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Do you really believe that Kamala Harris, the woman who didn’t get a single primary vote and is one of the most unpopular VPs of all time, is suddenly leading a massively popular political movement? If you buy that, you probably also believe the Biden/Harris economy is the best we’ve ever seen, right? Well, just like everything else surrounding Biden, Harris, and now Walz, what you’re being told isn’t always what’s actually happening. And when it comes to the disastrous economy, one of their biggest scams has just been exposed. If Americans have any hope of getting back on track, they better start paying attention. One person who is paying attention is President Trump, and he just called out this latest fraud—the numbers have been cooked, folks. The Biden/Harris economy is so much worse than we ever imagined, and they’ve been trying to hide it.

Here’s what President Trump posted on Truth Social:


And as usual, President Trump is right. And the entire Biden/Harris admin knows it, but they think they can play stupid, and you won’t question them.

You’ve been lied to on a massive and unprecedented scale.

They inflated the job numbers by nearly one million. They knew exactly what they were doing. And now, they figure you either won’t notice or don’t care. After all, what can you actually run on when you’re part of the team that’s buried the American people in a hellhole? Not much, which is why you end up running on so-called “joy.” Unreal right? In truth, if you think that the most unpopular VP in US history and an unknown Minnesota governor are taking the country by storm, we’ve got 81 million fake votes to sell you.

RELATED: Did Kamala just launch an economic ‘WMD’ with her new, most dangerous policy yet?

Sadly, the Harris/Walz fraud is happening on many levels, and it’s all too real. The Harris/Walz ticket is all smoke and mirrors. That’s not to say Kamala doesn’t have a shot at winning—she absolutely does, thanks to the Dems’ political machine and the tricks they’ve got up their sleeve—but to suggest these two unpopular, unknown radical hacks have sparked a political revival in the US over the past couple weeks is downright laughable.

But after all is said and done, the question most Americans are probably asking is, how joyful is it to spend 18 bucks on a package of chicken or pay double for your utility bills? This is why the DNC speakers are literally standing there, saying nothing.

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This is the ugly truth about the Harris/Walz campaign: they’re a walking disaster and would be the final nail in America’s coffin. Their policies are so extreme and radical that we simply couldn’t survive four years of their extremism.

Trump War Room:

The Bureau of Labor Statistics just made their largest downward revision to the jobs numbers in 15 years:

📉Total jobs: -818,000
📉Manufacturing: -115,000
📉Trade, Transportation, & Utilities: -104,000
📉Professional & Business Services: -358,000
📉Leisure & Hospitality: -150,000

Meanwhile, 1.2 million native born Americans lost employment over the last year while 1.3 million foreign born workers found jobs.

This is your “record job growth” that Kamala and Biden love to talk about.

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Kamala, who has zero experience running anything, let alone the massive US economy, would drag us into a second depression with her DEI-driven “expertise” in economics.