’re so big, the changes aren’t as obvious as they are in smaller European countries. Sure, it’s promising that people are finally waking up, but you have to wonder—is it too late? Is the damage already done? Time will tell, but in the meantime, it’s crucial to at least try to regain control and never allow these globalist tyrants to take power again. If they do, they’ll repeat this disaster all over again.