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You know what would be nice? If we had a media that actually did their damn jobs—investigating stories instead of sitting on their high horses, tossing out snarky one-liners and gotcha nonsense to anyone who disagrees with them politically. But unfortunately, that’s not what we’ve got. We don’t have a media that’s curious or willing to dig for the truth, especially if it doesn’t fit their political agenda. What we have is a regime-run propaganda machine, so blinded by left-wing ideology that they can’t even see straight. And one of the biggest and best examples of this pathetic state-run media is CNN’s most beloved Trump-hater and handsome lady, Kaitlan Collins.

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It’s no secret that Kaitlan is your typical cat lady type, who despises President Trump and uses her mediocre platform to score as many progressive brownie points as possible. Make no mistake—she’s not a journalist; she’s a left-wing activist with a microphone and a camera. So, it wasn’t a shock when she pulled her usual activist shtick during a post-debate interview with JD Vance, trying to dismiss the numerous stories from local Ohioans about Haitian “migrants” running wild, squatting on properties, harassing residents, and even eating pets and geese from local parks. As far as Ms. Collins is concerned, the story is a flat-out lie, despite the fact that many residents are saying it’s happening.

But see, the media loves to bury stories that don’t align with their political agenda. They do this by quickly claiming there’s no “evidence” and citing officials—likely with the same political views—who say, “Nothing’s wrong.” This allows activists like Ms. Collins to label the story a lie and run with it, squashing it like a bug.

A real journalist would pack up their gear, head to Ohio, and actually investigate these claims from real people on the street. But remember, CNN and the rest of the mainstream media aren’t journalists—they’re propaganda artists and radical activists, whose sole mission is to spin the left’s narrative and ensure that any story that doesn’t fit their agenda is snuffed out before it gains traction.

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That’s exactly what Ms. Collins tried to do when she sat down with JD Vance. But what happened was the exact opposite—JD’s response, which she never saw coming, left her completely speechless. JD wasn’t going to allow this professional propaganda spin artist to pull her usual tricks. Instead, he flipped the script, putting her and the entire left-wing media in the crosshairs. And in a masterful move, he threw Comrade Kamala under the bus, too. But JD wasn’t done. He made it crystal clear that we the people will happily meme the “news” into existence since she and her cohorts refuse to do their jobs—and you could see Ms. Collins squirming in her seat.

It was truly wonderful. Take a look:

We gotta hand it to JD. What a masterclass in media annihilation. This was his best line:

“The media didn’t care about the carnage wrought by these policies until we turned it into a meme about cats. And that speaks to the media’s failure to care about what’s going on in these communities. If we have to meme about it to get the media to care, we’re going to keep on doing it…”

But it’s not just JD Vance who’s dropped a nuke on Ms. Collins. We think Megyn Kelly might be onto something with her spot-on assessment of the “handsome” woman.

Megyn nailed it.

But now the question is this: Are the stories coming out of Ohio true? It’s hard to say for sure, but they likely are to some extent, especially since so many different people are reporting the same disturbing accounts of uncivilized “migrants” harming pets and people. Sadly, this isn’t a far-fetched tale, is it? We’re seeing this kind of nightmare play out all over the Western world.

If outlets like CNN really wanted to get to the bottom of the story, they have the resources. They could suit up, grab their gear, jump in a van, and head to Ohio to interview locals and follow the evidence wherever it leads.

But they won’t.

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Because this isn’t about the truth. It’s about covering up anything that threatens the progressive narrative. So, instead, you’ll keep seeing handsome cat ladies like Ms. Collins sitting on their golden perches, throwing out snarky one-liners and citing “officials” instead of getting off their butts and doing their jobs. Because these days, spewing propaganda and covering for the regime is their job.