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Well, the jig is up. The plot to conceal Biden’s cognitive decline has completely fallen apart, and now all that remains are the shattered reputations of those who defended him most fiercely. And the ones who deserve a “gold medal” in the Save Biden Olympics are his team of screeching fish wives, who would snap and yell at reporters daring to question him and quickly (and loudly) shoo them away. This ridiculous “shooing” by Biden’s fish wives has been ongoing since the moment Joe was installed, proving, without a doubt, that his cognitive abilities were compromised from the start, and everyone close to him knew it and tried to hide it from the American people.

The truly insulting part is that they know the gig is up, yet they keep hiding Joe from prying eyes. This latest “fishwife” spectacle just unfolded a few months ago.

As we’ve mentioned, this hysterical “shooing” isn’t anything new—it’s been their tactic from the very start. Here are some more examples of these screeching mimis going to bat for the old guy.

These screeching fish wives must be paid a fortune to protect ol’ Joe, because, according to the word on the street and reports from Axios, the “Big Guy” is not exactly a pleasant boss. In fact, he’s known to be downright verbally abusive.


This shouldn’t shock anyone; after all, Biden has been a cantankerous crabapple throughout his entire public life.


In public, President Biden likes to whisper to make a point. In private, he’s prone to yelling, Axios reported.

Behind closed doors, Biden has such a quick-trigger temper that some aides try to avoid meeting alone with him. Some take a colleague, almost as a shield against a solo blast.

The president’s admonitions include: “God dammit, how the f**k don’t you know this?!,” “Don’t f**king bullsh*t me!” and “Get the f**k out of here!” — according to current and former Biden aides who have witnessed and been on the receiving end of such outbursts.

The private eruptions paint a more complicated picture of Biden as a manager and president than his carefully cultivated image as a kindly uncle who loves Aviator sunglasses and ice cream.

Senior and lower-level aides alike can be in Biden’s line of fire. “No one is safe,” said one administration official.

As Biden’s cognitive issues continue to decline, his public “grandfatherly” mask keeps slipping.

And when Joe’s not verbally lashing out at staff, Jill steps in. When things go awry and Joe blunders publicly, Jill doesn’t own up to pushing her clearly sick husband onto the stage. Instead, she points fingers at the staff, tearing into them, never once owning her own evil behavior.

Conservative Brief:

First lady Jill Biden let her husband and his aides have it after she felt they allowed a 2022 press conference to go on too long and demanded to know why someone did not end it sooner.

According to a new book, Jill asked: “Where were you guys? ‘Where was the person who was going to end the press conference?”

In her upcoming book “American Woman,” which explores modern first ladies, author Katie Rogers reveals that Jill Biden confronted President Biden and his aides following the Jan. 19, 2022, news conference commemorating his first year in office. During the nearly two-hour conference, Biden discussed various issues but occasionally stumbled over facts and reacted strongly to a reporter who cited his remarks comparing political adversaries to segregationists, Fox News reported.

“She had watched the news conference, and the look on her face told everyone in the room — from the president on down — that they had some explaining to do,” Rogers wrote in the excerpt reported by Axios. “‘Why didn’t anyone stop that?’ she demanded.”

Rogers wrote that the first lady’s hostile reaction even cowered her husband into silence.

We published a recent piece outlining how Jill Biden is the real power behind the day-to-day operations within the Biden White House.


Many are asking, “Who’s really running the White House? Who’s in charge?” While it’s a complex question with likely many layers—including a potential top spot for Barry Obama—the day-to-day operations seem to be under the control of Jill Biden. While she’s portrayed as a simple “school principal,” she’s now seemingly playing “president,” while her incapacitated husband licks ice cream cones and wanders aimlessly. And now, a very telling line in Jill’s recent Vogue interview says it all, giving us a peek behind that “magic” Biden curtain.


It’s starting to look as if Jill is battling for her political life, not Joe’s. Politico reports that she and Hunter are the loudest voice urging Joe to keep clinging to the White House. And it makes sense, because each has his own motive: Hunter faces a looming trial over his creative tax dealings, and Jill relishes her role as the unelected “co-president.”

You can read the entire in-depth piece by clicking here:

One sentence slipped out in Jill Biden’s recent ‘Vogue’ interview that reveals the plot…

That last line really says it all. Jill has successfully “cowered” her husband, the so-called “President of the United States,” into silence. So, based on that, it shouldn’t be a mystery to anyone who’s actually running the day-to-day operations at the White House. It’s Jill Biden. This probably wasn’t part of Obama’s cozy plan for his third term. He likely didn’t anticipate Joe’s rapid decline, or maybe he overestimated the ability of the screeching fish wives to ward off all those prying “conservative” eyes. The irony of this whole “coverup” is that we all saw how mentally sick Biden was, but many Americans were gaslit by the elites and media into believing it was just a “childhood stutter.”

And speaking of that hotbed topic, click here to read the exclusive we published on that “stutter”:

I Listened to 43 HOURS of Joe Biden Clips From 1986-2018 Looking for His “Childhood Stutter”

But never forget, the first line of defense for Joe Biden has always been his brigade of screeching fish wives, shielding him from scrutiny.