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For any so-called “conservatives” still supporting RFK Jr. over President Trump because you think you’re voting for “real change,” we’ve got bad news for you. You’ve been duped by yet another career politician. It turns out RFK Jr. isn’t really interested in changing or fixing our broken government. Instead, he’s more focused on making a name for himself and landing a cushy job. That’s why he’s on his knees, groveling to Kamala Harris, hoping to score a high-profile cabinet position.

The New York Times:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the independent presidential candidate whose standing has dropped in the polls, sought a meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris to discuss endorsing her in exchange for a promise of a cabinet post, according to two people briefed on the outreach who insisted on anonymity to discuss private conversations.

His effort has been unsuccessful. The news was first reported by The Washington Post.

“We’ve reached out repeatedly through the highest level intermediaries,” Mr. Kennedy wrote in a text message on Wednesday night. “We’ve been told that they have no interest in talking with me.”

There was little chance the Harris campaign would engage with Mr. Kennedy. Public and private polling has found that as he spent the summer attacking President Biden, he began to draw more support from voters otherwise predisposed to back former President Donald J. Trump. Now Ms. Harris does better in some surveys when Mr. Kennedy is included than when she is tested in a head-to-head matchup with Mr. Trump.

Mr. Kennedy, long seen as a potential spoiler in the race, has slipped in polls and struggled to raise money, and he has appeared to consider potential off ramps as speculation has grown about whether he might drop out and, if so, whether he would endorse Ms. Harris or Mr. Trump.

This is a far cry from what RFK Jr. said just a few weeks ago when he called Kamala “unelectable” during an interview with Piers Morgan.

Now, keep in mind that this wasn’t just some off-the-cuff remark RFK Jr. made once. He went on a full-blown cable news tour, making sure everyone knew how involved Kamala Harris was in the Biden “dementia” coverup that helped turn this country into a full-blown disaster.

American Values:

RFK Jr. calls Kamala Harris “concealer-in-chief”

“Kamala has a lot of explaining to do.

She was seeing the President every day.

She was telling the American public again and again:

‘He’s completely capable of running the country, there’s no signs of deterioration, there’s no signs of cognitive impairment.’

That clearly was not true.”

If Kamala was part of duping the American people, why would RFK Jr.—the guy who claims he wants to “shake things up”—want to work with her? We all know why. It just goes to show that everything these career politicians say is fake and opportunistic.

This move comes after RFK Jr. also tried to weasel his way into a cabinet position with President Trump. The New York Times piece continues:

The Post reported last month that Mr. Kennedy had held talks with Mr. Trump about a possible cabinet job, proposing a role in public health leadership, in exchange for his support. And in a leaked video of a phone call between the two men, Mr. Trump tried to cajole Mr. Kennedy to exit the race and endorse him.

Politicians like this, whose “endorsement” is for sale, are not sincere. They don’t care about what’s good for the American people—only about how they can milk a situation to better themselves. For those who didn’t see it before, RFK Jr. is just another “finger in the air” career politician who happened to have a good stance on COVID and the vaccine. The truth is, he’s likely not interested in changing the game—he’s only looking for better ways to play it for himself.