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Is there anyone more twisted and disgraceful than the ogres over at Project Lincoln? It’s quite telling that even after being ousted from polite society over grooming accusations, they’re still cheered on and funded by Biden supporters. It says a lot about the “NeverTrump” movement, right? But just when you think they’ve hit rock bottom, they manage to dig even deeper. In a bizarre attempt to take a “victory lap,” the Lincoln Project shared a clip glorifying prison shower rape in a twisted and feeble attempt to smear Steve Bannon, who was politically targeted and imprisoned by the regime. But the whole scheme spectacularly backfired. The real twist? It ended up putting Joe Biden right in the crosshairs, all thanks to what his daughter Ashley revealed about taking “inappropriate showers” with her father in her verified diary.

Here’s a closeup of the image:

While the Lincoln Project tried to use inappropriate shower references to hit Bannon, the internet quickly turned its attention to Biden’s own daughter, spotlighting the president instead.

Decent people, even those who aren’t rallying behind Bannon, were appalled by the clip.

Here’s what folks online had to say about this sick “rape glorifying” clip:

“The left’s favorite pedophile group posts a clip about illicit sex in a shower. Not surprising since their candidate showered with his young daughter.”

“These creeps are sharing their inner fantasies right here for all to see.”

“This is absolutely disgusting. It’s vile. What is wrong with these people?”

“The only person who should be scared to go in the shower is Biden’s daughter.”

“Do they not realize this would remind everyone of Ashely Biden’s accusation about her dad and showers?”

“Maybe the guys accused of pedophilia should avoid talking about sex in the shower”

“I’m sure Ashley Biden has something to say about inappropriate showers”

“This is absolutely vile and disgusting. X should not allow these nasty people to use this platform to glorify the rape of others for cheap political points.”

“Ashely Biden has something to say about showers”

“real-life prison rape isn’t funny. even bad people you don’t like don’t deserve to be raped.”

“I’m not sure how to feel about Steve Bannon, but I do know that disgusting evil people are projecting their fantasies about him being raped into the world. You people are despicable.”

At some point, you’d think these vile scumbags would realize they’re not the “good guys.” But that won’t happen because these clueless, washed-up GOP establishment pundits are so out of touch that they don’t see how their posts could massively backfire, not just on Biden but on themselves too. Given their shaky history with “kids,” you’d think they’d tread carefully on “sexy” content, right?

Especially now that Rick Wilson, a Lincoln Project “star,” just learned that yet another one of his buddies has been arrested for child sex abuse.

And here’s the kicker: Merrick Garland pulled the same stunt that landed Steve Bannon in hot water, yet he’s walked away scot-free because, let’s face it, the GOP isn’t exactly stepping up. The hypocrisy is glaring.

And to make matters worse for the failed and disgraced Lincoln Project, Steve Bannon is actually doing great. His spirits are up, and he wants everyone to get to work and win back the White House.

Since President Trump burst onto the political scene, we’ve seen some real shake-ups. Not only has the mainstream media’s credibility been shattered, but the shady characters from Project Lincoln have been booted right out of the conservative circle, and that’s something to be very proud of.