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What’s happening in Ohio should be criminal. The Harris/Biden regime has unleashed a horde of uncivilized Haitian migrants on this red state, causing the bottom to fall out of traditional Midwest America. These “migrants” have wreaked havoc—squatting on private property, eating people’s pets, and leaving decent Americans living in fear. The entire plot to turn America into a third-world country is sadly working, and we have Comrade Kamala to thank.

We have covered this story extensively, from all angles, and provided updates on the stories.


In case you didn’t realize, the US is now being invaded by a horde of pet-eating Haitian “migrants.” These uncivilized “migrants” have been settled in small towns across America, and they’re now eating people’s pets and the ducks and geese at local parks. Not to mention, they’re causing massive filth in these towns and squatting on people’s lawns. It’s gotten so bad that residents of these towns and communities are literally begging their elected officials for help.


But just when you think it can’t get worse than some bloodthirsty foreigner eating your beloved cat, something even more sinister comes to light. What’s really going on should send a chill down your spine. You won’t be surprised by what we’re about to share, because by now we all know Harris and Biden are busy “resetting” the US into a low-IQ, subpar voting bloc.

But what will shock you is the sheer horror of it all. As it turns out, Harris and Biden have secretly flown over a quarter of a million unvetted, pet-eating Haitians into communities all across the United States.

John LeFevre:

The fact that Haitian immigrants are eating pets in Ohio isn’t even the worst part.

The Biden-Harris administration has secretly flown in over 320,000 unvetted Haitian immigrants into the United States. Then, in June 2024, Mayorkas gave them special protective status to prevent them from being deported.

This represents an influx of people, sadly, from an inferior culture, and they are bringing their 3rd world values here:

– The average IQ in Haiti is ~78. (Context: An IQ of at least 75 is required to be considered competent in a court of law.)
– Haiti is by far the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with a GDP per capita $1,748
– Haiti is the 20th most deadly country in the world, with 40.9 homicides per 100,000
– Haiti’s education system is ranked 177th globally in terms of national spending on education, with a literacy rate of 61%
– Haiti has one of the highest prevalences of communicable diseases in the world, and the highest STD and tuberculosis rates in the Western Hemisphere
– Nearly 40% of Haitians practice some form of Voodoo, which involves witchcraft and animal sacrifice
– Haiti ranked lowest on the Human Development Index in the Region of the Americas

In no way does this make our country better; they don’t even make street tacos.

But there’s something even more sinister going on, folks. You can read the entire breakdown of the Harris/Biden plot by clicking here:

Shocking update: Pet-eating Haitians in Ohio aren’t the worst part of Harris/Biden’s latest ‘migrant’ deception…

And the worst part about all of this Haitian invasion is that innocent Americans are getting killed because of the Harris/Biden third-world agenda. The latest victim is a 71-year-old grandmother who was simply taking out the trash when a reckless driver mowed her down, killing her. The worst part? That driver wasn’t even held accountable.


NEW: Springfield, Ohio couple mourns the death of their mother, 71-year-old grandmother Kathy Heaton, who was allegedly struck and killed by a Haitian migrant “driving recklessly.”

“She was collecting her trash from her driveway when a car struck and killed her instantly.”

“A Haitian immigrant was allegedly driving recklessly when he struck and killed her.”

“I say ‘allegedly’ because, to this day, there has been no punishment—not even for the expired tags on the vehicle he was driving.”

“Months before she was killed, I noticed the reckless driving and disregard for traffic laws by some members of the Haitian community.”

“We have unfortunately seen countless vehicle crashes in our area involving people of Haitian descent.”

Other residents have voiced similar concerns, with a video circulating showing some of these alleged incidents.

Kamala Harris’s open border policy has brought around 20,000 migrants to the town of 60,000, straining public services and creating a housing crisis, according to Mayor Rob Rue.

According to locals, the reckless and dangerous driving has gotten so bad since the Haitians arrived that everyone’s insurance rates have skyrocketed.

Tayler Hansen:

75-year Springfield, Ohio resident speaks on the Haitian Immigrant Influx and how it’s impacted the zip codes insurance rates:

“We have maybe 3-4 (crashes) a day, everyday. The Haitians. Thats not even Americans that’s Haitians. Our insurance rates have went sky high because of it because of our zip code.”

“This one lady that’s in our group they ran into her garage and killed her animals. Demolished her garage; he had no insurance, he was drunk.”

“Maybe I should be like the Haitians and not have insurance. I mean that’s the mindset we end up getting here. Nobody should have to go through that because of people that’s here not obeying our laws.”