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Team Kamala is showing its desperate true colors. Kamala in such bad shape that she’s now begging for white votes. Recently, they launched a cringeworthy “White Dudes for Harris” campaign featuring out-of-touch elites and effeminate poofs gushing over Kamala. It went about as well as you’d expect and spawned a plethora of hilarious online memes.

But, more on that later. Now, the next phase of their desperate bid for white votes has begun. This time, it’s “White Women for Harris,” and they’ve got a real doozy heading up this cringe fest. Enter Arielle Fodor, arguably the most insufferable human being on the planet, who is, of course, the voice of the “White Women for Harris” campaign.

How perfectly fitting, right?

It’s no surprise that Arielle, who’s likely all about “my body, my choice,” wants to force untested, sketchy vaccines on everyone else.

The scariest part of all this is that this young woman was a teacher. Imagine having your child’s mind molded by this lunatic.

Typical white liberal woman, talking to others as if they’re 5-year-olds. This pretty much sums up exactly how these Karens talk to minorities and anybody else they deem beneath them.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: The “weird” white woman who went viral during a Women’s Kamala Zoom call is a teacher turned influencer whose TikTok account is even more cringe than her Zoom incident.

“Mrs Frazzled” is known for talking to her TT audience as if she is speaking to 5-year-olds.

She covers an array of topics in her “teacher voice” on TT where she boasts 1.3 million followers. So cringe.

What really keeps Arielle going is making money while being a condescending jerk to everyone else. Again, typical.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: The cringe white Harris supporter who went viral for talking to grown women like they were 5, is upset that Elon Musk criticized her.

In a recent video on TT, “Mrs. Frazzled” bragged about all the money she is making in an apparent effort to cope with her frustration.

She appeared to be upset at one of Musk’s comments on my previous post.

“Check out [Musk’s] replies – I’m there twice, unfortunately.”

In an effort to cope with her irritation, Frazzled is now bragging about all the money she is making on TikTok.

“It is what it is. But one thing about me is: I’m gonna make money off of ’em.”

“Still makes me money.”

I have added photos of the comment that upset her as well as screenshots of her comments in the video below.

The irony here is that little Ms. Arielle, who talks to everyone like they’re clueless toddlers, doesn’t want any white women “correcting” black women. So, if a black woman doesn’t want to vote for Kamala, this kook will quietly celebrate her, right?

To put it bluntly, we feel so bad for her poor Indian husband.

Kamala is going all-in on whites, and as we mentioned earlier, she launched a cringe campaign focusing on white “dudes.” Although the jury is still out on the “male” or “dude” part of this effeminate group.


After years of berating, emasculating, and vilifying white men, the Kamala Harris campaign has realized they desperately need their votes. With straight black men jumping ship, they launched the “White Dudes for Harris” campaign. It was as cringeworthy as you’d expect, and it went over about as well as a lead balloon.

And nobody captured the lead balloon “vibes” better than Mayor Pete, who appears to have gotten a tingle up and down his leg during the Zoom call.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: Pete Buttigieg says politics is all about “vibes” and says the vibes on the White Dudes for Harris call is “incredible.”

“So much politics is just vibes. Having said that, the vibes right now are incredible.”

The former mayor later discussed about how important abortion is for men because it makes them “more free.”

You can read the entire hilarious piece by clicking here:

The ‘White Dudes for Harris’ Zoom call goes over like a lead balloon…

Clearly, this mentally ill woman has an anti-white fetish and thrives on this bizarre behavior. Unfortunately, elite liberal white women, brimming with self-loathing, will be the downfall of Western civilization. The only thing we can do is strip away their power and leave them crying in their oat milk lattes.