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Is there trouble in lawfare paradise? It sure seems that way. The big plan to put President Trump behind bars appears to be unraveling, causing significant internal conflict within the regime’s “injustice” department. Jack Smith, the controversial and unconstitutional “prosecutor” in President Trump’s sham election fraud case, announced on Thursday that he needs until August 30 to outline his case against Trump, following the Supreme Court’s July 1st ruling on presidential immunity—a clear victory for Trump.

The disgraceful Obama-appointed judge, Tanya Chutkan, has asked both sides to weigh in on how the case should proceed after the Supreme Court handed Trump this win on presidential immunity, making the prosecution’s goal of unleashing lawfare against Trump much, much harder.

Now, Smith—who many believe wasn’t even lawfully appointed to his post—is being forced to back down and call off his dogs. This isn’t what they planned for, so is that why an assassin was brought in as “plan B”?

The recent delay is exposing some very ugly internal conflicts within the regime’s ranks. This is what happens when the best-laid plans start to crumble.

Trouble in lawfare paradise? It sure looks that way.


MSNBC legal analyst, Lisa Rubin, wrote on X, formerly Twitter, on Thursday that the delay may point to tension between Smith and the Department of Justice about how to continue with the case.

“Trump and Jack Smith were scheduled to tell Tanya Chutkan tomorrow how the D.C. election interference case should move forward. Instead, Smith told her tonight that he needs until the end of the month to propose next steps.”

“Unsurprisingly, the Kings of Delay, Stall & Ignore — aka Team Trump — were happy to accede to this request,” Rubin wrote

“What is less clear, however, is why Smith and co. need more time to ‘consult’. Is it less about consultation & instead revelatory of internal disputes about the best way — or any way — forward?” she asked.

Former federal prosecutor, Joyce Vance, wrote that Smith’s office is burdened by federal laws that force him to consult with the Department of Justice on key decisions.

“Getting it right matters more than going fast.”

Interesting, since not too long ago, “going fast” was the only course of action for Jack Smith and his pitbulls. The Newsweek piece goes on:

“That’s exactly why the Special Counsel is required to consult with other components, although it’s undoubtedly a requirement that the office chafes under,” Vance wrote in her legal blog, Civil Discourse, on Friday.

“I didn’t like it any better when, as a sitting U.S. Attorney, I was required to consult with a variety of offices in Main Justice before proceeding on certain types of matters. For one thing, I was always certain we had reached the correct decision inside of our office. For another, I disliked the delay,” she wrote.

“But something I learned through the process was that you could go fast alone or far together. The opportunity to have some of the smartest lawyers in the country pushing back against decisions, making contrary arguments, and testing conclusions means that the Special Counsel will come out on the other side with decisions that are that much stronger,” Vance added.

She said that the consultation means that Trump’s trial will definitely not start before the 2024 presidential election.

And that last part is a massive blow to the regime, which genuinely believed they had President Trump pinned against the ropes with their sham trials and lawless “injustice.” Just imagine how butthurt Trump-haters and lawfare architects like Andrew Weissman must be right now.

We all know how destroyed he was when the Supreme Court turned his plans to dust.

All that effort to interfere with another US election and weaponize the justice system—for nothing. Although they did succeed in making an absolute mockery of the justice system, attacking innocent Trump supporters, and turning us into a banana republic. So for the regime, that part was a huge win.