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There are a few Democrat insiders who haven’t fully bought into the regime’s propaganda, and they occasionally tell it like it is. Two of those are James Carville and David Axelrod. Like them or not, these guys are among the best in the left-wing political game, which is why they’ve stuck around so long. Carville, for example, was the one who admitted that preachy “Karen” women are destroying the left. He took a lot of heat for that comment, but he’s right. Axelrod and Carville are old-school political operatives who still have some shred of credibility. So when Axelrod, who’s obviously seen the internal polls that the public doesn’t get to see, expresses concern, it’s worth paying attention.

Axelrod claims that if the election were held today, President Trump would likely win. Now, some might think Axelrod is just delivering bad news to light a fire under Democrat voters and make sure they show up to stop Trump. But it could also mean that those internal polls show the truth: the most unpopular VP in US history, with no primary votes and no successful policies, just isn’t as popular as the media wants us to believe.

Is she more popular than a dementia-riddled old man with failed policies? Maybe; time will tell.

If you really read between the lines, here’s what Axelrod is saying:

They’re relieved Kamala has brought Democrat voters back into the fold since Biden was losing them, but that’s not enough to win. She’s still trailing, though they claim it’s close. They see the key for Kamala as swaying those last few swing independent voters to her side.

That could be a tall order, but if President Trump misses the mark with those voters, she could slip in. Could that happen? Possibly. Trump sometimes gets sidetracked by squabbles and focuses more on black and Hispanic voters instead of rallying his massive base of mostly white voters in the swing states.

However, while it’s understandable that Dems are breathing a collective sigh of relief that any warm body has taken the place of Biden, who was a serious drag on the ticket, we can’t forget that the Dems are the masters at rewriting the narrative and pulling off a “smoke and mirrors” style show to push their version of the story.

We saw them do this with Biden for years, until they simply couldn’t keep up the charade, and then suddenly, the ugly truth came pouring out. But that “truth” was always there; it was just buried under piles of media propaganda. And that’s why Democrats can pull off this “smoke and mirrors” scheme—because they have the media in their back pockets. Recent comments about “over-exaggerated” polling from the head of Kamala’s SuperPAC only add more credibility to this theory and also explain why Axelrod is carefully sounding the alarm bells.


The founder of the main outside spending group backing Kamala Harris’ presidential bid says their own opinion polling is less “rosy” than public polls suggest and warned that Democrats face much closer races in key states.

Chauncey McLean, president of Future Forward, a super political action committee, or super PAC, that has raised hundreds of millions of dollars to back Harris in the Nov. 5 election, spoke on Monday during an event hosted by the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.

“Our numbers are much less rosy than what you’re seeing in the public,” said McLean, who rarely talks publicly.

While Dems celebrate this so-called “surge” for a woman who’s accomplished nothing and has been part of the duo that dragged the US into a black hole of despair, there’s one thing we should remember as we fight this battle for 2024. For the left, it’s never been about improving American lives or making the country great again. It’s always been about “anybody but Trump,” no matter who gets crushed in the process. President Trump recently posted a graphic that perfectly illustrates how the left’s 2024 race is entirely about stopping him, not making America great again.


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While “anybody but Trump” might not seem like a winning strategy, we can’t overlook the fact that there are plenty of voters out there with a deep and irrational hatred for President Trump. We can’t dismiss them, no matter how unhinged they might seem. The TDS movement has numbers behind it, which is why it’s absolutely vital for President Trump to channel his energy into mobilizing his white, working-class base. If he can do that, he’ll secure the election, no matter how many “smoke and mirrors” tactics the left tries to pull.