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The debate between President Trump and Kamala Harris was a complete nothingburger for her. She didn’t go in and wow anyone or change any hearts and minds. All she really proved is that she’s running on “vibes.” Kamala is banking on feelings and emotions because she’s got nothing when it comes to actual policies. And what little she has to show is a track record of failure and hopelessness.

Meanwhile, President Trump has a successful record of winning policies—and let’s be honest, he’s got quite the “vibe” himself. His debate performance was strong. He needed to go in there and hold his ground, land a few well-placed jabs, and walk out unscathed, and that’s exactly what he did. But, of course, his critics and the regime-run media are spinning it as if Trump somehow lost the debate in some dramatic fashion. It’s an absurd cope, a desperate attempt to prop up their DEI candidate.

Chris Wallace even tried to claim that Trump’s performance was “worse” than Biden’s career-ending debate. Is that the TDS talking? Wallace has officially lost every ounce of credibility he ever had.

The absurd story-telling coming from these desperate Trump-haters is off the charts right now.

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In the meantime, President Trump is brushing off this all-too-typical regime-media game and focusing on a hot new way to takedown Comrade Kamala. The debate gave President Trump a new opening and a clever way to expose Ms. Harris for the inept DEI candidate that she truly is.

Daily Mail:

While pundits were quick to declare Tuesday’s debate to be a victory for Harris, his inner circle believes most viewers were left none the wiser about how the Democratic candidate would tackle crippling prices or secure the border if she won power.

And that will be Trump’s message when he addresses supporters in Tucson on Thursday afternoon.

Tim Murtaugh, senior campaign adviser, said Trump would hit his rival for being vague on the big issues during the debate.

‘It’s the contrast,’ he said of Trump’s plan for the coming days.

‘It’s that he’s got a plan to make life more affordable for regular people. She doesn’t.

‘In fact, she’s concealing what her true plans are.’

And he dismissed headlines about a Harris win as nothing but a ‘journalgasm.’

James Johnson, cofounder of J.L. Partners, said his argument was borne out by a snap poll of independent voters he conducted for immediately after the debate.

‘Despite giving the title of debate winner to Harris, independents felt one big question was unanswered: What would Kamala Harris actually do in office? Half of independents told us they still felt they did not know enough about Harris’ plans after the debate, significantly more than said the same for Trump,’ he said.

Honestly, it’s pretty stunning to watch the regime puppets in the media downplay Kamala Harris’s complete lack of a “plan” to fix the mess she helped create, as if it’s “no big deal.” Meanwhile, Kamala flat-out refused to answer the one crucial debate question: Do you think Americans are better off now than they were four years ago?


Team Harris knows Americans aren’t better off—we’re worse than ever. That’s not even up for debate—no pun intended. So, they’re betting on the idea that enough people would rather stay in hopelessness, poverty, and endless wars than see President Trump retake the White House. That’s how stupid and brainwashed they think American voters are, and sadly, in many cases, they’re right. After all, we’ve all seen the power of the media and how easily people are manipulated by fear. Just look what they did with COVID. The reality is that there are plenty of voters who are more than willing to sacrifice their own well-being just to avoid the fake “horror show” the media has painted of a Trump return. It’s a sad, dangerous reality—but that’s all Team Harris is banking on. The good news is, many Americans aren’t falling for it, and this debate proved that in spades.

Voters needed a lot more than the same old left-wing scare tactics and anti-Trump hysteria to get behind Harris. But unfortunately, that’s all they got.

Read the entire in-depth piece by clicking below:

This one question Harris refused to answer at the debate says it ALL…

We all know the answer to that crucial question: NO.

And no matter how hard the media lackeys try to spin it, this is what truly matters to most level-headed, rational American voters.

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This is why President Trump’s new tactic will likely score him major points with undecided voters who are unhappy with the current state of the union and asking themselves, “If everything is so bad right now, as Kamala says, why hasn’t she fixed it over the past three and a half years? And why did she actually help make everything 100 times worse?” This is the logical question every voter should be asking and demanding answers.

After all, how can the person who created the mess and wallowed in it for years now have a brilliant plan to fix everything? It’s an insulting strategy from Team Harris, and President Trump—who has a proven track record—is smart to zero in on it.