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The unification of Trump and Kennedy was something many speculated about during the primaries, but few believed it would actually happen. Yet, in the end, RFK Jr. dropped out of the race and endorsed President Trump in what many are calling a complete game-changing move. It’s clear there will be a role for RFK Jr. in the Trump administration, but what will that look like? According to Roger Stone, it might involve cowardly RINOs doing everything they can to block RFK Jr. from becoming head of Health and Human Services—a role that would be a natural fit for him, given his stance on COVID and the vaccine. Once again, RINOs are likely to step in and undo something that would actually benefit the American people. What else is new?

So, what then? How will RFK Jr. fit into a Trump administration if he’s not leading HHS?

Well, Roger Stone makes a strong case for an alternate role that would be a perfect fit for Bobby Kennedy’s son: CIA Director.


This would be a big, bold move. After all, RFK Jr. has not been shy about his feelings regarding the CIA. He believes that they had his father assassinated and his uncle, too.

RFK Jr. might be onto something here. The vast majority of Americans don’t buy the “lone gunman” theory surrounding JFK’s assassination. They believe there was much more to the story, with Oswald likely working with others in a larger plot to kill the former president.

In another interview, RFK Jr. explained how the bullets that killed his father, who was running for president at the time, didn’t match the bullets in the suspect’s gun. The ballistics were totally off.

With so much mystery still surrounding both Kennedy murders, it’s no surprise that Americans are now questioning every story the government spins for us.


Sixty years after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, a broad majority of Americans continue to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone but rather, that others were involved in a conspiracy to kill the president. The 65% of U.S. adults who think Oswald worked in concert with others and the 29% who say he was solely responsible are roughly in line with the previous readings from 10 years ago. Belief in a conspiracy was higher between 1976 and 2003.

Roger Stone is right—the CIA Director position wouldn’t just be a perfect fit for RFK Jr.; it would also be a huge step toward ending the death grip the CIA has on our media and putting an end to the targeting and psyops unfolding against the American people. This could be the beginning of the end of the deep state as we now know it. So, could it happen? Absolutely. And once Kennedy is in charge of the CIA, Trump can boot Chris Wray and start cleaning house at the FBI, too. Who would be the best pick for FBI director? Let us know your top pick in the comments below.