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While Kamala Harris and her emotional support “pet,” Tampon Tim Walz, flopped in their first mainstream media interview, President Trump was in Michigan, igniting the entire state with his hopeful message and America-first agenda.

The highlight of the night came when a speaker from “Auto Workers For Trump” urged everyone in the auto industry to get 10-15 friends and vote for President Trump if they care about their future. It was a defining moment.


BREAKING: Trump just brought up the organizer of a group called “Auto Workers for Trump,” and he LIFTED THE ROOF off the place with his speech slamming the Kamala-Biden regime for destroying American car jobs and implementing their destructive EV mandate

“I’m asking everybody, I’m asking auto workers, and I’m asking everybody that supplies the auto industry, get ten or 15 of your friends, make sure they get out and vote. Our very survival depends on it” – Brian Pannebecker


You can see where Trump plans to strike Kamala—he made that clear during the Michigan rally. He’s going to go for the jugular of her weak campaign: her wildly unpopular and dangerously soft-on-crime stance.

After the barn-burning rally, President Trump took to Twitter, where he thanked the Mitten State for all the amazing support.

Meanwhile, Ms. Harris was floundering as she tried—and failed—to explain her recent flip-flops, essentially backtracking and reaffirming that she’s still a radical progressive nut job. What an absolutely crazy and confusing campaign message. Kamala was flopping all over the place, like a fish out of water.

Ms. Harris tried her best to push the fake “climate crisis,” but once again, her real-life actions make her words utterly meaningless.

However, President Trump, understanding the broader issue and its impact on the working class—especially in auto-focused states like Michigan—vows to be the “energy president.” And his actions back up his words.

Tampon Tim didn’t fare much better when he fumbled a question about his stolen valor, absurdly claiming he just got his “grammar” wrong for a couple of decades.

Well, the truth is, whatever President Trump is doing, and Ms. Harris isn’t, is clearly working in our favor. Not that we ever thought he lost the lead, but Nate Silver’s model now shows him taking a 5 percent lead over Harris/Walz.

And we’ll leave you with this—a meme that perfectly captures Kamala’s pathetic first interview, where she had to drag Tim along as her “life support.” And the real kicker is that this cartoon is from WAPO. The only thing missing is Dana Bash in a “lifeguard” chair, because she was also running major cover for the DEI Diva.
