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Well, the so-called “debate of the century” just wrapped up, and it looks like the Democrats have chalked up another epic defeat. But let’s be clear: that was no ordinary debate. It was more like a masterfully orchestrated performance designed to destroy Joe Biden. Could it have been a cleverly-crafted coup? Judging by the tremendous fallout, it seems something is definitely up. As Revolver explained recently in an insightful article about our electoral system, the cleanest exit strategy for the Democrats would have been a graceful step down by Biden himself. But with Joe’s stubborn streak and the power-crazed glint in Dr. Jill’s eye, that was always a long shot. There were murmurs about using Hunter as leverage to nudge Joe out. Yet, in a twist of fate, it appears Joe may have delivered the coup de grâce himself by stepping into a trap, cleverly disguised as a debate. It’s one theory floating around. SNAP! They got him…


According to a Rasmussen survey at the end of February, nearly half of the public thinks Biden will be out by next November, with Michelle Obama the most popular choice to replace him.

It’s all a tempting thing to believe, not because it’s an attractive prospect in its own right but because it would at least suggest the world makes sense. After all, how could a serious nation be led by an octogenarian with such a manifestly degraded mental condition as to be deemed, like a child, to be cognitively incapable of criminal responsibility? The lamentable truth of it all, of course, is that we are not a serious nation. But wouldn’t a joke nation such as ours, precisely because it has become a joke, at least want a serious-looking figurehead? There is indeed something uncomfortably and improbably honest about the flagrant consonance between the inner and outer appearance of our corroded body politic.

At any rate, the implicit expectation of those cited above is that “they”—that  is, the establishment—will simply get rid of Biden. On a surface level, it would appear that the system has not only the motive but also the means. Recall the remarkable swiftness and efficiency with which the Democrat machine effected a consolidation around Joe Biden in the 2020 Democrat primary. Biden, a two-time failed candidate, took 4th in Iowa and a humiliating 5th in New Hampshire. In Nevada, he finished second but also lost to Bernie Sanders by more than 20 points. But suddenly, after a win in South Carolina, everything almost magically fell into place. Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar dropped out abruptly and endorsed Biden; the party establishment rallied to him, and suddenly Biden was the overwhelming favorite who proceeded to crush Sanders for the nomination.

In 2020, “they”—Democrat  movers and shakers, operating behind the scenes—anointed Biden. So surely, “they” could do it again, right?

Not so fast. The forces that were able to manipulate the Democratic Party so effectively four years ago have lost their edge in 2024, and whatever hope the party had of replacing Biden has actually been squandered through sheer cowardice and inaction. Simply put, the Democrats have sleepwalked into a disastrous position in which they can’t live with Biden and can’t get rid of him—at least unless he dies or voluntarily steps aside. Otherwise, the regime is stuck with the Old Man.

All jokes about “they” aside, who actually is the “they” that people imagine removing Biden? Some imagine an omniscient but invisible force guiding all of politics, but the truth is more mundane: Politics really is a world where many different interest groups battle it out for influence. Sometimes it’s public, sometimes it’s private, but almost always it’s messy. Sometimes, savvy billionaires can call the shots. More often, they find ways to embarrass themselves and squander a lot of money. Michael Bloomberg blew $500 million to buy Kirk Douglas’s last words and win 51 delegates.

So if Joe Biden is going to be yanked off the ballot in favor of somebody else, some person or some group of anti-Trump political influencers needs to make it happen. Let Revolver succinctly lay out some options, both real and fanciful.

You can read the rest of this very informative piece here:

The Left Has to Replace Biden. Here’s Why They Can’t.

There’s a mountain of drama to explore after last night’s epic showdown, so let’s dive right in. We’ll kick things off with the debate highlights, cutting through all the noise to the meat of the matter. From there, we’ll sift through the growing chorus of voices urging Biden to bow out gracefully. And then, we’ll delve into the buzz surrounding the “Great Newsom Replacement Theory.” Strap in—it’s going to be a bumpy ride through the crazy US political landscape.

Last night’s debate was overshadowed by the border invasion, with Joe Biden, seemingly as clueless as ever, giving illegals credit for his cruddy economy.

One of President Trump’s standout moments was his fierce and spot-on critique of the unchecked border invasion, and the one question everyone’s asking is: has anyone in the regime been held accountable for this debacle? Clearly, the answer remains a resounding “no.”

Trump War Room:

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Did you fire anybody that’s allowed us to have the worst border in the history of the world? Did anybody get fired for allowing 18M people in — many from prisons and mental institutions?

Joe, our country is being destroyed as you and I sit up here and waste time with this debate.

President Trump laid the US drug crisis squarely at Biden’s feet.

Trump War Room:

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Crooked Joe opened the border and drugs poured in. Human trafficking took off. Biden DESTROYED our national security.

