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As we’ve warned before, always expect the unexpected—or, in this case, a repeat of 2020. That’s exactly what’s unfolding in Wisconsin, now under the thumb of a left-wing Supreme Court. They’re acting as minions for the regime, setting up “firewalls” in battleground states for the upcoming election. What’s the latest maneuver? The left-wing justices have rolled back the clock, overturning previous rulings from conservative judges by reinstating the recently-banned “ballot drop boxes.” It’s a clear step back from the fairness and justice the conservative court had established and a bid to steal another election.

I Meme Therefore I Am:

BREAKING: The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Friday ruled 4-3 to reinstate the use of most ballot drop boxes across the crucial battleground state, overturning a decision it made less than two years ago that banned the use of most of those boxes.

We are back to 2020 elections, let the cheating start.

It’s hard not to imagine that the millions of Biden illegals won’t be visiting these boxes frequently. What brought about this unjust, anti-American change?

Well, this is probably one reason:

However, there’s more to it. To fully answer that question, it’s only fair to point out that six of the seven judges are women, including all four of the liberal justices. So, here we are again, dealing with over-emotional, hysterical, affluent, white, female liberals (AWFL) with Stage 5 Trump Derangement Syndrome, interfering in an election from the comfort of their judicial bench.

The Washington Post:

Liberals on the Wisconsin Supreme Court cleared the way Friday for the use of absentee-ballot drop boxes, changing the rules for voting four months before the presidential election and reversing a decision made by conservatives two years ago when they controlled the court.

The 4-3 ruling came a year after liberals took a majority on the top court in a crucial swing state and six months after they undid a gerrymander that had long given Republicans huge majorities in the state legislature. The prospect of other major decisions became clear this week because the justices agreed to hear two abortion cases and an appeal appeared headed their way over striking down portions of a law that has crippled the powers of unions for government workers for more than a decade.

Ballot drop boxes were available for years in some Wisconsin communities, and their use was greatly expanded for the 2020 presidential election as voters turned to absentee voting because of the covid-19 pandemic. Top Wisconsin Republicans supported them at the time but turned against them after Joe Biden narrowly beat President Donald Trump in the state.

Scott Pressler has been ringing the alarm bells on this issue for eons, tirelessly working to safeguard the Wisconsin Supreme Court. But despite his efforts, it seems we were asleep at the wheel yet again.

Is it time to install cameras and guards at every “steal box” in Wisconsin, and beyond?

More from the Washington Post:

Four months before the 2022 midterm elections, conservatives who then controlled the state Supreme Court ruled in favor of a group of voters who argued that ballot drop boxes could not be used because state law did not specifically authorize them. A year later, voters elected a liberal to replace a retiring conservative justice, ending conservatives’ 15-year control of the court.

Soon afterward, the liberal group Priorities USA sued to bring back ballot drop boxes, and on Friday, the majority agreed with the group.

State law says absentee ballots must be returned by mail or in person. Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, writing for the majority, said ballot drop boxes provide a way to deliver ballots in person because the drop boxes are maintained by election officials.

The majority had to overturn the 2022 decision because its analysis in that case “was not merely wrong, but was unsound in principle,” she wrote.

Sadly, and this might sound harsh, but given all we’ve witnessed lately, there is basically zero evidence that giving women full freedoms results in pro-civilizational behavior. Right now, it’s clear: the Dems didn’t orchestrate a treasonous theft of the presidency only to give up easily and hand over the White House. What we’re seeing isn’t a one-off event; it’s a full-scale takeover of the United States as we know it. They know they’ve pushed the envelope too far, and without pulling some strings behind the scenes, there’s no way they’re getting a dementia patient back into the White House for a second term. That’s what this Wisconsin move is all about, and now the Republicans must react in a way that will secure what’s shaping up to be a repeat of 202o.