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The left’s dangerous and deadly agenda stands no chance of succeeding without the support of uniparty RINOs like Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. Thanks to establishment stooges like Mike, the left is successfully transforming the United States into a third-world hellhole, making sure America’s heartland looks more like a foreign wasteland than an American utopia. In fact, Mike is a key player in the left’s plot to flood the Midwest with hundreds of thousands of uncivilized Haitian migrants, who are reportedly harassing decent citizens, squatting on their property, driving like unhinged maniacs, and eating their pets.


What’s happening in Ohio is growing bigger and scarier by the day. As most of you know, Ohio residents are now claiming that Haitian “migrants” are eating their pets, along with the geese and ducks at local parks. Naturally, the media—who haven’t lifted a finger to investigate—rushed to dismiss these claims as ‘lies.’ Of course they did, because this story, like everything else unfolding in Ohio, doesn’t fit the left-wing agenda.

As we’ve noted, the situation in Ohio is fluid and constantly changing. We’ve gone from shocking tales of pet-eating savages to an onslaught of horrific car accidents caused by unlicensed, reckless Haitian migrants, creating chaos, death, injuries, and skyrocketing insurance rates. Now, we’re hearing that someone has put together a video showing alleged Haitian “migrants” wreaking dangerous havoc on the roads, and it looks horrifying.


Springfield, Ohio, residents are complaining about Haitian migrants crashing cars.

Someone compiled a video of the alleged incidents.

Kamala Harris’s open border policy has brought around 20,000 migrants to the town of 60,000.

Mayor Rob Rue has warned that this influx is straining public services and causing a housing crisis.

And if that’s not bad enough, there are now reports coming out that an Ohio grandmother was mowed down and killed by a crazy Haitian “migrant.”


And the worst part about all of this Haitian invasion is that innocent Americans are getting killed because of the Harris/Biden third-world agenda. The latest victim is a 71-year-old grandmother who was simply taking out the trash when a reckless driver mowed her down, killing her. The worst part? That driver wasn’t even held accountable.


NEW: Springfield, Ohio couple mourns the death of their mother, 71-year-old grandmother Kathy Heaton, who was allegedly struck and killed by a Haitian migrant “driving recklessly.”

“She was collecting her trash from her driveway when a car struck and killed her instantly.”

“A Haitian immigrant was allegedly driving recklessly when he struck and killed her.”

“I say ‘allegedly’ because, to this day, there has been no punishment—not even for the expired tags on the vehicle he was driving.”

“Months before she was killed, I noticed the reckless driving and disregard for traffic laws by some members of the Haitian community.”

“We have unfortunately seen countless vehicle crashes in our area involving people of Haitian descent.”

Other residents have voiced similar concerns, with a video circulating showing some of these alleged incidents.

Kamala Harris’s open border policy has brought around 20,000 migrants to the town of 60,000, straining public services and creating a housing crisis, according to Mayor Rob Rue.

The media is doing their best to cast doubt on the pet-eating story. However, independent journalists on the ground in Ohio, who are speaking directly with residents, are discovering that this disturbing story may be very real after all.


Of course, the regime-controlled media did what they do best—quickly jumping into action to claim the Haitian cat-eating story is one big lie. And despite all their resources and contacts, they haven’t bothered to investigate or interview any locals. They’re just toeing the regime line and covering for the failed progressive agenda, as usual.

Meanwhile, an independent investigative reporter actually did his job, went to Springfield, Ohio, and spoke to residents. He found even more people backing up the story.

Our good friends at Gateway Pundit are all over this story. They covered the brave independent journalist who actually traveled to Springfield to talk to people on the street—something our worthless mainstream media should have done eons ago.

Gateway Pundit:

YouTuber Tyler Oliveira traveled to Springfield, Ohio to investigate the rumors of Haitians eating ducks, geese, and cats.

Tyler, whose YouTube channel has 6.7 million subscribers spent time in Springfield speaking with locals about the Haitian community, and asking them if they know of any Haitians eating dogs or cats.

The answers from the citizens were shocking. Numerous locals accused the Haitians of eating the cats. One man said the cat lady down the street used to have 50 cats and “now she’s lucky if she has five.”

You can read the entire shocking story by clicking here:

Journalist travels to Ohio, where more residents corroborate the ‘Haitian cat-eating’ story…

What’s even more unbelievable is that, despite all the turmoil and chaos unfolding in Springfield, Ohio, Mike is still fully onboard with the left’s plan to flood the US with these combative, reckless Haitians.

And to make matters even worse, he wants US taxpayers to fund the program at their own demise.

Washington Examiner:

Gov. Mike DeWine (R-OH) expressed support for a controversial program that brought a massive influx of Haitians into Springfield, Ohio.

Springfield has become the centerpiece of the national immigration debate after the city of about 59,000 was suddenly flooded with 15,000 Haitian migrants. DeWine pledged to send more resources to the city to deal with the crisis but expressed support for the program.