President Trump strategically made his big play for the Hispanic and black vote by spotlighting the crippling inflation that’s suffocating every American.

Trump War Room:

Crooked Joe Biden blamed inflation for his massive drop in support among Black Americans.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: He caused the inflation, and it’s killing Black families, Hispanic families, and just about everybody. They can’t buy groceries anymore. They can’t live.

President Trump didn’t hold back, calling Joe Biden the nation’s most bewildered liar.

Trump War Room:

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I’ve dealt with politicians all my life. I’ve been on this side of the equation for the last 8 years. I’ve never seen anybody lie like this guy. He lies.

Ouch. Trump hits his target.

And speaking of lies, Joe told this whopper:

RNC Research:

Biden claims he “didn’t” raise taxes on Americans making less than $400K/year. That’s a TOTAL LIE. Biden raised the tax burden on Americans earning as little as $20K/year — and he’d raise them a hell of a lot more in a second term.

President Trump didn’t mince words about Biden’s failed economic strategies, predicting Joe’s twisted plans would further debilitate and devastate the American people.

Trump War Room:

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Biden wants to END the TRUMP TAX CUTS and raise taxes on 91% of American families

And while we’re on the topic of confusion, Biden struggled to defend his broken brain.

Poor ol’ Joe doesn’t even realize there’s no audience.

President Trump was at his best calling a spade a spade.

Trump War Room:

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I’ll tell you something… I wish he was a great president because I wouldn’t be here right now.

I’d be at one of my many places enjoying myself. I wouldn’t be under indictment because I wouldn’t be his political opponent.

Behold, the DEI puppet “president” at his lowest.

A bewildered Joe Biden ended the debate just as he started it: muddled, confused, and rambling like a nursing home patient. It was hard to watch.


RNC Research:

Biden ends his disastrous and humiliating debate performance just as he began — rambling incoherently. He’s not only not playing with a full deck — he can’t even find the deck. SAD!

Clearly, the cocktail didn’t work this time.


Vivek gets it.

Dr. Jill to the rescue:

Meanwhile, President Trump wrapped up the debate by showcasing his “Art of the Deal” style.

As the debate ended, whispers of a coup began to swirl, suggesting the plot to dethrone Bumbling Biden was now set in motion.

The mainstream media is in full-blown panic mode. It’s not like they didn’t know the score—they’ve been covering for Bumbling Biden all along. They’ve been telling us to doubt what we see and hear with our own eyes and ears, completely dismissing Joe’s blunders as “cheap fakes,” and telling us President Trump is the guy with the “memory issues.” But now, the narrative is taking a sharp left turn. Suddenly, it’s time to spill the beans because Joe’s got to go. And just like clockwork, our pathetic propaganda media are snapping to attention, taking their latest marching orders from the regime leaders, and playing their parts like the dutiful little deep state soldiers they are.

RNC Research:

The New York Times: “Biden struggles”

ABC: “Biden falters in high-stakes debate”

POLITICO: “Democrats really have no way to spin this”

The Washington Post: “Biden struggles”

CBS: “Biden struggles early in presidential debate”

USA TODAY: “Debate reinforces concerns about the president’s age, future”

NBC: “Some Democrats call for Biden to step aside and ‘throw in the towel’ on 2024”

Fox News: “Dems concerned as sharp attacks from Trump put raspy Biden on the ropes during high-stakes debate”

Los Angeles Times: “Biden stumbles amid fierce attacks from Trump”

The Wall Street Journal: “Democrats Discuss Replacing Biden on Presidential Ticket”

CNN: “Biden’s debate performance sets off alarm bells for Democrats”

Associated Press: “Biden had a bad night”

Frank Luntz trotted out his focus group to deliver a brutal knockout to Biden, calling his debate performance a “political earthquake.”

Trump War Room:

CHUCK TODD: “That’s [Biden’s] his performance after five days at Camp David!? That’s AFTER rest!?”


Trump War Room:

BURNETT: Does Biden know how bad this was?

WALLACE: If he doesn’t know, that’s more alarming than anything.

Trump War Room:

NBC: “One of the worst moments for Biden tonight — when he lost track of what he was saying in the middle of an answer on Medicare.”


Trump War Room:

CHRIS WALLACE: This has been, quite frankly, a car accident in slow motion that we’ve seen over & over…

Joe Biden sought this remarkably early time because he knew he was losing and he needed to change the narrative. He changed the narrative: he sunk his campaign tonight.

Trump War Room:

BRUTAL: “There are at least some House Democrats … talking about talking to the White House about having [Biden] step down.”

Was Kamala actually doing “damage control” after the debate, or is she part of the plan to oust the old man who she reportedly can’t stand?


BREAKING: CNN grills Kamala Harris—should Joe Biden step aside?

