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Ashley Biden, Jill and Joe Biden’s daughter, opened a huge Pandora’s Box at the DNC when she introduced her father to the crowd. It’s no secret that Ashley and Joe have a questionable relationship, thanks to her diary, that she accidentally left in a halfway house after she went through therapy for a laundry list of issues and addictions—a sad but typical problem with the Biden children.

So, you can imagine everyone’s shock when Ashley stood at the DNC podium and introduced her father as the “OG girl dad.” How do you go from inappropriate showers to “girl dad spirit”? It’s a leap that’s just too far for any normal person to make.

Those comments opened a can of worms, and the internet was instantly flooded with reminders of Ashley’s dark and disturbing diary entry.

Below is the entry from Ashley Biden’s official diary, where she claims she and her father took “inappropriate showers” together and wonders if she was molested. And for anyone still claiming the diary isn’t real, even the left-wing dopes at Snopes admit it’s genuine.


Ashley herself also confirmed the diary is hers.

After reading her diary entry below, Ashley’s remarks about Joe’s “girl dad spirit” have us thinking that kind of “spirit” should be a felony in all 50 states.


After Ashley’s bizarre comments, the memes and comments started flowing like water—pun fully intended.

Here’s what folks online are saying about Ashley’s introduction:

“I was half expecting talk of an inappropriate shower.”

“Girl dad’s don’t shower with their daughters”

“Um, no, he should be in prison for what he did to you”

“OG girl dads don’t take showers with their prepubescent daughters…”

“Wow. Democrats make Scientology look like an amateur cult.”

“It’s sad how much people will lie.”

“Stockholm shower syndrome.”

“When she said “when I was 8, my father…” I held my breath.”

“O.G…. Is that a type of shower spigot?”

“They lie with such ease. It’s not even a challenge for them. Truth is invisible to them.”

“I was thinking she should quote pages from her diary”

“Cannot believe she would show her face here. Can’t believe any of the Bidens would show their faces, come to think of it.”

Sadly, what happened to Ashley isn’t a joke, and it’s shameful that she’s not using her platform to speak out about the abuse and educate others. Instead, she, like the entire regime media, is pretending Joe Biden was some “super dad.” The truth is, Joe Biden is a terrible father. He raised two children with severe addiction issues and sexual deviance—hardly something to be proud of or celebrate. Meanwhile, President Trump has raised his children to be respectable members of society and job creators, yet the media paints him as a monster. But Trump’s beautiful, graceful, and classy granddaughter, Kai, tells a different story.

Once again, everything we see from Biden and the entire Democratic Party is just a smoke-and-mirrors act—so outdated and archaic that no one’s falling for it anymore.