“Sixteen countries, including Haiti, I believe we counted … citizens can come under the category of temporary protected status,” he said. “Temporary protected status. That is what Haitians who are here. We have a long history in this country, throughout most of my life, maybe before, when we see a situation in a country that is dire, and we see people flee from that country or want to flee from that country. We have created special programs, special policies. When I was in junior high and then in high school, [it] wasn’t the same program, but we had policy in regard to people coming from Cuba.

“I want to be very clear, totally very clear, I’m not against this program,” DeWine said. “I’m not against this program.”

He added that the program should be planned better to prevent situations “like we’re seeing in Springfield” and that the federal government should send assistance.

RINO Mike knows the Haitian program is a disaster for Ohioans, but that won’t stop him. He’s determined to keep it going—he just wants the regime to give him more support.

Idaho News:

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine on Tuesday addressed growing concerns over recent reports of a migrant influx in the state centered on the city of Springfield and Clark County.

He spoke at a news conference in Columbus, where heused noticeably non-inflammatory rhetoric to address the situation in the town of 58,000, compared with other prominent voices in his state and party.

In fact, DeWine is so committed to the regime’s plot to turn America into a third-world cesspool that back in 2019, he fired a “warning shot” at Trump and his America First agenda, vowing to keep the regime’s refugee program running strong. This man is literally spitting in the face of the Republican base, and he couldn’t care less how endangered his people are. Anything to help the left and keep the America First agenda at bay.

Ohio plans to continue accepting refugees fleeing war, violence and persecution following an executive order from President Donald Trump allowing states to opt out of resettlement efforts.

Gov. Mike DeWine officially acknowledged Ohio’s consent to receiving refugees in a Dec. 24 letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

“The State of Ohio has a long and successful history of welcoming and assimilating refugees from all corners of the globe,” DeWine wrote. “Ohio also has a well-developed support network to welcome and assimilate refugees, primarily led by our faith-based communities.”

Trump’s September executive order says Department of State officials will only place refugees in states and localities that have consented to placement. A DeWine spokesman indicated then that Ohio would accept refugees under the order.

The order has placed Republican governors in a thorny spot between immigration critics who want to stem new arrivals to the country and evangelical Christians who welcome and support refugees as an extension of their faith.

And if you’re wondering why Mike is so dedicated to Haitians instead of Americans, we’ve found a possible motive. Aside from being a uniparty lackey, the Haitian “struggle” is a personal pet project for Mike and his wife.

News 5 Cleveland:

Few elected leaders know the inner workings of Haiti like Ohio Governor Mike DeWine

CLEVELAND — For more than two decades Governor Mike DeWine and his wife Fran have been visiting Haiti, working with a group that runs a school named for their late daughter Becky who was killed in a car crash in 1993 at the age of 22. DeWine was saddened when he learned an Ohio ministry was the target of these kidnappings but says the one thing that always struck him when visiting Haiti were the number of Ohioans there.

“There’s no way to really keep track of how many are down there but a lot of Ohioans go to Haiti to help,” DeWine said. “And I think that’s something to remember we have a lot of exposure a lot of Ohioans who are in fact in Haiti.”

Very strange stuff. Here’s another news article from all the way back in 2010.

YS News:

DeWines long committed to Haiti

Before the earthquake, Haiti was a country that struggled to support human life. Haiti was already the poorest country in the Americas by most standards; 80 percent of the people lived in poverty and many of those were malnourished or infected with AIDS or other diseases. And in the capital city of Port-au-Prince, about 400,000 people lived in the squalor of a lowland trash dump besieged with standing water, through which rag-clad children would dig for their daily sustenance.

That was the Haiti that former U.S. Senator Mike DeWine, who grew up in Yellow Springs, and his wife Fran saw on their first trip there in 1985. And it was the picture that drove them to return at least once every year afterward to do what they could to assist a country that seemed so close to the U.S. and so far from a decent standard of living.

The DeWines have spent the following 20 years rallying their family and friends to support the work of Father Tom Hagan in his effort to build an orphanage, health clinic and a school for the poorest of the poor in Cité Soleil, so that children could get at least one meal a day and a chance at a better future. They eventually drew in about 700 regular supporters, and during their last visit the DeWines attended the dedication of the high school as the newest addition to the eight-school campus known as the Becky DeWine School, named after the DeWines’ daughter, who died in 1989.


So, aside from Mike’s devotion to the uniparty and his anti-American agenda, one has to wonder if his obsession with Haiti is a bizarre and questionable “hobby” that’s thrown the entire state of Ohio into dangerous turmoil. Just imagine how much better off Ohioans would be if Mike and his wife cared as much about America as they do about Haiti. Don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen. The only way Ohio will truly be great again is if the good people who live there vote this regime-supporter out of power and replace him with an America First warrior. Otherwise, Mike will flood the state with as many unvetted Haitians as humanly possible, while also pushing the left’s trans agenda, targeting Ohio’s youth. It’s a recipe for absolute disaster, and failed Governor Mike DeWine is more than happy to cook it up.