“CNN’s John King has described a panic in the Democratic Party right now because of Biden’s performance. Some in your party are even asking if President Biden should step aside. What do you say to that?”

“The President’s performance tonight clearly was disappointing for his supporters. CNN reports that Democratic lawmakers watching the debate were worried about the President’s performance. One said it was a disaster. Another called it a trainwreck. Those are Democrats.”

“Your campaign wanted and pushed for this debate at this moment. You can’t honestly say that you are not concerned at all after watching the President’s performance tonight?”

As we mentioned earlier, Jill Biden plays the role of the opportunistic wife, propping up her feeble, confused husband. The real challenge for the Dems will be convincing her that it’s time for Joe to exit stage left. She’s holding onto the White House for dear life.

The consensus is crystal clear. The Dems want Joe out, and last night’s debate was their “Red Wedding” moment. For anybody who’s not a “Game of Thrones” fan, this means the Deep State made their move against Biden, and now it’s a waiting game to see if their plan worked and if Joe will bow out “gracefully.”

Rod D. Martin:

Thing we know:

1. The insiders knew Biden was like this.

2. They didn’t have to agree to any debate at all. They certainly didn’t have to propose and show up for the earliest debate in history.

3. So they humiliated Biden deliberately, but only after the primary voters get no say, yet early enough pre-Convention for the insiders to pick his successor before the fall campaign.

This has been the plan for a long, long time.

MJ DeMarco:

What you saw tonight was not a debate, but a staged coup.

Debate was purposely moved up to earliest date in history so a coordinated effort could be executed to remove Biden thereafter. The DNC and their media mouthpieces publicly bailing on Biden is not organic. Everything from the DNC is planned, staged, and orchestrated, with the media running the theater.

Of course, Republicans are completely enraptured by the theatrical performances of all the stage actors involved and believe it to be real.

The joke’s on all of us.

The elites have already lined up their next contender, and he’s waiting in the wings.

But the big question is this: Can Newsom, one of the most elitist white dudes out there, actually represent the Dems as the “people’s candidate”?

Sacramento Bee:

After Thursday night’s debate performance, one thing is crystal clear: The national Democratic Party must immediately announce they will seek to replace President Joe Biden as the presumptive candidate.

We can do better than this. There are still nearly two months before the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, scheduled for late August. Thursday’s debate made it clear that Biden must be replaced as the candidate with someone — anyone.
Even California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

It could be a Hail Mary play for the ages, bringing Newsom in to save the day like a handsome Hollywood leading man in a Sorkinesque script. He could rally delegates and fill them with enthusiasm. It would harken to a sense of normalcy in our country — even if it’s a rich, white, cis sense of normalcy.

It’s clear the Republican Party is determined to ride its orange horse all the way to The White House, but he remains a threat to democracy today just the same as he was eight years ago. But for the Democrats, only a fresh injection of visible vitality and something more than a minimally-acceptable level of intelligence will save Americans from a second Trump administration, and prominent Democrats and donors must now loudly begin the calls.

We have to have someone to rally around, and Newsom is the only person with enough name recognition to have a chance in such a moment.

Some are even thinking that perhaps they don’t actually need a candidate who can “beat” President Trump. Maybe all they need is a warm body to look the part, someone who can play the role while the mail-in ballots do the heavy lifting?

Our friends at RedState think Newsom will be the elites’ pick, and they also think Kamala will go along with the plot, no questions asked.


Strategists theorize that Democrats would have to hold a public event to symbolically transfer power to the new candidate. Biden, Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi would publicly introduce and endorse the anointed nominee.

They would also have to convince Harris to throw her support behind the substitute, which would be a painful experience for someone so fiercely protective of their political future.

And the Biden Replacement would also be a risk for the replacement nominee. If he or she took up the party banner and then lost to Trump in November, their political careers may never recover.

All Democrats may have some painful decisions ahead.

How would Democrats convince Harris? It’s my opinion that Rep. Nancy Pelosi will tap into her mob boss roots and have a little “Nice life you got there, it’d be a shame if something happened to it” type of discussion. Pelosi knows where all of the figurative bodies are buried related to Kamala since she’s the queen of the San Francisco power structure that developed Kamala, and she won’t hesitate to use that information if needed to help her nephew-by-marriage, Gavin Newsom, capture the White House.

We encourage you to read the entire piece; it’s a fascinating theory. Click here.

President Trump wasted no time releasing this brutal “lowlights” reel of Biden’s most bumbling moments.

No matter how this plays out or who the Democrats line up against President Trump, he’s clearly geared up and ready for battle. All we need to do is stay sharp and brace for surprises. The Democrats aren’t going to relinquish power without a fight. With their backs against the wall, anything could happen. Expect the unexpected—nothing is off the table.