President Trump is doubling down on his use of X as the election approaches, and in true Trump fashion, he’s crushing it. In one blistering tweet, he took down Comrade Kamala, Sleepy Joe, and Tampon Tim all at once. The tweet was not only spot-on and a bit terrifying, but also, as always, pretty hilarious.

Trump’s focus is on keeping us out of World War III. As you know, if Comrade Kamala and Tampon Tim get anywhere near the White House, they’ll finish what Sleepy Joe started and have us in a world war so fast, it’ll make everyone’s head spin. It’s become the Democrats’ “brand.”

X won’t embed this video anymore… watch it here…

These ghouls thrive on war—it’s their cash cow and their ticket to power. President Trump sees through it and is doing everything in his power to stop it. Remember any “World War III” threats during his time in office? Exactly—he was the president of peace and is still running on his brilliant and successful “peace through strength” policy.

And President Trump is right. Who the heck is in charge of the US right now? The American people deserve answers.

President Trump:

Who is negotiating for us in the Middle East? Bombs are dropping all over the place! Sleepy Joe is sleeping on a Beach in California, viciously Exiled by the Democrats, and Comrade Kamala is doing a campaign bus tour with Tampon Tim, her really bad V.P. Pick. Let’s not have World War lll, because that’s where we’re heading!

We love to see it. There needs to be a lot more where this came from. We only have a few months left!