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The political coronation of the “Cackling Queen” isn’t exactly going according to plan. In fact, Kamala Harris could rank as one of the worst potential presidential candidates since Michael Dukakis or that dud, Walter Mondale. She’s never been popular, let alone likable. Remember how her Democratic primary campaign tanked faster than a lead balloon? It was so bad, she was forced to bow out before Iowa. In other words, it was over before it ever got started. The truth is, Kamala has always been a loser, and now it appears the Dems are set on installing her in the White House—a woman so inept, she’s polling below a drooling buffoon.

RELATED: Now they’re trying to pretend Kamala was never Border Czar, but Community Notes on X sets everyone straight…

And if things weren’t bad enough for Kamala, she’s now facing backlash from popular left-wing groups. The latest to rebuke her are the Marxists at BLM—a group that should’ve been labeled a “domestic terror organization” along with Antifa eons ago. Nonetheless, they still wield a lot of power and influence within the Democrat Party, thanks to low-info voters who have ankle-deep knowledge of any critical issue. BLM’s scathing post about Kamala is definitely going to leave a mark.


President @JoeBiden Today:

🎤 “I am dropping out of the presidential race to defend democracy.”

🎤 “We must unite to protect democracy.”

🎤 “Nothing should stand in the way of saving our democracy.”

🎤 “In a democracy, the people, not kings or dictators, rule.”

@DNC Today in a Smoke-Filled Room:

“We will create an open, fair, inclusive and transparent process to select the next Democratic nominee.” However:

•The American people will not get a chance to vote for the Democratic nominee and their VP.
•DNC party bosses will vote instead of the American people.
•While a virtual primary for the American people isn’t possible, we will make it possible for DNC party bosses to vote virtually.

BUT, none of that even really matters because nearly 2,000 DNC party bosses have already told the Associated Press that they are committed to Kamala Harris and her unknown VP as the Democratic nominee, so Harris already won the open, fair, inclusive and transparent process, which is really just for show.

Since 1972, no Democratic nominee has been installed by delegates (DNC Party bosses) without a primary election. More importantly, we can’t undermine democracy to achieve… democracy!

Standing on principle is often unpopular, but maintaining democratic principles and processes, even in challenging or unexpected situations, is critical.


RELATED: Not even free coffee can lure election volunteers for Dems…

You’d think BLM would be thrilled to have Kamala in office. After all, she’s the one who helped many of their thugs and hoodlums get back on the streets during the deadly “Summer of Love” riots by promoting a bail fund for violent rioters, sex offenders, and even murderers.

If Kamala Harris hadn’t shared that link and helped violent killers get back on the streets, how many lives could have been saved? We may never know. But here’s the irony: Kamala put her entire reputation on the line and put lives in grave danger to help her pals at BLM, only to be unceremoniously thrown under the bus by them when she needed them most. There’s a lot of amusement in that, right? Grab your popcorn, folks—things are only going to get wilder. But whatever you do, never underestimate this enemy we’re up against. With the Dems, a losing candidate with no “real” chance to win has never stopped them before, and it won’t stop them this time, either.