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There’s a rumor swirling around the DC Swamp that Mitch McConnell’s replacement has already been picked—and he’s a full-blown Deep State puppet and RINO from Texas. That’s right, we’re talking about establishment shill and uniparty loyalist John Cornyn. Word is, Cornyn’s the “favorite” to take the spot and become the number two man in the United States Senate.

What a disaster this will be. But honestly, it won’t be any different from the current status quo, which is already controlled by high-powered RINOs who make it impossible for us to push forward the America First agenda.

Here’s what folks online had to say about this decision:

“Awful!!!! Just awful!”

“Terrible idea as a Texan I’m never voting for him again.”

“We need to primary him here in Texas! He is not for America First!”

“Just younger versions of Mitch. And they are not on board with the base of their party.”

“Both these clowns will work with a potential Kamala Harris administration to pass amnesty for 20-30 million illegals. Bookmark it now. If Trump loses, the GOP will be irrelevant by the end of the decade and every neighborhood will look like Springfield, OH very soon.”

“Cornyn is a fake republican and this would be a huge mistake. His running explains his recent backing of Trump. All theatre, all fake, I couldn’t hate career politicians more than I already do.”

“We suck…. I was hoping we were shifting away from these frauds”

The truth is, there couldn’t be a worse choice for Minority Leader. Cornyn is a textbook RINO, and it’s shocking how Texas keeps electing these phony “conservatives” like him and that other RINO, Dan Crenshaw. But Cornyn is definitely determined, and he’s making his move to become one of the most powerful men in the Republican Party, whether we like it or not.

Washington Examiner:

“If Cornyn takes over as Minority Leader, we’ll be in an even worse spot than we were with Mitch McConnell. It’s mind-blowing how we just can’t seem to shake these RINOs and make real progress. This speaks volumes about the Deep State’s grip on the ‘uniparty’ and how establishment globalists like Cornyn have more in common with the left-wing than they do with MAGA. They’ll work hand-in-hand with the regime to stop us—and President Trump—at every turn.

“Planning is hard because the future is unpredictable,” he wrote. “Still, with the election rapidly approaching, it is only prudent to think broadly and boldly about our goals.”

Cornyn, who served as McConnell’s No. 2 in leadership before he was term-limited out of the job five years ago, vowed to protect the filibuster. Some Democrats are calling for a change in the Senate’s filibuster rules if they take control of the chamber in November’s elections. The rules currently call for a 60-vote threshold on most legislation.

“We must reject all attempts to nuke the legislative filibuster in the Senate. Liberal activists may like the idea of nuking the filibuster today, but they will rue the day when the shoe is on the other foot,” Cornyn wrote.

Cornyn, the former GOP whip, is one of three declared candidates vying to replace McConnell, who announced he is stepping down as the Senate Republican leader at the end of the year. Sen. John Thune (R-SD), the current GOP whip, and Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), the former Senate campaign arm last cycle, are also vying for the position.

Of the three candidates, Rick Scott would be the best choice. But as always, it looks like John Cornyn’s already been picked, and now we’re just going through the motions.

The hard truth is, if Cornyn takes over as Minority Leader, we’ll be in an even worse spot than we were with Mitch McConnell. It’s unbelievable how we can’t seem to shake these RINOs and actually move forward. This just shows how tight the Deep State’s grip is on the “uniparty” and how establishment globalists like Cornyn have more in common with the left than they do with MAGA. And you can bet that they’ll team up with the regime to block us—and potentially President Trump—every step of the way.